CDZ Should Transgenders and Non-Binary People Be Forced To Fight In A War?

Do You Believe In The Draft?

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The people you put in front of the real troops who are going to actually kill the enemy.
Cannon fodder are people you put in the very front to die by cannon and rifle fire. Like pawns on a chess board protect the more powerful pieces.
The people you put in front of the real troops who are going to actually kill the enemy.
Cannon fodder are people you put in the very front to die by cannon and rifle fire. Like pawns on a chess board protect the more powerful pieces.

Oh, now I get it.
You can't do without me.
Imagine you morons talking amongst yourselves?

Be like taco day at the Ex Lax factory.

There is no such thing as a 'non-binary' person. We are born either male or female. 'Transgender' is a sexual abnormality which is a mental illness. But, I do not promote sending mentally ill people into battle. It's not good for the majority of normal soldiers.
If I and the rest of the brain laden posters leave the stupidity of the daily Butt Hurts would drive you more insane.


I do note with absolute hilarity that you and yours keep seeking me out.
You need me. You need my intellect to bring the tiniest bit of reality to your cheeto colored world.
I say that I agree with Officer Tatum that if they're Transgender from female to male then they're the ones who chose that lifestyle and non-binary that they're just going by what the good Lord gave them. However, I don't really agree with drafting people either so I'm sort of on the fence about the whole entire thing.

Officer Tatum should stop calling himself an officer, since he's no longer a cop.

Also, it's kind of a moot point, as we don't have a draft.

When we did have a draft, the military tended to not care that much about your sexual orientation. People tried to get out of the military by claiming to be gay or trans, and couldn't.


Klinger never got that Section 8!

The reality is, that a draft is impractical today. Soldiering is a much more technical occupation, and you really have to be into it to be any good at it.
I say that I agree with Officer Tatum that if they're Transgender from female to male then they're the ones who chose that lifestyle and non-binary that they're just going by what the good Lord gave them. However, I don't really agree with drafting people either so I'm sort of on the fence about the whole entire thing.

People who are severely mentally ill are exempt from military service.

The only thing here is to distinguish true trannies from people like Jamie Farr who are just faking it.
If I and the rest of the brain laden posters leave the stupidity of the daily Butt Hurts would drive you more insane.


I do note with absolute hilarity that you and yours keep seeking me out.
You need me. You need my intellect to bring the tiniest bit of reality to your cheeto colored world.

People who are severely mentally ill are exempt from military service.

The only thing here is to distinguish true trannies from people like Jamie Farr who are just faking it.

But are Trans people mentally ill?

I give you the case of Jennifer Pritzker, born James Pritzker, who was commissioned as an officer in the US Army, and reached the rank of Lt. Colonel. Now, yes she was presenting as male. But clearly, she presented as functional enough to not only get a commission, but get promoted several times. (Of course, it helps that his family is probably the richest family in Illinois.)

I could also point out Amy Schneider, who recently broke records on the game show Jeopardy! She's an engineering manager.
How does “do you support the draft” have anything to do with a persons sexual identification? How when Hell comes knocking at your door does sexual identification have anything to do with it? If one truly loves their country, and freedom, then there is a price one must be willing to pay to preserve it! I guess exemption from “the draft” is just another excuse to let others make the ultimate sacrifice on your behalf to preserve your pathetic ass. Hell I know women that I would rather have cover my ass then some metro sexually confused wimp.
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Nobody should be forced to fight in a war
Spoken like a worthless parasite. Don’t pretend to confuse a contentious objector that serves in the medical or support, logistics corps with a panty waist coward that wants all the benefits at the expense of those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
How does “do you support the draft” have anything to do with a persons sexual identification? How when Hell comes knocking at your door does sexual identification have anything to do with it? If one truly loves their country, and freedom, then there is a price one must be willing to pay to preserve it! I guess exemption from “the draft” is just another excuse to let others make the ultimate sacrifice on your behalf to preserve your pathetic ass. Hell I know women that I would rather have cover my ass then some metro sexually confused wimp.

If someone is sexual pervert, they really are inappropriate for military service, regardless of how much they think they want to fight.

Normative men just don's want to shower with homos.

They don't in prison- like Clint Eastwood didn't- and they don't in the military either.

If someone is sexual pervert, they really are inappropriate for military service, regardless of how much they think they want to fight.

Normative men just don's want to shower with homos.

They don't in prison- like Clint Eastwood didn't- and they don't in the military either.

That's odd. My son was in the Army and had several infantry members of his unit whom everyone knew was gay, It was no problem.

My daughter is asked continuously if she is gay because she is unmarried and doesn't date, despite being very straight. No one gave a shit anyway. She is married to her work in the Army, at which she is exceptional, as she commands her own unit at the ripe old age of 27.
The people you put in front of the real troops who are going to actually kill the enemy.
Cannon fodder are people you put in the very front to die by cannon and rifle fire. Like pawns on a chess board protect the more powerful pieces.
Cannons are not used that way anymore.
Spoken like a worthless parasite. Don’t pretend to confuse a contentious objector that serves in the medical or support, logistics corps with a panty waist coward that wants all the benefits at the expense of those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.
What are you talking about psycho?! I didn’t say that nobody should fight in wars or join the military… all that do are heros in my book. I said nobody should be forced to do so. Take a breath and count to 10

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