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Should there be mandatory training before you can purchase a firearm?

Having a gun rally to celebrate each and every time a mass killing occurs is out of control. Refusing to make any changes to reduce unnecessary gun deaths with the claim that any change won't solve every problem is out of control.

Show me a single manufacturer that has a "rally" every time there is a mass shooting.

The problem is WE DON"T TRUST YOU. Every change you propose requires law abiding gun owners or those law abiding citizens who want to own a gun to give up access to exercising one of their rights.

you want every location to be like NYC when it comes to gun rules, or even worse, but you won't admit it, so fuck yourself.

Show me a single mass shooting in the last several years that didn't have a gun rally to celebrate.

Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

I believe you threw in the term 'gun manufacturer' not anyone else.
That is what makes you an asshole. The Bill of Rights means nothing to you.
That is what makes you an asshole. The Bill of Rights means nothing to you.
Would you want a gun owner, who knows nothing about gun safety, living next door?

Who cares?

When they are negligent and shoot someone, they will go to jail!

What if they went to jail before they accidentally shoots you? Wouldn’t that be even better?

Unfortunately, we don't send people to jail for crimes they haven't committed yet. You should stop watching Tom Cruise movies and get some fresh air.
I’m still using the drivers license as a parallel. If it was a crime to be running around with a gun without proper training people would be sent to jail for that crime. Before they managed to accidentally shoot someone.

Ahh, so basically, you want to make freedom a crime, in the hopes that it will somehow make you safer, without the pesky necessity of actually dealing with problems. Got it.

Btw, people don't usually go to jail for driving without a license. They get a ticket and an outrageous fine, and that's it. It's not jailable until they actually hurt someone. So by all means, go ahead and cling to your false analogy.
Having a gun rally to celebrate each and every time a mass killing occurs is out of control. Refusing to make any changes to reduce unnecessary gun deaths with the claim that any change won't solve every problem is out of control.

Show me a single manufacturer that has a "rally" every time there is a mass shooting.

The problem is WE DON"T TRUST YOU. Every change you propose requires law abiding gun owners or those law abiding citizens who want to own a gun to give up access to exercising one of their rights.

you want every location to be like NYC when it comes to gun rules, or even worse, but you won't admit it, so fuck yourself.

Show me a single mass shooting in the last several years that didn't have a gun rally to celebrate.

Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

The NRA didn't contradict him in any way.

I don't have any idea what goes on in New your, and don't really care. I'm talking about federal gun laws goober.

There is a proposal on the table (read the OP) and then tell us the tremendous saving of life’s it saves.

I’ve outlined how ineffective it would be.


You outlines the basic NRA mantra "Don't worry about dead people. Sell more guns"

I see you have no answers. Let’s try.

Will the OP’s suggestion make criminals less likely to kill? If so, how is training a killer to more effectively kill going to reduce his killing rate?

Will the OPs suggestion stop someone wanting to kill himself less effective in his/her attempt because he is better trained in killing himself?

I’ve just given you two examples, that are 99% of all gun deaths.

Please explain how better training ends the percentage of death caused by guns.

Give it a shot. You might not look as stupid as you appear.
The OP's suggestion is about preventing accidents.

It's not that hard dude. Tighten up.

Oh, that tiny minuscule number. Outline for me how a 10 minute course stops careless people from being careless.

Many thanks
Jesus you are thick. When did we go down to a 10 minute course? Plus some people (conservatives) lack what most if us would call common sense and need to be reminded of certain things like not to leave their pistol and their 4 year old unattended together.
Show me a single manufacturer that has a "rally" every time there is a mass shooting.

The problem is WE DON"T TRUST YOU. Every change you propose requires law abiding gun owners or those law abiding citizens who want to own a gun to give up access to exercising one of their rights.

you want every location to be like NYC when it comes to gun rules, or even worse, but you won't admit it, so fuck yourself.

Show me a single mass shooting in the last several years that didn't have a gun rally to celebrate.

Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

I believe you threw in the term 'gun manufacturer' not anyone else.

Then i followed up with show me a rally at all....

Still waiting.
Show me a single manufacturer that has a "rally" every time there is a mass shooting.

The problem is WE DON"T TRUST YOU. Every change you propose requires law abiding gun owners or those law abiding citizens who want to own a gun to give up access to exercising one of their rights.

you want every location to be like NYC when it comes to gun rules, or even worse, but you won't admit it, so fuck yourself.

Show me a single mass shooting in the last several years that didn't have a gun rally to celebrate.

Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

The NRA didn't contradict him in any way.

View attachment 187685

LOL, you went from the NRA saying, to the NRA not refuting one person's opinion.

The goalpost is now on the 50 fucking yard line.

The 4th amendment is also the price of freedom, as are the rest of them.
Show me a single mass shooting in the last several years that didn't have a gun rally to celebrate.

Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

I believe you threw in the term 'gun manufacturer' not anyone else.

Then i followed up with show me a rally at all....

Still waiting.

You followed up with something he never said he would provide. Its you who is moving the goalposts.
Nice goalpost move. Now show me a rally that celebrates mass shootings.

You know, it's hard to debate a person like you that is a fucking liar.

NRA says mass shootings are a perfectly acceptable price for freedom. You ever hear such disgusting crap before?

You got a direct quote on that?

And again, goalpost move.

I believe you threw in the term 'gun manufacturer' not anyone else.

Then i followed up with show me a rally at all....

Still waiting.

You followed up with something he never said he would provide. Its you who is moving the goalposts.

Nice try, but no. Every time I ask for proof they change their statement.

That is goal post moving.

What you think I am doing is red herring.
Think about it. This is not a gun rights issue. It all about safety. Would you really want your neighbor having a gun and no clue how to use it safely, or even hit what he's aiming at? We require drivers to take a driving test and get a license. Why should guns be any different?

BTW, I am totally pro 2nd amendment. I just want the ones who own those guns to know what they are doing.

Why, I bought a gun and shells when I was 11 years old, already knew how to use it, got my own later that month. Already had my drivers license when I took drivers ED, just did it for the insurance credit. Driving isn't a constitutional right.

Why isn’t driving a constitutional right? Why is it that we aren’t free to move from point A to point B freely?

You are. There's a difference between the right to move around, and the non-existent right to a specific means of doing so.
That would get me from A to B? Yeah right. It would take me at least two days. An hour or two by car.

Cars aren’t regulated - it’s just a question about proper training.

Considering that humans have been around for millennia, and cars have only been around for a little over a century, I'm gonna say they're not essential, no matter HOW lazy you are.

Cars are VERY regulated. Completely aside from the driver's license required to operate one on public property, you also have to register it, put it through periodic emissions tests, insure it against any damage you might cause to other people's property, maintain its basic functions against the possibility of being ticketed for not having proper working parts . . .

You know why cars are so regulated? 'Cause they're a privilege, not a right.
Driving isn't a right, it's a privilege
Must be nice, living in a world that is black and white. All I'm saying is that a gun owner should be able to demonstrate minimum competency with a firearm before owning one. Otherwise, they are a danger to themselves as well as others. These gun safety classes are free. It doesn't cost anything. Simply go to a local gun range, take the class, and get a certificate. How is that any kind of infringement on the 2nd amendment?

Is gun ownership a right? Is driving a right? You just didn't like my answer and yes it's black and white. You cannot infringe on the right to bear arms
Would you give a gun to a small child? No. You wouldn't. Isn't that an infringement on the 2nd amendment? By your reasoning it is. Also, by my reasoning, it is not an infringement to require someone to demonstrate a minimum proficiency and knowledge of gun safety before owning one. I'm not talking about a government agency determining whether you can own a gun or not. This can be done on a local basis. Like I said. Pass a gun safety course and get your gun. If you cannot pass such a test, and it's not difficult to do so, then you should not own a firearm. You call it infringement. I call it public safety. BTW, look up the FBI statistics for accidental shootings. Might change your mind. Every one of those shootings was preventable.

If that is true, who would enforce this requirement, if not a government agency?

We wouldn't need government enforcement. Get your training certificate and take it to a gun shop. Local law enforcement can police the gun sellers, and that would be strictly limited to making sure they do not sell to anyone who has not had a gun safety course.

Sure. Because my local cops aren't busy, or anything. They have SCADS of time to police your shiny new restrictions on people's freedoms. Screw that whole "answering emergency calls" thing; we have some paperwork to eyeball!
There is a proposal on the table (read the OP) and then tell us the tremendous saving of life’s it saves.

I’ve outlined how ineffective it would be.


You outlines the basic NRA mantra "Don't worry about dead people. Sell more guns"

I see you have no answers. Let’s try.

Will the OP’s suggestion make criminals less likely to kill? If so, how is training a killer to more effectively kill going to reduce his killing rate?

Will the OPs suggestion stop someone wanting to kill himself less effective in his/her attempt because he is better trained in killing himself?

I’ve just given you two examples, that are 99% of all gun deaths.

Please explain how better training ends the percentage of death caused by guns.

Give it a shot. You might not look as stupid as you appear.
The OP's suggestion is about preventing accidents.

It's not that hard dude. Tighten up.

Oh, that tiny minuscule number. Outline for me how a 10 minute course stops careless people from being careless.

Many thanks
Jesus you are thick. When did we go down to a 10 minute course? Plus some people (conservatives) lack what most if us would call common sense and need to be reminded of certain things like not to leave their pistol and their 4 year old unattended together.

You want to give criminals and those who commit suicide (99% of all gun deaths) even more training on how to use a gun?

And I’m thick?

Look inward young dude. It’s needed
You can buy a car without any training. They are dangerous. They Kill.

What’s you point exactly? Saying someone is a fool is not an answer.

Do I think? Yes. You?
So, do you think anyone should be allowed to buy a gun? Even if doing so would make them a danger to others? We're talking about a short gun safety class here. That's all. How could anyone have a problem with this? It doesn't even need to be a graded test. Just show them how to safely use it.

Dude, you are looking for a solution to a non existent problem.

Most gun deaths are the result of:

A. Criminal activity. And if you think criminals give a rip about laws, then I can’t help ya Son.

B. Suicide. If someone is hellbent on killing themselves, you think that training will stop them? Really?

C. The rest have almost zero statistical relevance. And even with these, you would save only a insignificant number that it’s nearly zero.

So, you're saying my sisters death is not statistically relevant? It's relevant to me. It's relevant to her mother, her father, her brother and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins. The simple fact is that hundreds of people die each year due to carelessness with guns. Proper training would reduce that number. If it saved just a single life, it would be worth it. It might have saved my sisters life.

I ask, again. Why would anyone have a problem with demonstrating basic safety and competency, before buying a firearm?

So we don't require doctors to demonstrate basic safety and competency but how many people do they kill by making errors in medication?
We only require a college degree. I wasn’t thinking the gun education to be that extensive, more in the line of... well a drivers license?

Out of morbid curiosity, what do you imagine this magical "gun training" is going to encompass that's comparable to the rather complicated endeavor of operating a motor vehicle around other motor vehicles? Which, I might add, many people seem to do very badly, even WITH a driver's license.
Especially in the US when there are so many mass shootings .

Actually there are not that many. There are less now than there were back in the 1920s and 30s despite being hundreds of millions more people and guns.

A mass shooting like we had in Parkland is high profile and makes the news but every week in Chicago about the same number of people get killed and it hardly ever makes the news. That is where the gun crimes is here in this country. The great majority of the gun crime in this country takes place in the ghettos of seven big cities. Cities run by Democrats I might add.

Gun crime in this country is primarily among the criminal elements, gang bangers, druggies etc in the big cities.

No amount of "firearm safety training" is going to change that.
The citizens of Alabama want to ban abortions, should they be able to?

And I have the RKBA as a federal citizen, NYC should not be able to infringe, but its because of lawless cucks like you that we have the situation we have now.

The Fed law would probably make the States do the leg work, and States like NY would let more restrictive places like NYC go even further, while making Upstate gun friendly places follow State laws. (which would be onerous)

Rights are not subject to popular vote.

Cry me a river. You lost all credibility when you decided to become a gun nut.
Gun Nut in the eyes of a Gun Grabber mentality...................Why we believe you are a Gun Grabber Nut.
"Gun Grabber" This is an indication of the way
Can you outline these punishments?

I am curious

Punishment isn't the correct word. Punishment is the word the poster used to whom I was replying. It's a childish term and a childish way to represent having regulations and laws in respect to civilized behavior.

You apparently seem unable to see the correlation between requirements and regulations in just about every 'right' we have as 'free' citizens and the right to have guns.

Really your question is just too stupid a question for me to bother with. Figure it out yourself, unless you are too retarded. You are obviously too retarded to pick up on irony.

You are frustrated I see.

Can you explain the problem that the OP will solve by his proposal.

99% of all gun related deaths are caused by suicide and criminal activities.

At best, you think that training these two groups will make them less effective in there deeds? How so? Seems training them makes them more effective, not less.

The one percent is due to carelessness. And I’ve seen no argument made that this training will make careless people less careless.

Do you have anything?
Other countries have requirements for training and psychological testing in the ownership of guns. Pro-gun people are always comparing what they think are lax regulations in Switzerland regarding gun ownership. Not true. The government keeps a list of people who have guns but whom the authorities think may not be psychologically competent to have them. Government officials and psychologists regularly check up on these people and remove their guns, and right to own guns, if they think the person shouldn't have them.

The OP is talking about legally owned guns. Suicides are related to mentalhealth: therefore, psychological tests would help prevent suicides. In Switzerland, most gun related deaths are also due to suicides. As far as crime: most guns used by criminals are illegally obtained, most often stolen from legal owners. When the number of guns in circulation is reduced, criminals have fewer guns. In countries with strict gun control, there is less crime. I live in Spain at present. They have very strict gun control laws and very low crime, one of the lowest in Europe. There is correlation between strict gun control and low crime.

If people get training to own firearms, it wouldn't be just about the literal physical safety, but the wise and careful ownership of them, including keeping them out of the hands of thieves. The reason that illegal had a gun which killed the woman in SF is because the legal gun owner left it unsecured under the driver's seat in his car. The car was parked in downtown SF. Even if it was locked, that is not good gun safety because it is not unusual for someone to break into a locked car.

Wow, such deflection.

Other countries don’t give their children ADHD drugs and SDRIs (antidepressants) at near the rate we do.

Want a real impact on these rates?

Wonder why the suicide rate among teens is so high now (second leading cause of death). Might want to explore that a bit and the link to ADHD and antidepressants
As for it being mental illness? The suicide rate among those with these mental illnesses and not on those drugs is almost non existent.

So no, it’s not the mental illness, it’s the medication, which by the way, studies have shown, those taking these meds are 50% more likely to commit a violent crime, then those not taking them.

And you think additional fire arm training is the answer?

Good one.
The suicide rate in Switzerland is very high, and it is among men with guns. And they aren't on drugs. People who want to own guns should have to take a psychological test. Especially in the US when there are so many mass shootings due to mental illness and when pro-gun people are so excessively intense about their 'right' to own any and all guns and ammo they want: they scream and cry and have mental breakdowns when their 'right' might be regulated in any way: worse than little babies.
Your rant is misguided and partisan on crying.

We don't trust you and have no reason to. All we have to see if liberal cities laws like New York and their laws to understand your real goal.

Shall not be infringed. You need and Amendment to end that.

Good Luck. You will lose.
There is a proposal on the table (read the OP) and then tell us the tremendous saving of life’s it saves.

I’ve outlined how ineffective it would be.


You outlines the basic NRA mantra "Don't worry about dead people. Sell more guns"

I see you have no answers. Let’s try.

Will the OP’s suggestion make criminals less likely to kill? If so, how is training a killer to more effectively kill going to reduce his killing rate?

Will the OPs suggestion stop someone wanting to kill himself less effective in his/her attempt because he is better trained in killing himself?

I’ve just given you two examples, that are 99% of all gun deaths.

Please explain how better training ends the percentage of death caused by guns.

Give it a shot. You might not look as stupid as you appear.
The OP's suggestion is about preventing accidents.

It's not that hard dude. Tighten up.

Oh, that tiny minuscule number. Outline for me how a 10 minute course stops careless people from being careless.

Many thanks

You're right. The tiny course required for CC is not enough to teach anyone anything. That's why we need a real training course.

Nope......that gives morons like you too much power to make any training so expensive, time consuming and elaborate as to keep out 95% of the population....leaving guns for the rich and politically connected just like they do in Europe.
...No Moon Bat you are confused. It is time to adhere to the Bill of Rights. Fuck gun control.
Thank you for your insightful feedback, Princess; however, mandatory training is coming, and sooner than you think.

When it DOES come, you will obey the laws of the United States, just like everybody else; piss-and-moan all you like.

Just teach gun safety in all schools, your perceived problem is solved and it won't cost anyone a dime. I'm sure the NRA would be happy to supply qualified instructors for free.


The NRA would provide instructors to every elementary, middle, and/or high school in the country for free? That sounds extremely unlikely.
Your logic is to impose your set of values on law abiding citizens because of criminal actions of others.............Your logic is flawed and your mindset and opinions are your own..............

Kind of like punishing the cows for the actions of a Coyote raiding the hen house.................Our castrating a neighbor of a rapist for the crimes of a rapist.

You want to ENFORCE YOUR VALUES ON OTHERS.............who don't agree with you.........and we will resist you until hell freezes over.
Your logic doesn't work AT ALL. If your logic worked, we would have no laws and no regulations AT ALL. I don't drive drunk or recklessly, but there are laws against doing so. Why am I punished for what others do? Why do I need to buy liability insurance? I don't steal. Why are there laws against doing so? Why are there laws against cheating on taxes: I don't cheat on my taxes. Why am I punished for what others do?

Your logic is the same as a young child's.

Can you outline these punishments?

I am curious

Punishment isn't the correct word. Punishment is the word the poster used to whom I was replying. It's a childish term and a childish way to represent having regulations and laws in respect to civilized behavior.

You apparently seem unable to see the correlation between requirements and regulations in just about every 'right' we have as 'free' citizens and the right to have guns.

Really your question is just too stupid a question for me to bother with. Figure it out yourself, unless you are too retarded. You are obviously too retarded to pick up on irony.

You are frustrated I see.

Can you explain the problem that the OP will solve by his proposal.

99% of all gun related deaths are caused by suicide and criminal activities.

At best, you think that training these two groups will make them less effective in there deeds? How so? Seems training them makes them more effective, not less.

The one percent is due to carelessness. And I’ve seen no argument made that this training will make careless people less careless.

Do you have anything?
Other countries have requirements for training and psychological testing in the ownership of guns. Pro-gun people are always comparing what they think are lax regulations in Switzerland regarding gun ownership. Not true. The government keeps a list of people who have guns but whom the authorities think may not be psychologically competent to have them. Government officials and psychologists regularly check up on these people and remove their guns, and right to own guns, if they think the person shouldn't have them.

The OP is talking about legally owned guns. Suicides are related to mental health: therefore, psychological tests would help prevent suicides. In Switzerland, most gun related deaths are also due to suicides. As far as crime: most guns used by criminals are illegally obtained, most often stolen from legal owners. When the number of guns in circulation is reduced, criminals have fewer guns. In countries with strict gun control, there is less crime. I live in Spain at present. They have very strict gun control laws and very low crime, one of the lowest in Europe. There is correlation between strict gun control and low crime.

If people get training to own firearms, it wouldn't be just about the literal physical safety, but the wise and careful ownership of them, including keeping them out of the hands of thieves. The reason that illegal had a gun which killed the woman in SF is because the legal gun owner left it unsecured under the driver's seat in his car. The car was parked in downtown SF. Even if it was locked, that is not good gun safety because it is not unusual for someone to break into a locked car.

Gun ownership is a Right here....the 14th Amendment prevents Poll Taxes and Literacy tests for voting so any tax or test on gun ownership is also unconstitutional....that "legal" gun owner in San Fran was a cop.....by the way.

The only reason most people leave their guns locked in their cars is because people like you have passed laws making it illegal to carry guns in most public places...so they have to leave their gun in their car...

Care to repeal democrat gun free zone laws? That would reduce the number of guns taken out of cars.....
That would be an infringement
Would you consider it an infringement to require a driving test before you can operate a vehicle?

An infringement of what? Driving isn't a right.

Furthermore, you don't require a license to operate a vehicle. You require a license to operate one ON PUBLIC ROADS. And most places still require a permit to carry a weapon in public places, so there you go.

It’s really easier then that C.

You are not required to have a license unless you drive a car on a tax payer funded highway.

So, if we take this to it’s logical conclusion, only those using a gun at a tax payer funded shooting range must have a license.
Until you take it outta your house onto the taxpayer funded sidewalk.

Most sidewalks are private property. Dip.


What makes you think that?
Your logic is to impose your set of values on law abiding citizens because of criminal actions of others.............Your logic is flawed and your mindset and opinions are your own..............

Kind of like punishing the cows for the actions of a Coyote raiding the hen house.................Our castrating a neighbor of a rapist for the crimes of a rapist.

You want to ENFORCE YOUR VALUES ON OTHERS.............who don't agree with you.........and we will resist you until hell freezes over.
Your logic doesn't work AT ALL. If your logic worked, we would have no laws and no regulations AT ALL. I don't drive drunk or recklessly, but there are laws against doing so. Why am I punished for what others do? Why do I need to buy liability insurance? I don't steal. Why are there laws against doing so? Why are there laws against cheating on taxes: I don't cheat on my taxes. Why am I punished for what others do?

Your logic is the same as a young child's.

Can you outline these punishments?

I am curious

Punishment isn't the correct word. Punishment is the word the poster used to whom I was replying. It's a childish term and a childish way to represent having regulations and laws in respect to civilized behavior.

You apparently seem unable to see the correlation between requirements and regulations in just about every 'right' we have as 'free' citizens and the right to have guns.

Really your question is just too stupid a question for me to bother with. Figure it out yourself, unless you are too retarded. You are obviously too retarded to pick up on irony.

You are frustrated I see.

Can you explain the problem that the OP will solve by his proposal.

99% of all gun related deaths are caused by suicide and criminal activities.

At best, you think that training these two groups will make them less effective in there deeds? How so? Seems training them makes them more effective, not less.

The one percent is due to carelessness. And I’ve seen no argument made that this training will make careless people less careless.

Do you have anything?
Other countries have requirements for training and psychological testing in the ownership of guns. Pro-gun people are always comparing what they think are lax regulations in Switzerland regarding gun ownership. Not true. The government keeps a list of people who have guns but whom the authorities think may not be psychologically competent to have them. Government officials and psychologists regularly check up on these people and remove their guns, and right to own guns, if they think the person shouldn't have them.

The OP is talking about legally owned guns. Suicides are related to mental health: therefore, psychological tests would help prevent suicides. In Switzerland, most gun related deaths are also due to suicides. As far as crime: most guns used by criminals are illegally obtained, most often stolen from legal owners. When the number of guns in circulation is reduced, criminals have fewer guns. In countries with strict gun control, there is less crime. I live in Spain at present. They have very strict gun control laws and very low crime, one of the lowest in Europe. There is correlation between strict gun control and low crime.

If people get training to own firearms, it wouldn't be just about the literal physical safety, but the wise and careful ownership of them, including keeping them out of the hands of thieves. The reason that illegal had a gun which killed the woman in SF is because the legal gun owner left it unsecured under the driver's seat in his car. The car was parked in downtown SF. Even if it was locked, that is not good gun safety because it is not unusual for someone to break into a locked car.

There is no link between gun ownership and suicide....

Suicides are related to mental health: therefore, psychological tests would help prevent suicides. In Switzerland, most gun related deaths are also due to suicides.

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.

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