Should the U.S. be more like Switzerland?

The Hills Have Eyes

Dumbo Dubya, the preppy pipsqueak, was nostalgic for the Cold War, when he got away with chickening out of the fighting and still came off as a tough-guy Commander-in-Chief. If truth could be told, the only purpose for his occupation was as outpost against Russia.

This is what Afghanistan has been used for since the 1830s, when the British played the same game against Russia. The resources there are unusable unless we remove the interference of the native bandits who have hidden out there for thousands of years.
Outpost against Russia is another way of saying it.
Ensuring control of the entire ME for it's oil resources is the way I say the same thing.
The US is a world power built on two things: Free trade (more accurately freedom of the seas which it enforces) and having the central currency.
How long is that going to last?
If we wanted to conquer the Canadians nowadays all it would take would be the North Dakota National Guard.

We wouldn't even have to worry about "a Canadian behind every blade of grass" because the goddamn Commie government took the right to keep and bear arms way from the subjects.

If a squad of Canadian soldiers attack you, just throw them a hockey puck and they'll soon be fighting among themselves.

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