Should the President...

Can the president dissolve a media outlet when that outlet criticizes him?

  • Yes! The fake news is the enemy of the people

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • No! We live under a constitution that protects the press

    Votes: 26 92.9%

  • Total voters
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?

Obama tried too. He placed illegal surveillance on a number of reporters including James Rosen of Fox News.

Surveilling a reporter isn't the same thing as shutting down a news agency.
True, but it's still icky. I mean it's not like Obama got tons of bad press, but that shows a level of insecurity that is pretty bad.
He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.
They are all known liars and have lied to congress.
No but the press needs to be held responsible for their lies in some way. Not sure how to make that happen, especially when there’s a market for it.
He seriously questioned getting Rush off the air though....LOL
No one's perfect, don't get mad.

Obama did NOT like the news coverage, neither did Bush, neither did Clinton. Presidents don't generally like the media because the media is like your fox terrier that is always sniffing and digging in the backyard ....annoying as hell. But they frequently find a bone. And Presidents hate that even worse.

Considering what Trump just did to Brennan.....I wouldn't put anything past that joker at this point.

Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.
yawn, if I had a nickel for every time you tards said final nail for Trump, I'd be a billionaire. Comey admitted to leaking classified conversations, he not only should lose his clearance, he should be in jail.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
No. But the President has not only the right, but the duty to speak out against the medias propogandizing of the news.

The media wants to criticize, but not be criticized. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Journalism is no sacred cow. We have had many examples of propagandization of news in this country...although previously it wasn't so one sided. I was born in a county where the news paper is called to this day The Republican, and the neighboring county to where I live today is The Democrat. This is nothing new. But it is very lopsided today. The three major papers in Missouri, including the one in heavily red Southwest Missouri, are all liberal controlled. The local televisions news is no left leaning as they can get away with.

I can very easily help you understand how we feel. We feel about the rest of the media the way you feel about Sinclair Group and Fox News. You just can't see it, because you agree with the MSM bias.
Doesn't this President want to criticize but not be criticized?

A lot of people want this but we’re human so it’s not realistic.
Revoking a security clearance has nothing to do with a free press.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
No. But the President has not only the right, but the duty to speak out against the medias propogandizing of the news.

The media wants to criticize, but not be criticized. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Journalism is no sacred cow. We have had many examples of propagandization of news in this country...although previously it wasn't so one sided. I was born in a county where the news paper is called to this day The Republican, and the neighboring county to where I live today is The Democrat. This is nothing new. But it is very lopsided today. The three major papers in Missouri, including the one in heavily red Southwest Missouri, are all liberal controlled. The local televisions news is no left leaning as they can get away with.

I can very easily help you understand how we feel. We feel about the rest of the media the way you feel about Sinclair Group and Fox News. You just can't see it, because you agree with the MSM bias.
Doesn't this President want to criticize but not be criticized?

What has he actually done besides respond to them and call them names?

How has he actually tried to stop any criticism of him?
He has eroded the confidence some Americans have in institutions like the press and federal law enforcement. He has eroded American confidence in an investigation to determine how Russia has interfered with our elections.

Further, he has divided Americans on race, on immigrants and on how the dignity of the office should be upheld.

Really? HE has divided Americans on race and immigrants? You don’t think the press plays a GINORMOUS role in that at all? If you don’t think the PRESS makes the people question “how the dignity of the office should be upheld” then why all the negative Trump coverage? The spotlight is constantly on him even when it doesn’t need to be and people like you eat it all up and ask for more. You’re too far gone to realize how the media is hurting Americans. I won’t call them the enemy but they certainly aren’t our friends. They’re supposed to be reporting the news, NOT pushing narratives and can you honestly say they’re NOT doing the latter?

Forget about Trump for a second and how much you dislike him and just focus on how the media is treating a duly elected president. Maybe that’ll help you see what’s truly going on.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?


Are people REALLY that bored on a Friday?

Has the President called for, or pushed Congress legislation to silence the Media? I must have missed that.
Revoking a security clearance without valid cause because the President is butt hurt is a warning about saying un-nice things about him. So who is to say what he will try to do to the "enemy of the people" next?

Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?

Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
Is the press really the enemy of the people?
This press is. it's biased and doesn't tell the truth. We don't get coverage of good things happening and they hate Trump to the core. So we don't' have a real free press at the moment.

So in your topsy turvy, upside down world -
Unless everyone agrees with Trump - then they are not a "real free press".

Nope, never said that.
The press has always been biased.
They gave Sara Plain a rectal exam, she was a VP nominee
They did almost no investigation of Obama, a Presidential nominee

They always give democrats a pass or benefit of the doubt, they do not extend that to republicans.
You know this, I know this. We don't have a free press, it's an arm of the democrat party.
That's because it doesn't take a genius to know repub party is the party of only the wealthy ,that their patriotism ,fiscal conservatism their family values are ALL BULL SHIT

You’re right it doesn’t take a genius to “know” these things. It takes an ignoramus, which a genius (not just any genius but one who’s honest with themselves) never has to worry about becoming.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?

Trump ally and State media mouthpiece Lou Dobbs certainly think so.

And 43% of republicans polled felt the president should be granted the authority to shut down media outlets that are engaged in 'bad behavior'.

The authoritarian streak among republicans flows like a river.

I’m assuming that poll surveyed every single Republican in the country, yes?

No? Then it doesn’t mean shit.
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
No. But the President has not only the right, but the duty to speak out against the medias propogandizing of the news.

The media wants to criticize, but not be criticized. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Journalism is no sacred cow. We have had many examples of propagandization of news in this country...although previously it wasn't so one sided. I was born in a county where the news paper is called to this day The Republican, and the neighboring county to where I live today is The Democrat. This is nothing new. But it is very lopsided today. The three major papers in Missouri, including the one in heavily red Southwest Missouri, are all liberal controlled. The local televisions news is no left leaning as they can get away with.

I can very easily help you understand how we feel. We feel about the rest of the media the way you feel about Sinclair Group and Fox News. You just can't see it, because you agree with the MSM bias.
Doesn't this President want to criticize but not be criticized?

What has he actually done besides respond to them and call them names?

How has he actually tried to stop any criticism of him?
He has eroded the confidence some Americans have in institutions like the press and federal law enforcement. He has eroded American confidence in an investigation to determine how Russia has interfered with our elections.

Further, he has divided Americans on race, on immigrants and on how the dignity of the office should be upheld.

Really? HE has divided Americans on race and immigrants? You don’t think the press plays a GINORMOUS role in that at all? If you don’t think the PRESS makes the people question “how the dignity of the office should be upheld” then why all the negative Trump coverage? The spotlight is constantly on him even when it doesn’t need to be and people like you eat it all up and ask for more. You’re too far gone to realize how the media is hurting Americans. I won’t call them the enemy but they certainly aren’t our friends. They’re supposed to be reporting the news, NOT pushing narratives and can you honestly say they’re NOT doing the latter?

Forget about Trump for a second and how much you dislike him and just focus on how the media is treating a duly elected president. Maybe that’ll help you see what’s truly going on.
The press is reporting what Trump says. He bears the responsibility.

Do you recall when President Obama said "the cops acted stupidly"? Remember the backlash over that?

Now multiply 'the cops acted stupidly' by 50. That's an approximation, but the multiplier might be 5,000 the number of times Trump said so,etching out of bounds.

Trump is responsibyfor upholding the dignity of the office. When he goes off the reservation, it's his fault.
Boo. freaking. Hoo.

When he starts putting these morons in camps then you will have a point. (it's sarcasm if you don't get it)
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?

Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?
Should the president dissolve media outlets that post criticisms of him? Should the president determine that a media outlet I see posting "fake news" and summarily dissolve them?
Obama sent armies of lawyers after Glenn Beck and others.
Twitter and Facebook are banning conservative speech.
Some radio stations had to change their programming because they needed to have their FCC lisences renewed.
A few grey haired hippies at Media Matters tried to get Sean Hannity and Rush taken off the air.
Is the press really the enemy of the people?

The press is supposed to reports the antics of the politicians without bias, not join one side against the other.

The mainstream press is completely in the Democrats' pocket. They are not doing their job but rather directly working for a party that is an enemy of the people so yes, they are an enemy of the people.
THE PEOPLE outvoted the scum trump by 3 million

Yes I keep hearing this, yet I’ve yet to come across an explanation of why it makes a difference. Maybe you can set the record straight?
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?

Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?
They can charge him with anything.
Trump is going after witnesses. Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Yates, Rice. All these folks have testified before congress and may be called upon to testify again. All these folks have the nformaton on the Russian attack on our. Election process and that information is classified.

Trump is trying to protect himself, not classified information.

If Dumpster Fire does this to Comey - a HIGHLY probable future witness ... it will be the final nail in his coffin.
The purpose of this stupidity (other than Donald's obvious inherent vindictiveness) is to stifle freedom of speech.
And of course they always have a shiny object to fling every time bad news happens (Omarosa in this case) which is minimally 3x a week.
We may be headed right back into McCarthyism.

Considering the purpose of the whole Muller process is to overturn an election, your bitching is quite quaint.
The purpose of the investigation is to determine how the Russians attacked or election and who, if anyone, conspired with them. Your 'explaination' is the Trumpian point of view.

Ask yourself, is it plausible that the investigation is intended to get rid of Trump?

Then why are progressives placing so much value on a tax evasion case from a decade ago?

How many other tax evasion cases are ongoing right now?

This is all about Trump, but of course progressives can't admit that as it makes them look like the petty sore losers they are.
The current Manafort trial is about bank fraud and tax evasion. Where did the money come from? How much of it was Russian money? Was that money used in a money laundering operation.

The next Manafort trial will reveal even more.

Should Manafort be charged with 18 counts of tax and bank fraud? Is that fair?

You can charge him with whatever the government can get an indictment for, as the jury deliberations continue we see that convicting is a different thing.

And the only reason Progs like you care about Russia Russia Russia is because you think it can bring down Trump.

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