Should the Social Security and Medicare Age be Raised

It all depends. Everybody's situation is different. I was forced to go on disability at 59 1/2. I have my rental property income to help out, and not going to touch my IRA until I can no longer be a landlord. I found out six months ago I had stage four cancer. They gave me 6 months to a year to live. They said with chemo, I could extend that by a year, two, three or more depending on how the chemo goes which from what I told, very successful.

I was devastated when the doctor told me I could no longer work. Seeing what happened only two years later, I'm glad it worked out this way. At least I get to enjoy life a bit. My sister wants to ride it out until she's 67 which is two more years. She struggles every day to continue working and it's killing her. What happens if she gets sick like me when she nears that age? She will have worked all her life hating every minute.
Yep, different strokes for different folks. Unlike most people, retirement was kind of forced on you. That's a very different situation than most people face. For most people deciding when to retire is a very difficult decision because there are so many unknows such as how long are you likely to live, do have enough money put away to live the way you to want to live. Then there's your health and finally what are you going to do if don't work?
Yep, different strokes for different folks. Unlike most people, retirement was kind of forced on you. That's a very different situation than most people face. For most people deciding when to retire is a very difficult decision because there are so many unknows such as how long are you likely to live, do have enough money put away to live the way you to want to live. Then there's your health and finally what are you going to do if don't work?

When you run the numbers you are better off retiring at 62 because of the fact they still allow you to work for X amount per month; I think it's $1,300 area or something like that. Sure, you can work with no problems (usually) in your early and mid 60's, but will you be able to work part-time if you make it into your 70's, 80's or longer?

That's why my plan included not touching my IRA until I could no longer do what I'm doing now, or when government forces me to withdraw.

The happiest people are those who enjoy doing what they do for a living, but I think most Americans are not happy working. We do it because we have to.
Since the average retired worker will be receiving $1658 a month in 2022, you would probably need to add a zero to your offer to make it look attractive.

I retired early at 59 1/2. Had to wait 3 years for early S.S. retirement and 6 years for Medicare. I don't recommend early retirement at 59 or 62 unless you can't continue working or you have a large nest egg set aside for retirement and a plan for what you're going to do. The two biggest mistakes people make in retiring are:
  • Not having a real plan for retirement. Too many people retire with the idea, that life will be just wonderful if only they didn't have to go to work. Sitting under the old oak tree, watering the grass, visiting the kids, grocery shopping, watching the grass grow is not a good way to live unless that is the kind of life you led before retirement. I did this for about 4 years and then started a small business and continued to work till our was 70. At that age, I was ready for retirement. My health was not that good and we had a ton of money due to the extra years of work so we were able to do a lot of stuff like buying an RV and seeing the country, 3 cruises, a trip to Europe, a new condo, and a vacation yearly to visit the kids.
  • Living too long. Most people underestimate how long they will live by about 5 to 10 years. More years in retirement coupled with the false assumption that you won't need much money when you're retired puts millions of retiree in a situation where all they have is a roof over their head, food to eat, and years do little but waiting to die. That is not the way to spend your golden years.
Let's call that $20,000 a year. Is that starting at age 65? No one would give you a $200,000 buy out at age 62. To be a good deal for them you'd have to live past 75 years old.

How about at age 62 they give you $100K cash AND let you qualify for medicare rather than have to wait till you are 65. I think I would take that deal.
Let's call that $20,000 a year. Is that starting at age 65? No one would give you a $200,000 buy out at age 62. To be a good deal for them you'd have to live past 75 years old.

How about at age 62 they give you $100K cash AND let you qualify for medicare rather than have to wait till you are 65. I think I would take that deal.

And where would we get the money to put people on Medicare? We're now spending trillions trying to make the country green. We're tapped out, 30 trillion in the hole now.

I'm on disability, and they won't let me go on Medicare until I've been on disability for two years. Mind you I'll be paying for Medicare, but they won't let you get it until one day before 2 years. If anything, allow us to go on Medicare immediately after being approved for disability since we are obviously in need of medical care. I'd go on Commie Care, but they don't have any plans for the provider I go to. If you like your hospital--you can keep your hospital was nothing but a giant lie.
SS and MC were started in 1934 and 1965 respectfully. In 1934 job were much more physical and people’s bodies broke down starting in their 50s. Nowadays go to any company and you see people working well into their 70s… heck even construction are less strenuous on the person’s body. The trend is only going to increase. In addition, medicine is getting better and people are living longer. This reality should be recognized.

In addition it is much easier to take care of oneself and eat better and feel better at older ages.

Our safety nets need to reflect this new reality.
Instead of raising the age, I would be in favor of something along the lines of deciding on a case by case basis or how the funds are doled out. Some people just need to retire at 65 and can't work anymore while with others you could have an age of 80 or even higher. We need to quit thinking along the lines that you can work up to a certain age but the day after that age you are no longer able to work anymore. This holds true especially in an age where we need older people to fill unfilled jobs.
And where would we get the money to put people on Medicare? We're now spending trillions trying to make the country green. We're tapped out, 30 trillion in the hole now.

I'm on disability, and they won't let me go on Medicare until I've been on disability for two years. Mind you I'll be paying for Medicare, but they won't let you get it until one day before 2 years. If anything, allow us to go on Medicare immediately after being approved for disability since we are obviously in need of medical care. I'd go on Commie Care, but they don't have any plans for the provider I go to. If you like your hospital--you can keep your hospital was nothing but a giant lie.
OMG so you're on disability too? You're the most liberal conservative I've ever met.

We're tapped out because of people like you! Of course you think your disability is richeous and justified and you deserve it but honestly, Republicans would kill that program if they could. And I'm pretty sure Trump made cuts to medicaid.

Just unbelievable.

Where would WE get the money? WE would get it from the same place WE came up with money for you. Or all the kids Obama put on Obamacare.

You don't like Obamacare? You fucking hypocrite. I don't even know what to say to you Ray. Truly amazing
And where would we get the money to put people on Medicare? We're now spending trillions trying to make the country green. We're tapped out, 30 trillion in the hole now.

I'm on disability, and they won't let me go on Medicare until I've been on disability for two years. Mind you I'll be paying for Medicare, but they won't let you get it until one day before 2 years. If anything, allow us to go on Medicare immediately after being approved for disability since we are obviously in need of medical care. I'd go on Commie Care, but they don't haYve any plans for the provider I go to. If you like your hospital--you can keep your hospital was nothing but a giant lie.
You're already on commie care loser. And you're lucky we give you a doctor. You don't get to pick the hospital you go to you fucking freeloader. If I had the decision you'd be going to the VA hospitals.

I just love Republicans who are heavily relying on the social safety net. Thank you Ray for making my day. I thought you were a successful former truck driver who had money. I didn't know you were on disability. You probably cheat too and have side apartments where you collect rent right?
OMG so you're on disability too? You're the most liberal conservative I've ever met.

We're tapped out because of people like you! Of course you think your disability is richeous and justified and you deserve it but honestly, Republicans would kill that program if they could. And I'm pretty sure Trump made cuts to medicaid.

Just unbelievable.

Where would WE get the money? WE would get it from the same place WE came up with money for you. Or all the kids Obama put on Obamacare.

You don't like Obamacare? You fucking hypocrite. I don't even know what to say to you Ray. Truly amazing

Why would I like something sold on a lie? Maybe you approve of it since you're in the party of liars, but I don't.

Republicans had the chance during Trump to kill any program, why didn't they?

Republicans had the chance during GW as well, why didn't they kill any programs?

You keep buying this horse shit fed to you by other Communists on the MSM and don't look into anything yourself. It's like I always say about you leftists, you are told what to say but not why you should be saying it. Then when people queston what you said you have no answers for them.

So where's that huge tax increase on the rich we heard so much about? Where is that $15.00 national minimum wage?
Why would I like something sold on a lie? Maybe you approve of it since you're in the party of liars, but I don't.

Republicans had the chance during Trump to kill any program, why didn't they?

Republicans had the chance during GW as well, why didn't they kill any programs?

You keep buying this horse shit fed to you by other Communists on the MSM and don't look into anything yourself. It's like I always say about you leftists, you are told what to say but not why you should be saying it. Then when people queston what you said you have no answers for them.

So where's that huge tax increase on the rich we heard so much about? Where is that $15.00 national minimum wage?
McCain ruined their plans.

I'm done talking to you. You're a Republican on disability. I don't know what to say to that. Funny af.
You're already on commie care loser. And you're lucky we give you a doctor. You don't get to pick the hospital you go to you fucking freeloader. If I had the decision you'd be going to the VA hospitals.

I just love Republicans who are heavily relying on the social safety net. Thank you Ray for making my day. I thought you were a successful former truck driver who had money. I didn't know you were on disability. You probably cheat too and have side apartments where you collect rent right?

You're allowed to have apartments while on disability. In fact if I hit the lottery next week, I'd still be able to collect. Disability still allows you to work part-time if you desire or can. The only income that counts against disability is if you're working and earning more than $1,300 a month.

So how am I on Commie Care if they don't have any plans for my doctor or hospital? Your comprehension skills seem to be suffering. As for my safety net, I paid into it my entire life. Why wouldn't I collect what was promised to me?
You're allowed to have apartments while on disability. In fact if I hit the lottery next week, I'd still be able to collect. Disability still allows you to work part-time if you desire or can. The only income that counts against disability is if you're working and earning more than $1,300 a month.

So how am I on Commie Care if they don't have any plans for my doctor or hospital? Your comprehension skills seem to be suffering. As for my safety net, I paid into it my entire life. Why wouldn't I collect what was promised to me?
Yes, that is always the argument you cons make when you take advantage of the programs you tried destroying your entire lives. You should be ashamed. Embarrassed. But of course you aren't. Fucking loser.

Most of us won't take advantage of those safety nets you enjoy Ray. Still we argue why those programs are important. You argue why these programs should be done away with all while you are benefiting from them.

If you don't get it, that doesn't surprise me Ray. You are a typical pos REpublican hypocrite. Thank you for making my day. THe nerve of you to call it commie care and your fucking ass is on disability.

Yes I paid in too ray you fucking loser. But I never took advantage. That's the thing with you assholes. You only gain empathy and understanding when it happens to you personally. Shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!
Yes, that is always the argument you cons make when you take advantage of the programs you tried destroying your entire lives. You should be ashamed. Embarrassed. But of course you aren't. Fucking loser.

Most of us won't take advantage of those safety nets you enjoy Ray. Still we argue why those programs are important. You argue why these programs should be done away with all while you are benefiting from them.

If you don't get it, that doesn't surprise me Ray. You are a typical pos REpublican hypocrite. Thank you for making my day. THe nerve of you to call it commie care and your fucking ass is on disability.

Yes I paid in too ray you fucking loser. But I never took advantage. That's the thing with you assholes. You only gain empathy and understanding when it happens to you personally. Shocked I tell you. SHOCKED!

So why should I not collect on something I paid for my entire life? I didn't like paying for it like I don't like having to have car insurance to drive my car, but it's not hypocritical to collect if I have a car accident.

So who ever tried to destroy any of these programs? Like I said, you are only told what to think........That's how brainwashing is supposed to work. You know so little you think Commie Care is the same as disability. No wonder you're a leftists, you don't know anything of how our government runs.

I never took advantage of any program I paid into all of my life either, but a government doctor told me I could no longer work. Not much I can do about that now is there? So don't brag how you never took advantage of anything until it happens to you. You'll be front and center I guarantee it.
So why should I not collect on something I paid for my entire life? I didn't like paying for it like I don't like having to have car insurance to drive my car, but it's not hypocritical to collect if I have a car accident.

So who ever tried to destroy any of these programs? Like I said, you are only told what to think........That's how brainwashing is supposed to work. You know so little you think Commie Care is the same as disability. No wonder you're a leftists, you don't know anything of how our government runs.

I never took advantage of any program I paid into all of my life either, but a government doctor told me I could no longer work. Not much I can do about that now is there? So don't brag how you never took advantage of anything until it happens to you. You'll be front and center I guarantee it.
Yes, I understand your argument Ray and I would agree with you if you weren't a Republican. You vote for a party that doesn't like the very program you are benefiting from. So either give up those benefits and be proud or switch parties and say thank you for the benefits you would't even have if Republicans had their way.

It doesn't surprise me you don't get it. Typical. I've seen this 1000 times. Republicans who are hypocrites who don't understand they are sucking off the very tit they complain tastes bad.

Listen Ray. These are socialist programs. You know the GOP doesn't like these socialist programs. You admitted yourself. You didn't like paying for it. But now suddenly you see why you were paying in. It should be ME complaining Ray. I'm not going to see a dime. But rather than say thank you, you come here and tell us why we should be voting GOP? What nerve.

I shouldn't have to explain that Republicans would love to kill the program you are taking advantage of. So the question is, what would you have done if there was no disability? You'd be fucked. And the Republican party would not care.

Here is your way of thinking. You don't think the GOP would ever dare end the program you are on. So you give them a pass. You're sort of like Bruce Jenner. He's not worried about what the GOP would do to a gay guy like him so he votes with them. Or the rich black guy who overlooks the parties racism because he's pro life.
Progressives cheered last year when voters in several red states approved left-leaning ballot initiatives.

Floridians voted to raise the minimum wage to $15. South Dakotans voted to legalize medical and recreational pot. Missourians voted to expand Medicaid to adults who earn under $18,000 a year. Arizonans voted to tax the rich to fund public schools.

But this year, Republican lawmakers in all those states—plus Idaho, Oklahoma, Utah and others—are trying to undermine such voter-approved measures and to make it harder for future ballot initiatives to pass.

Yes, I understand your argument Ray and I would agree with you if you weren't a Republican. You vote for a party that doesn't like the very program you are benefiting from. So either give up those benefits and be proud or switch parties and say thank you for the benefits you would't even have if Republicans had their way.

It doesn't surprise me you don't get it. Typical. I've seen this 1000 times. Republicans who are hypocrites who don't understand they are sucking off the very tit they complain tastes bad.

Listen Ray. These are socialist programs. You know the GOP doesn't like these socialist programs. You admitted yourself. You didn't like paying for it. But now suddenly you see why you were paying in. It should be ME complaining Ray. I'm not going to see a dime. But rather than say thank you, you come here and tell us why we should be voting GOP? What nerve.

I shouldn't have to explain that Republicans would love to kill the program you are taking advantage of. So the question is, what would you have done if there was no disability? You'd be fucked. And the Republican party would not care.

Here is your way of thinking. You don't think the GOP would ever dare end the program you are on. So you give them a pass. You're sort of like Bruce Jenner. He's not worried about what the GOP would do to a gay guy like him so he votes with them. Or the rich black guy who overlooks the parties racism because he's pro life.

The Republicans had several chances throughout the last couple of administrations to end these programs. So why didn't they? Why did they not even bring it up? You can't answer these questions.

If we didn't have these programs we would have them by the state, the way our founders intended. But since I paid for it anyway, sure I'm going to collect. You pay for house insurance your entire life, but if your house burned down, would you not file a claim? You would be a moron not to.
The Republicans had several chances throughout the last couple of administrations to end these programs. So why didn't they? Why did they not even bring it up? You can't answer these questions.

If we didn't have these programs we would have them by the state, the way our founders intended. But since I paid for it anyway, sure I'm going to collect. You pay for house insurance your entire life, but if your house burned down, would you not file a claim? You would be a moron not to.
Pretty sure they made cuts to these programs. I know a guy on disability who voted for Trump. He told me they made cuts to medicaid. If you are new to medicaid, you may not realize those cuts were made. They were made right at the beginning couple years of Trump's administration. Sounds like you just applied less than 2 years ago so you don't realize you would be getting a lot more if Trump wasn't president.

That's okay. You have income too. You remind me of John McCain. He too voted against such programs but while he was working as a Senator making 6 figures and while his wife was a millionaire, he was collecting 100% disability from the military. Now you tell me how a man who has worked all those years in the Senate is 100% disabled?

You're all hypocrites. We pretend we like McCain but I forget he's almost as big of a dick as Bush and Trump.
Pretty sure they made cuts to these programs. I know a guy on disability who voted for Trump. He told me they made cuts to medicaid. If you are new to medicaid, you may not realize those cuts were made. They were made right at the beginning couple years of Trump's administration. Sounds like you just applied less than 2 years ago so you don't realize you would be getting a lot more if Trump wasn't president.

That's okay. You have income too. You remind me of John McCain. He too voted against such programs but while he was working as a Senator making 6 figures and while his wife was a millionaire, he was collecting 100% disability from the military. Now you tell me how a man who has worked all those years in the Senate is 100% disabled?

You're all hypocrites. We pretend we like McCain but I forget he's almost as big of a dick as Bush and Trump.

Again, McCain worked for those benefits, he should have taken them. Nobody in the military was getting rich. As much as I disliked him, he served our country. Anybody that serves our country should get everything we can afford them. What would our country be without the men and women who serve? No matter what we give them, it would never be enough.

As for Medicaid I don't apply because I make too much on disability. Your friend must have ended up on SSI instead of SSD. Look it up to understand the differences.

For the most part, we Republicans were never against helping people that truly needed help. We are against programs for people perfectly capable of working and don't try to better themselves in any way.
Again, McCain worked for those benefits, he should have taken them. Nobody in the military was getting rich. As much as I disliked him, he served our country. Anybody that serves our country should get everything we can afford them. What would our country be without the men and women who serve? No matter what we give them, it would never be enough.

As for Medicaid I don't apply because I make too much on disability. Your friend must have ended up on SSI instead of SSD. Look it up to understand the differences.

For the most part, we Republicans were never against helping people that truly needed help. We are against programs for people perfectly capable of working and don't try to better themselves in any way.
Yea but the way you guys attack the programs, you hurt people like yourself.

That's ok. You'll never understand.

Oh, and many many MANY vets get their legs or arms blown off and they don't even get 100% disability. So how did McCain? He was working all those years. CLEARLY he wasn't 100% disabled. He should be ashamed me took those benefits.

Every year him and his son hiked the Grand Canyon. Ever see someone who's 100% disabled do that?
When you run the numbers you are better off retiring at 62 because of the fact they still allow you to work for X amount per month; I think it's $1,300 area or something like that. Sure, you can work with no problems (usually) in your early and mid 60's, but will you be able to work part-time if you make it into your 70's, 80's or longer?

That's why my plan included not touching my IRA until I could no longer do what I'm doing now, or when government forces me to withdraw.

The happiest people are those who enjoy doing what they do for a living, but I think most Americans are not happy working. We do it because we have to.
It depends. I made far more than $1300 a month working till I was 70. Also, you have to consider two very important factors. First if you work till you're 70 vs retiring at 62, that is 8 years of retirement that you will not need to finance out of retirement savings and social security and that can be a lot of money. For example if you are single and your living cost in retirement will be about $50,000 a year and your S.S. is $15,000 a year then you will need to draw $35,000 a year from your savings or $280,000 over 8 years. Second, that additional 8 years of working allows for significant growth in your retirement nest egg, particularly if you have a 401K with matching employer contributions. However, the downside is loosing 8 of what would likely be the most healthy years in your retirement.

If your sister really hates her job that much and would be happier living off social security and whatever retirement she has been able to save, hopefully to last 30 or 40 years then she should seriously consider early retirement. I know a lot of people in retirement but only a few that live solely off their S.S. and seem to be happy.

For those nearing retirement age and needing to retire yet have not put away enough to retire are pretty well screwed. This is why I keeping telling my grandkids in their 20's that now is time start saving for retirement. Those early years are really important in building a retirement nest egg. Of course, they ignore me because they have other priorities.
It depends. I made far more than $1300 a month working till I was 70. Also, you have to consider two very important factors. First if you work till you're 70 vs retiring at 62, that is 8 years of retirement that you will not need to finance out of retirement savings and social security and that can be a lot of money. For example if you are single and your living cost in retirement will be about $50,000 a year and your S.S. is $15,000 a year then you will need to draw $35,000 a year from your savings or $280,000 over 8 years. Second, that additional 8 years of working allows for significant growth in your retirement nest egg, particularly if you have a 401K with matching employer contributions. However, the downside is loosing 8 of what would likely be the most healthy years in your retirement.

If your sister really hates her job that much and would be happier living off social security and whatever retirement she has been able to save, hopefully to last 30 or 40 years then she should seriously consider early retirement. I know a lot of people in retirement but only a few that live solely off their S.S. and seem to be happy.

For those nearing retirement age and needing to retire yet have not put away enough to retire are pretty well screwed. This is why I keeping telling my grandkids in their 20's that now is time start saving for retirement. Those early years are really important in building a retirement nest egg. Of course, they ignore me because they have other priorities.
I can't wait till I'm 62. If I want to, I can retire. But, I may keep working because I don't hate my job and I make good money. If I wait till 63, the SS payout will be a little better. Ultimately, it'd be nice if I could and wanted to work till I was 65 then I get medicare too. I don't want to pay for healthcare from 62-65 years old out of pocket. I'm sure that won't be cheap. Who wants to privately insure someone that old?

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