Should the federal trials against Donald Trump be televised?

Meanwhile, back in reality, the Democrats want the trial televised.

Sounds good but unless they can muzzle his attorneys, I think they'll regret putting him on air live sharing the evidence from 2020 that was never allowed to be seen in court. Yeah... televise it, by all means!
Sounds good but unless they can muzzle his attorneys, I think they'll regret putting him on air live sharing the evidence from 2020 that was never allowed to be seen in court. Yeah... televise it, by all means!
The BigLie is electoral poison. Republicans who pushed did 3% worse, on average than those who didn't. So by all means, keep pushing it.
He HAS no side, halfwit.
The Hell he doesn't. Are you as dumb as you consistently sound?
The only side that really matters to Trump … is his own. Nothing else matters to this man. He’s the ultimate egoist, acting like a spoiled child, refusing to admit he lost when he loses, making up transparent stories. He’s also a performer who loves mugging before his adoring cult audience, and imbiding their love.

But none of that is likely to work in court, and I think he knows it. If Trump does choose to testify on his own behalf his best strategy at this point might be … to force the security guards to drag him out of court.

When the judge tries to cut him off, he should call her a traitor! Make a Castro-like speech — “HISTORY WILL ABSOLVE ME!” A speech that will go down in history. He should force the guards to drag him out of court! Yes, Trump always loved to be the center of attention, and to appear on TV. Soon he may have his biggest chance yet …
I favor it be broadcast live, which I think is probably the best way to maximize citizen attention, but you are right that there should at least be a complete recording of the trial. … for posterity.

Maybe Trump will be convicted, or maybe not. Maybe he will be elected President again in 2024. Maybe he’ll have a complete mental breakdown during the trial and have to be taken to a psychiatric hospital, raving about meeting Nancy Pelosi and the U.S. women’s soccer team in Hell.

At least historians should have a record of this sad time in our nation’s history.

Problem is, if it's done live, then it's almost impossible to have a fair trial. You can lock jurors up, but that doesn't totally isolate them.
If only this was a real possibility

Well, I'll say this, JW--- when you have a group of people whom are given unmitigated power yet with no accountability nor restraint, you are bound to end up with a problem. It never works with children, so why do we expect any better with adult politicians?
If Trump testifies prosecutors will rattle his fucking cage so bad by the time they're done with him he'll have to be sedated.

He's a coward with a big mouth & he'll never testify. Ever.

Only way he doesn't make to that stand is if his attorneys keep him gagged and chained to a chair.
Only way he doesn't make to that stand is if his attorneys keep him gagged and chained to a chair.
This is about lies against a person who is not liked due to this personality. Human parasites merged themselves to him however for any dollar they can get for their cause. His ways are ingratiating. And yet he has given coin to those who build and take care of his properties. No Prog politician can even come close to that.

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