Should the 'Raped Women don't get Pregnant' theory be taught in science class?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Alongside Creationism?

It's a theory, afterall. We've been told many a time that since Creationism, aka Intelligent Design, is a theory, it belongs in science class...

Opinions, please.
I think our intelligent design is science crowd here is going to play possum on this one.
Where did this turd of an idea even come from? A men's room wall? A church pulpit?
Shitbag....he was trashed by his own party for his stupid comments and cost the GOP an easy Senate seat that was occupied by a CRIMINAL.

Now compare that to Sheila Lee that thinks we landed men on Mars, Hank Johnson that claimed Guam would tip over with too many people, etc.....both still being elected by Democraps each election.

Maybe Hank Johnson can teach Physics and Geology regarding his "flipping islands theory."

Sheila Lee can teach her version of History where NASA sent men to Mars, blacks founded this country, etc.
What class could it possibly be taught in?

This is a good question.

Having no knowledge of the topic myself, if it is indeed true there is some sort of mechanism whereas the body can fend off results of such an unwanted insemination, why would a Leftist not want such science to be known?

Why does science have to strive for truth, why can't it be political truths? Political truths run the nation and parents should decide the type of science their children take? Maybe five different types of science classes for biology? One class would be labeled Texas-Science and so on. I'll bet more school bond progams would pass if districts gave parents s choice starting with Texas Science, Texas History, Texas Health, and Texas Music?
Its the rw version of "sex ed".

Clue me in on this one. I don't follow the research.

Is it scientific fact that the body has a defense such as this?

If so, is OP suggesting that science be suppressed to promote political agenda?

Your question proves you're too much of a fucking idiot to deserve any response other than this.

So the body has no shut-down defense on such an assault, or you find that such science should be suppressed?

Clue me in.

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