Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

Lol, we don't even do that now unless you're Britney Spears. Medicare only covers medication if you have Part D which is optional. If somebody spends all their money they certainly are not going to get enough coverage for what they need.

I go on Medicare in May, and I'm buying the best plan they have to cover every stupid thing under the sun, but a lot of people won't do that.
I think you'd be surprised how many people have a power of attorney over their parents' affairs
Lol, we don't even do that now unless you're Britney Spears. Medicare only covers medication if you have Part D which is optional. If somebody spends all their money they certainly are not going to get enough coverage for what they need.

I go on Medicare in May, and I'm buying the best plan they have to cover every stupid thing under the sun, but a lot of people won't do that.
If you have a serious health condition, that makes total sense. However, if you are still reasonably healthy, the numbers don't really pencil out. Also, be aware, some supplements have "donut holes" in their coverage--be sure not to overlook those.
I think you'd be surprised how many people have a power of attorney over their parents' affairs
Sometimes that is for convenience and emergencies. I had PofA on both my grandmother and my mother. I used it to write out their bills---didn't need it for any other case--thankfully.
If you have a serious health condition, that makes total sense. However, if you are still reasonably healthy, the numbers don't really pencil out. Also, be aware, some supplements have "donut holes" in their coverage--be sure not to overlook those.

Correct, that's why I'm going with the Medicare advantage plan, but since the extras are private insurance, I still have to do homework on who I choose. I want to get rid of my dental insurance since that's running me about $500.00 a year. The girl at my dentist office told me United heatlhcare has a plan that covers everything right down to consultation charges with no out of pocket or copay.
If we don't start doing something about stupid voters being able to vote, that will never happen. If it were up to me, you'd have to take a very simple test before being allowed to vote. But if the Republicans ever made such a suggestion, the Communists would go ape shit.
Because that is unconstitutional. DUH!
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No. You asked what insurance company send checks

Yes, and you claimed every insurance company sends you a check every month.

So I asked what you are doing with your monthly auto insurance check, your monthly mortgage insurance check and the others.

Congratulations, you're up with the discussion.

So, what do you do with all those checks every month all these insurance companies send you?

You literally don't know what insurance means
When Reagan took office. The Trust Fund as we know it and the tax hikes on the middle class and poor that built it up BEGAN during the Reagan admin

There was no "trust fun" when Reagan took office. What you have is a big, fat fail there, Compadre ...
There was no "trust fun" when Reagan took office. What you have is a big, fat fail there, Compadre ...
Yea actually there always was.

Regan expanded it in a big way

Big fat fail there junior
Yea actually there always was.

Regan expanded it in a big way

Big fat fail there junior

LOL, who's surprised that you are wrong and you don't know what you are talking about. I want to meet the person who is, LOL. There was no trust fund when Reagan took office, liar
The Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund was created pursuant to section 201 of the Social Security Act Amendments of 1939, approved August 10, 1939. This trust fund became effective on January 1, 1940, and superseded the old-age reserve account established under the Social Security Act of 1935. a man and apologize

The Trust Fun(sic) became effective in 1940

Yes, there was a trust fund when social security was created, but that was ended more than a half century ago.

So the question isn't was there a fund in 1939, you claimed there was one in 1981. So prove it, lying little worm

The Trust Fun(sic) became effective in 1940
A Federal Reserve Account was created.

NOT a trust fund.

Calling a trust fund does not make it a trust fund


Section 201. (a) There is hereby created an account in the Treasury of the United States

an ACCOUNT not a trust fund

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