Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

Should the United States go back to a top federal tax rate of 70%?

  • Yes

  • No

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I don't want anything from you, I want the government to enact a tax policy where the top federal tax rate goes back to 70%.

LOL, good luck.You'll NEED weapons to get a 70% would suck AOC's toes. You are sick.

Truman got a 92% rate during the Korean War. Did not use any weapons to do it. Again the top federal rate for taxes was above 70% from 1940 to 1980. No weapons needed to get that rate either.

Could you possibly by more ignorant?

That top 92% rate applied to income over $1.9M in today's dollars. Very few people in 1952 made that type of income.

What high taxes have done is to cause the very wealthy to set up tax shelters and trusts which are exempt from tax.

Enough made that type of income that Truman raised the tax rate and paid directly for the Korean War instead of borrowing! Guess what. It worked. The Korean war is the only war in U.S. history besides the Gulf War where the United States did not borrow money to pay for it. It was paid directly by taxes that were raised by Truman! The money was there, it was taxed and was enough to pay for the war and it did not hurt the economy.

The Dems cut taxes after WWII and economic growth paid for the Korean War.

But thanks for playing!

Truman cut tax rates after World War II. The top federal rate came down to 81%. After the Korean war started in the summer of 1950 the top federal tax rate increase to 92%. The direct cost of the Korean War was paid for with tax dollars. No borrowing. Only time that has happened in U.S. history with regards to a war, except the Gulf War where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Japan paid for the cost.
LOL, good luck.You'll NEED weapons to get a 70% would suck AOC's toes. You are sick.

Truman got a 92% rate during the Korean War. Did not use any weapons to do it. Again the top federal rate for taxes was above 70% from 1940 to 1980. No weapons needed to get that rate either.

Could you possibly by more ignorant?

That top 92% rate applied to income over $1.9M in today's dollars. Very few people in 1952 made that type of income.

What high taxes have done is to cause the very wealthy to set up tax shelters and trusts which are exempt from tax.

Enough made that type of income that Truman raised the tax rate and paid directly for the Korean War instead of borrowing! Guess what. It worked. The Korean war is the only war in U.S. history besides the Gulf War where the United States did not borrow money to pay for it. It was paid directly by taxes that were raised by Truman! The money was there, it was taxed and was enough to pay for the war and it did not hurt the economy.

The Dems cut taxes after WWII and economic growth paid for the Korean War.

But thanks for playing!

Truman cut tax rates after World War II. The top federal rate came down to 81%. After the Korean war started in the summer of 1950 the top federal tax rate increase to 92%. The direct cost of the Korean War was paid for with tax dollars. No borrowing. Only time that has happened in U.S. history with regards to a war, except the Gulf War where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Japan paid for the cost.

I suggest that you look at those brackets indexed for inflation than look up Federal Effective Tax rates to understand how nobody paid those amounts.
So what. The government can get more money out of rich without hurting the economy. It will benefit the rest of the country. Its good policy and should be implemented. It will help pay down the national debt and provide for vital government programs including national defense. The rich are living high off the hog. A higher top federal tax rate is coming whether you like it or not. There is simply no other solution.

You clearly have never had job, owned a home or business, or paid taxes.

But thanks for playing!

Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

How do you function in the world with such a poor understanding of human nature?

Buffet is typical of the Rich who live by capital gains instead of ordinary income. That's why so many LW Rich morons spew on and on about taxing the rich. It's bogus virtue signaling as they know that they won't be paying those taxes. The real targets of tax increases are people who work for a living and are not able to shelter their income...iow, middle and upper middle class people.

There are plenty of ways to raise taxes on capital gains, property, land, people's estates. Buffet is on record saying that the wealthy get away with all kinds of shit and that needs to stop. He even stated that his secretary has an effective tax rate higher than he does and that was wrong.
You are a babbling fool. We don't have the deductions and exemptions they had back when those rates were in effect. And your advocacy for the increase does not include restoring them.

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So what. The government can get more money out of rich without hurting the economy. It will benefit the rest of the country. Its good policy and should be implemented. It will help pay down the national debt and provide for vital government programs including national defense. The rich are living high off the hog. A higher top federal tax rate is coming whether you like it or not. There is simply no other solution.

You clearly have never had job, owned a home or business, or paid taxes.

But thanks for playing!

Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there.

Of course not. He's just a guy worth $80 billion who thinks the rich should pay more, while he does all he can to pay ZERO.

You need a policy in place to make it work.

He should lead by example.
He could give half his net worth to the federal government.
He could give $40 billion to the federal government next week.
Just to show everyone how they should give more.
You clearly have never had job, owned a home or business, or paid taxes.

But thanks for playing!

Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

How do you function in the world with such a poor understanding of human nature?

Buffet is typical of the Rich who live by capital gains instead of ordinary income. That's why so many LW Rich morons spew on and on about taxing the rich. It's bogus virtue signaling as they know that they won't be paying those taxes. The real targets of tax increases are people who work for a living and are not able to shelter their income...iow, middle and upper middle class people.

There are plenty of ways to raise taxes on capital gains, property, land, people's estates. Buffet is on record saying that the wealthy get away with all kinds of shit and that needs to stop. He even stated that his secretary has an effective tax rate higher than he does and that was wrong.

And there are plenty of ways for people to avoid taxes as NOBODY is going to pay 92% of their income in taxes.
Truman got a 92% rate during the Korean War. Did not use any weapons to do it. Again the top federal rate for taxes was above 70% from 1940 to 1980. No weapons needed to get that rate either.

Could you possibly by more ignorant?

That top 92% rate applied to income over $1.9M in today's dollars. Very few people in 1952 made that type of income.

What high taxes have done is to cause the very wealthy to set up tax shelters and trusts which are exempt from tax.

Enough made that type of income that Truman raised the tax rate and paid directly for the Korean War instead of borrowing! Guess what. It worked. The Korean war is the only war in U.S. history besides the Gulf War where the United States did not borrow money to pay for it. It was paid directly by taxes that were raised by Truman! The money was there, it was taxed and was enough to pay for the war and it did not hurt the economy.

The Dems cut taxes after WWII and economic growth paid for the Korean War.

But thanks for playing!

Truman cut tax rates after World War II. The top federal rate came down to 81%. After the Korean war started in the summer of 1950 the top federal tax rate increase to 92%. The direct cost of the Korean War was paid for with tax dollars. No borrowing. Only time that has happened in U.S. history with regards to a war, except the Gulf War where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Japan paid for the cost.

I suggest that you look at those brackets indexed for inflation than look up Federal Effective Tax rates to understand how nobody paid those amounts.

Its the fact that the direct cost of the Korean war were paid for in increased U.S. tax dollars, no borrowing. The rich can pay more than they do now in taxes. They will eventually. Political support is growing to make them do so. It won't hurt the economy and will help the country. Its the only way to solve the debt problem and continue to pay for defense, social security, medicare, Medicaid and other government programs.
So what. The government can get more money out of rich without hurting the economy. It will benefit the rest of the country. Its good policy and should be implemented. It will help pay down the national debt and provide for vital government programs including national defense. The rich are living high off the hog. A higher top federal tax rate is coming whether you like it or not. There is simply no other solution.

You clearly have never had job, owned a home or business, or paid taxes.

But thanks for playing!

Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there.

Of course not. He's just a guy worth $80 billion who thinks the rich should pay more, while he does all he can to pay ZERO.

You need a policy in place to make it work.

He should lead by example.
He could give half his net worth to the federal government.
He could give $40 billion to the federal government next week.
Just to show everyone how they should give more.

Don't disagree, but a new tax policy implemented by the government will bring in more revenue than a generous donation by Warren Buffet and a few other people.
Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

How do you function in the world with such a poor understanding of human nature?

Buffet is typical of the Rich who live by capital gains instead of ordinary income. That's why so many LW Rich morons spew on and on about taxing the rich. It's bogus virtue signaling as they know that they won't be paying those taxes. The real targets of tax increases are people who work for a living and are not able to shelter their income...iow, middle and upper middle class people.

There are plenty of ways to raise taxes on capital gains, property, land, people's estates. Buffet is on record saying that the wealthy get away with all kinds of shit and that needs to stop. He even stated that his secretary has an effective tax rate higher than he does and that was wrong.

And there are plenty of ways for people to avoid taxes as NOBODY is going to pay 92% of their income in taxes.

There are plenty of ways to make them pay as well. Some will still get away with not paying more, but most will not.
I think he's got balls. Or she, whatever. But he/she definitely has no brains, to say that a 70% top marginal tax rate would not hurt economic growth is crazy. The French tried it a few years back under Hollande and it was an abject failure that had to be rolled back.

FACT: top federal tax rate was over 70% in the 1960s. Average GDP growth in the 1960s was over 5%.

FACT" top federal tax rate since the year 2000 as been less than 40%. Average GDP growth since the year 2000 has been LESS THAN 2%.

So, does increasing the top federal tax rate on the rich hurt economic growth? NO Does cutting the top federal tax rate on the rich increase economic growth? NO

You blithering babbling moron. NOBODY paid that rate on their incomes. They had more tax deductions and exemptions.

Well, then no one should mind going back to those rates.

You are a babbling fool. We don't have the deductions and exemptions they had back when those rates were in effect. And your advocacy for the increase does not include restoring them.

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So what. The government can get more money out of rich without hurting the economy. It will benefit the rest of the country. Its good policy and should be implemented. It will help pay down the national debt and provide for vital government programs including national defense. The rich are living high off the hog. A higher top federal tax rate is coming whether you like it or not. There is simply no other solution.

Yes there is: LESS SPENDING. The federal gov't has to reform the entitlement programs and bring deficit spending under control. THAT is the only real solution. You don't seem to understand, you're not going to get that much extra revenue by raising taxes.
You clearly have never had job, owned a home or business, or paid taxes.

But thanks for playing!

Yep, I guess that guy Warren Buffet has not either since he supports the same tax policy.

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there.

Of course not. He's just a guy worth $80 billion who thinks the rich should pay more, while he does all he can to pay ZERO.

You need a policy in place to make it work.

He should lead by example.
He could give half his net worth to the federal government.
He could give $40 billion to the federal government next week.
Just to show everyone how they should give more.

Don't disagree, but a new tax policy implemented by the government will bring in more revenue than a generous donation by Warren Buffet and a few other people.

How much new revenue did the recent hikes in Connecticut bring in?
Did growth suffer?

Or when Illinois raised rates from 3% to 4.95%?
We must have balanced the Illinois budget, eh?
Could you possibly by more ignorant?

That top 92% rate applied to income over $1.9M in today's dollars. Very few people in 1952 made that type of income.

What high taxes have done is to cause the very wealthy to set up tax shelters and trusts which are exempt from tax.

Enough made that type of income that Truman raised the tax rate and paid directly for the Korean War instead of borrowing! Guess what. It worked. The Korean war is the only war in U.S. history besides the Gulf War where the United States did not borrow money to pay for it. It was paid directly by taxes that were raised by Truman! The money was there, it was taxed and was enough to pay for the war and it did not hurt the economy.

The Dems cut taxes after WWII and economic growth paid for the Korean War.

But thanks for playing!

Truman cut tax rates after World War II. The top federal rate came down to 81%. After the Korean war started in the summer of 1950 the top federal tax rate increase to 92%. The direct cost of the Korean War was paid for with tax dollars. No borrowing. Only time that has happened in U.S. history with regards to a war, except the Gulf War where Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Germany and Japan paid for the cost.

I suggest that you look at those brackets indexed for inflation than look up Federal Effective Tax rates to understand how nobody paid those amounts.

Its the fact that the direct cost of the Korean war were paid for in increased U.S. tax dollars, no borrowing. The rich can pay more than they do not in taxes. They will eventually. Political support is growing to make them do so. It won't hurt the economy and will help the country. Its the only way to solve the debt problem and continue to pay for defense, social security, medicare, Medicaid and other government programs.

I call shenanigans. You have spewed a great deal of your economic and tax theories. Please provide credible and empirical evidence for what you are claiming.

In RealityLand, the Federal government ran a cumulative deficit for the Korean War period,

Why does he need to support a new policy?
If he thinks he should pay more to the government, he can simply cut a check.

It's weird though, that by giving billions to charity, he's actually paying zero to the government.
I guess we should look at his actions more than his words.

Sure, but Warren Buffet is not the only wealthy person out there. You need a policy in place to make it work.

How do you function in the world with such a poor understanding of human nature?

Buffet is typical of the Rich who live by capital gains instead of ordinary income. That's why so many LW Rich morons spew on and on about taxing the rich. It's bogus virtue signaling as they know that they won't be paying those taxes. The real targets of tax increases are people who work for a living and are not able to shelter their income...iow, middle and upper middle class people.

There are plenty of ways to raise taxes on capital gains, property, land, people's estates. Buffet is on record saying that the wealthy get away with all kinds of shit and that needs to stop. He even stated that his secretary has an effective tax rate higher than he does and that was wrong.

And there are plenty of ways for people to avoid taxes as NOBODY is going to pay 92% of their income in taxes.

There are plenty of ways to make them pay as well. Some will still get away with not paying more, but most will not.

Oh, are you going to nuke them?
The people who feel sorry for our govt should just send all their money in if it helps them with their fragile sensibilities.
The people who feel sorry for our govt should just send all their money in if it helps them with their fragile sensibilities.

Well yes. But the nature of fragile sensibilities is that they only feel good when other people do things for them.
Corporations should pay the same percentage of revenue as the middle class pay's in percentage of income.
Corporations should pay the same percentage of revenue as the middle class pay's in percentage of income.

Excellent idea! As the middle quintile net effective tax rate is about 15%, that would mean a cut in corporate taxes.
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The people who feel sorry for our govt should just send all their money in if it helps them with their fragile sensibilities.

Well yes. But the nature of fragile sensibilities is that they only feel good when other people do things for them.

Yes, quite true. Also, when they're always talking about raising taxes to 90 need to be condemned, shouted down as a bigoted, racist, prejudiced and such. Then proceed to offer your apologies for generations past transgressions that had absolutely nothing to do with you .
No one will be happy when they use "social engineering" to set tax rates.

Maybe Steve Forbes flat tax is correct? Put a lot of accountants out of work. Shrink the IRS also. 20% on every dollar recieved period.

I am no coward that i am aware of? I called that loon a "Tennis boy"...what more do I have to do? Last fight i was in 9th grade bombardment game. I tied. He said he would kill me at lunch but did not.
No one will be happy when they use "social engineering" to set tax rates.

Maybe Steve Forbes flat tax is correct? Put a lot of accountants out of work. Shrink the IRS also. 20% on every dollar recieved period.

I am no coward that i am aware of? I called that loon Tennis boy....what more do I have to do?

Agreed - but I'd lower the rate to 15% all in - no more SS and Medicare taxes.

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