Should the Syrian refugee crisis be an international issue?

Does the fact that half of the refugees are children have any effect on your response?
------------------------------------------------ oh man , and now I see it , Matt is a 'matt damon' fan , a hollywooder that is just an emotional hollywooder that has enough money to live above and beyond the 'syrian' refugee invaders that he wants to bring to NORMAL America !!.
Saudi Arabia and the Emirates and Qatar only take refugees from Gitmo. They need to take some, if not the majority.
Most of the refugees are women and children. If they are left in Syria, the women will be raped and then killed and the children will be killed.

We don't want another Germany on our hands when the world did nothing for so long.
The demorats have destroyed Europe, but I still don't wish these fighting age men on you. Don't take them!
feck them although the color of their skin is unimportant Nia . Problem is that they are muslim and I don't want to see them infecting the west and the USA Nia !!

You want 'children' like these???
Most of the refugees are women and children. If they are left in Syria, the women will be raped and then killed and the children will be killed.

We don't want another Germany on our hands when the world did nothing for so long.

That is not true. Most are men, many of them military age. The ones who should be in their country fighting to make it better.
Does the fact that half of the refugees are children have any effect on your response?
Most the migrants (so-called refugees) are fighting age males, not kids. I've put this out there on other posts, but for your benefit, I'll do it here.
1. Pew research polls and Gallup polls clearly show the majority of Muslims want to live under Sharia Law. Research what Sharia Law and the Hadith entail and you will see it is incompatible with secular freedom and equality.
2. Most Muslims migrating are Sunni Muslims, which are a stricter form of Islam.
3. Muslim families average 7.1 children per family, as opposed to your average U.S. family of 2.8.
4. The current administration brought in thousands of Muslims (ignoring the actual refugees...Christian and other religious minorities persecuted by Muslims).
5. If Clinton gets into office, she has indicated that she will bring in tens of thousands more Muslims.
6. Europe is currently experiencing large numbers of rapes and violence against non-Muslims by the migrants their administrations opened their borders to. No-go zones exist in many areas of Europe now. Even the local law enforcement avoid going in them. Belgium now has an Islamic political party. Sweden has acknowledged that Muslims will be eventually ruling their country.
7. Hungary has made it clear that to preserve their culture and heritage, they are not accepting so much as one Muslim migrant.
8. Lebanon should be a good example regarding letting in large numbers of Muslims. It used to be called the "Paris of the Middle-East," a largely Christian nation. When the Palestinians requested permission to enter there, the Christians opened their borders and hearts to the Muslims; what they got in return was a war with the Muslims as the Muslims sought to take over the country by violence. This one is a good example of a government and its people not learning from history.
9. The word Islam does not mean "peace." The word means "submit." And, Muslims will tell you that if you submit to Islam, you will have peace. What you will get is....conquered, reduced to second-class citizens, oppressed, persecuted and killed, unless of course, you convert to their religion and the women accept that they are permanently second-class citizens.
10. The religion's founder (a false prophet), was a warlord, thief and pedophile. He was invited to a family's home, entered, saw their then "six" year old daughter, thought marriage and sex and asked her father's permission to marry her. The father refused, however, when the father died, Muhammad married the child when she was "nine" years of age.
Personally, I don't care what era you are in, if you look at a child of six and think "sex and marriage" you are one sick individual.
So, my stance to the original question is.....HELL NO! Not only no more allowed in, but any allowed in since 9/11, should be cast out!!!

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