Should the President...

Can the president dissolve a media outlet when that outlet criticizes him?

  • Yes! The fake news is the enemy of the people

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • No! We live under a constitution that protects the press

    Votes: 26 92.9%

  • Total voters
that is all your president dotard does, is vilify people who disagree or criticizes him. he becomes obsessed with his little twitter rants. & he sucks at creativity too.

Actually his best trick is driving morons like you batshit crazy/crazier.

That takes all sorts of creativity.

yaaaaa............. you go with that, martin....

This seems to be a pattern with Orangelings -
They simply don't care how batshit crazy this POTUS is becoming or how much damage he is doing to our democracy.
As long as it drives progressives crazy.
Sad :(

oh you know if that tape came out with him using that n word- his base would lap it up like the pavlov's mutts they are.
You fail to understand that Trump's base hears the whining cacophony of the TDS afflicted people CONSTANTLY and are learning with increasing precision to tune them out. You guys have screamed WOLF!! every time a chihuahua is spotted crossing the yard and everyone is tired of running to the window.

Exactly. With all the bullshit they whine about if something real actually comes up it will be lost in the noise.
He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

Again, bitching about them and removing them from government service (a privilege, not a right) is not putting them in camps, not Nacht und Nebeling them, not trying to ruin them (they can get jobs with the lefty press or think tanks).

For all your sides yelling Trump really is a pretty lame Nazi.

He's like the church of England doing the Inquisition in this skit.

He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

Again, bitching about them and removing them from government service (a privilege, not a right) is not putting them in camps, not Nacht und Nebeling them, not trying to ruin them (they can get jobs with the lefty press or think tanks).

For all your sides yelling Trump really is a pretty lame Nazi.

He's like the church of England doing the Inquisition in this skit.

No. He's like Nixon making an enemies list and using the power of his incumbency to screw his political enemies.

How noble.
Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

Again, bitching about them and removing them from government service (a privilege, not a right) is not putting them in camps, not Nacht und Nebeling them, not trying to ruin them (they can get jobs with the lefty press or think tanks).

For all your sides yelling Trump really is a pretty lame Nazi.

He's like the church of England doing the Inquisition in this skit.

No. He's like Nixon making an enemies list and using the power of his incumbency to screw his political enemies.

How noble.

Well he should ask the Clintons about enemies lists, they have had one for years.

He's executing his power as executive of the executive branch of the government. When he breaks an actual law come back to me.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

Again, bitching about them and removing them from government service (a privilege, not a right) is not putting them in camps, not Nacht und Nebeling them, not trying to ruin them (they can get jobs with the lefty press or think tanks).

For all your sides yelling Trump really is a pretty lame Nazi.

He's like the church of England doing the Inquisition in this skit.

No. He's like Nixon making an enemies list and using the power of his incumbency to screw his political enemies.

How noble.

Well he should ask the Clintons about enemies lists, they have had one for years.

He's executing his power as executive of the executive branch of the government. When he breaks an actual law come back to me.

More moral equivalence. If the behafioyof the Clinton's was so reprehensible to chant "Lock her up!", why is similarly behavior embraced when Trump does it?
Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

Again, bitching about them and removing them from government service (a privilege, not a right) is not putting them in camps, not Nacht und Nebeling them, not trying to ruin them (they can get jobs with the lefty press or think tanks).

For all your sides yelling Trump really is a pretty lame Nazi.

He's like the church of England doing the Inquisition in this skit.

No. He's like Nixon making an enemies list and using the power of his incumbency to screw his political enemies.

How noble.

Well he should ask the Clintons about enemies lists, they have had one for years.

He's executing his power as executive of the executive branch of the government. When he breaks an actual law come back to me.

More moral equivalence. If the behafioyof the Clinton's was so reprehensible to chant "Lock her up!", why is similarly behavior embraced when Trump does it?

No, it's saying they all have enemies lists, you only care about the ones people you like might be on.

I'm not the one bitching about it, you are.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
No. But the President has not only the right, but the duty to speak out against the medias propogandizing of the news.

The media wants to criticize, but not be criticized. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Journalism is no sacred cow. We have had many examples of propagandization of news in this country...although previously it wasn't so one sided. I was born in a county where the news paper is called to this day The Republican, and the neighboring county to where I live today is The Democrat. This is nothing new. But it is very lopsided today. The three major papers in Missouri, including the one in heavily red Southwest Missouri, are all liberal controlled. The local televisions news is no left leaning as they can get away with.

I can very easily help you understand how we feel. We feel about the rest of the media the way you feel about Sinclair Group and Fox News. You just can't see it, because you agree with the MSM bias.
Doesn't this President want to criticize but not be criticized?

He accepts that he's criticized by he rejects fake news and hits back. You're just not used to anyone fighting back
He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.
He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.
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Do you think Obama would have closed Fox News if he could have?

He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)

You represent His Orangeness well Marty - Did anyone take Lewandowski's old job?
You would be my nomination.

He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)

You represent His Orangeness well Marty - Did anyone take Lewandowski's old job?
You would be my nomination.

Wow, a fucking hack like you calling me a hack?

Too fucking funny.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.

Keep telling yourself that, you cheap, dime store hack.
Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.

Keep telling yourself that, you cheap, dime store hack.

As I thought - You're a little mouse like Devin Nunes who isn't likely to man up anytime soon.
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.

Keep telling yourself that, you cheap, dime store hack.

As I thought - You're a little mouse like Devin Nunes who isn't likely to man up anytime soon.

Man up to what? The same cheap little lies running around in your head since the day Trump got Elected?

"Fuh Fuh Fuh, not my president! fuh fuh fuh, he cheated, fuh fuh fuh, Russia Russia Russia"

Losers, all of you.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him?

No need to alex jones them, if the criticisms are really just lies hiding behind the term criticism then the/any president should not dissolve them, instead he should sac up and get in their face until they scream for mercy.

Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
could you clarify this so I can accurately correct it?
If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.

Keep telling yourself that, you cheap, dime store hack.

As I thought - You're a little mouse like Devin Nunes who isn't likely to man up anytime soon.

Man up to what? The same cheap little lies running around in your head since the day Trump got Elected?

"Fuh Fuh Fuh, not my president! fuh fuh fuh, he cheated, fuh fuh fuh, Russia Russia Russia"

Losers, all of you.

Here's your new avatar - Time for a change Marty :D

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.

No, the purpose of the Mueller investigation is to get to the bottom of Russian meddling, whether any coordination occurred (it did) and wherever else the evidence too him.

Butthurt noted, but if you're confident of the Orange Poopstain's innocence, then you should sit up like a man and let the chips fall where they may.

You don't have to worry - We're not going down impeachment road unless something really REALLY horrible comes out and we have 2/3 of the Senate and a solid majority of the American people.

Keep telling yourself that, you cheap, dime store hack.

As I thought - You're a little mouse like Devin Nunes who isn't likely to man up anytime soon.

Man up to what? The same cheap little lies running around in your head since the day Trump got Elected?

"Fuh Fuh Fuh, not my president! fuh fuh fuh, he cheated, fuh fuh fuh, Russia Russia Russia"

Losers, all of you.

Here's your new avatar - Time for a change Marty :D


Wow, that's just sad.

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