Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

I actually said we should leave the contribution system alone and only change the account the money is deposited to so that the individual retains sole ownership of all that money.

Do you understand what you are saying?'

If you take the current payroll deductions and put them in some private account...they are no longer available to pay out SS benefits

How would you fix that? More debt? Higher taxes? To what end. That is supposedly what you are trying to avoid...
And Reagan was the first in line to RAPE SS I don't know why you think mentioning him is such a big deal. Do you think I am a fan ?

I'm not and never was.
Just pointing out that this was all a Republican deal.

Do you understand what you are saying?'

If you take the current payroll deductions and put them in some private account...they are no longer available to pay out SS benefits

How would you fix that? More debt? Higher taxes? To what end. That is supposedly what you are trying to avoid...

So what?

Let the government issue more real T bills to cover it
So what?

Let the government issue more real T bills to cover it
So in order to avoid increasing taxes to fix Social Security would fuck up the system...and raise taxes anyway

One might think you just ideologically don't like Social Security
Just pointing out that this was all a Republican deal.
So what?

I'm not a republican never was.

BOTH parties are culpable in screwing the American citizenry out of a chance at financial security under the guise of a bullshit program that costs people more than they get out of it.

and it's the middle class who is paying for this and getting ripped off again.
So in order to avoid increasing taxes to fix Social Security would fuck up the system...and raise taxes anyway

One might think you just ideologically don't like Social Security
Better than keeping a system that is robbing people of a financially secure future with false promises.

And there would have to be a transitioned phase out no one once said anything about a dead stop
So what?

I'm not a republican never was.

BOTH parties are culpable in screwing the American citizenry out of a chance at financial security under the guise of a bullshit program that costs people more than they get out of it.

and it's the middle class who is paying for this and getting ripped off again.
Anyone listening to you here and doing what you going to put massive holes in the budget AND ruin the Social Security system

And're a Republican
Better than keeping a system that is robbing people of a financially secure future with false promises.
I'm two years retired and it's working fine for me and my wife.

it worked great for my parents and their parents.
Anyone listening to you here and doing what you going to put massive holes in the budget AND ruin the Social Security system

And're a Republican
It would allow people to generate their own wealth and no we can't have that can we?

you want to keep a shitty system that actually is designed to squeeze more money out of the middle class than have those people be able to improve their financial positions

Talk about STUPID
I'm two years retired and it's working fine for me and my wife.

it worked great for my parents and their parents.
Like I said you're too dim to understand how much you have been ripped off.

You could be getting more than twice the monthly income you're getting now AND you could leave a sizable inheritance to your family

But you think that's a bad thing
What "has been going on"?
the looting of the so called trust fund

SS is a government money grab designed to squeeze as much money as possible out of you.

It takes your income, issues a fake bond for it, makes YOU pay the interest on those fake bonds, then it parcels the money back to you and taxes you on it.

In what fucking world does that sound like a good plan?
It's a Federally mandated part of it. Take that away and the employee never sees it. It goes into the employer's pocket

What's the difference? Switching over would still make it a federal mandate they must match your contributions and it goes into your account.
What's the difference? Switching over would still make it a federal mandate they must match your contributions and it goes into your account.
Not necessarily. And oh by the way...during this "switchover" how do you simultaneously pay out SS benefits and fund private accounts?

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