Should the USA demand reparations from the invading countries and their financiers?

So we agree that our troops should shoot the savages trying to invade our country! :beer:

Did you see those savages trying to throw rocks at a helicopter. :p It would have been so beautiful if that was an Apache that mowed those terrorist POS down.

It is funny those limp wristed fags could imagine those rocks would have any chance of going 50 feet, but still the intention is there.

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The troops know they can fire.

If one rock gets thrown, fifty "asylum-seekers" will drop. And that will be that.
The Donald lays down the law...I actually saw bulldozers and steamrollers on that train. The disgusting illegal invaders have been warned. Don't throw rocks at someone with a machine gun. :p

The Donald lays down the law...I actually saw bulldozers and steamrollers on that train. The disgusting illegal invaders have been warned. Don't throw rocks at someone with a machine gun. :p

and he lies.
What should be demanded is that humane conditions exist in the countries of origin so fewer people would be induced to leave.
They have come to reclaim their land, just like the Hebrews did in Israel.

The United States of America was established by Europeans not by Yahweh. By the way Palestine was established by Romans, also not by Yahweh :p

I forget, did you say you ever studied history?
What should be demanded is that humane conditions exist in the countries of origin so fewer people would be induced to leave.

I guess the 64,000 dollar question is, why do these inbred, disgusting invaders have so many offspring if they are under such duress?
Yahweh was a Canaanite god. Really, then why did we fight a war with them??

Very good, you were close. Yahweh was a Kenite war deity that Moses adopted so he could legally screw a Kenite female after having murdered other people, according to the Hebrew mythology. But you are thinking outside the box and I am mildly impressed.
"The Pentagon will foot the bill for the deployment. It’s unclear how much it will cost, but so far the military paid $185 million to send 2,000 National Guard troops to the border for one week, earlier this year."
Windparadox, are you a taxpaying American citizen? Just curious. IMO The Donald should have hired a dozen, proven sharp shooter militia type guys to do the deed but whatever.
"The Pentagon will foot the bill for the deployment. It’s unclear how much it will cost, but so far the military paid $185 million to send 2,000 National Guard troops to the border for one week, earlier this year."

Trump can send whatever military he desires , but w/o congressional approval , they can't fire a single shot

So you see, it's no more than political posturing for the midterms


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