Should Trump arrest Mueller and his radical team under RICO? Who will watch the "watchers"?


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018
Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his affability and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
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One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
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Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his meekness and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
Hopefully the perverted lying thief gets impeached
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
We can only hope for the best. Bad midterms for Donald Trump means Oppression is just around the corner and the Witch Hunt will expand and the Witch Hunters will be Emboldened.

A good midterm for The President means a return of many of our freedoms, and a further restraining of the oppressive power of our Overbloated Government
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
We can only hope for the best. Bad midterms for Donald Trump means Oppression is just around the corner and the Witch Hunt will expand and the Witch Hunters will be Emboldened.

A good midterm for The President means a return of many of our freedoms, and a further restraining of the oppressive power of our Overbloated Government
I've been encouraged by the vote counts in the interim races. I think so were the leftists. they are worried, the polling numbers are showing that. One thing I've learned since trump is how the media is controlling the poll numbers. They think we don't notice, but we do. I have many friends who see it as well. they ain't fooling no one.
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
and we outnumbered you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: maybe that should tell you something.
Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his affability and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
When you site an article do you actually read it, or is it simply a matter of it sounding good?
Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation.
The legal sholars he's reffering to are a distinct minority. In fact the supreme court has ruled on this in the US government v Nixon case.
Could he arrest Mueller and his team?
No, since he is the president not a prosecutor
pattern of racketeering
To what pattern of racketeering are you referring ? Mueller is a duly appointed official with a very clear mandate investigating a well documented crime.
nclude “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions”
What misleading conduct has he done? His team doesn't speak and talks via indictments which are extraordinary detailed in its content
the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.
Strozk was taken of the team the moment Mueller was made aware of the texts. Several WEEKS before the public was made aware. What are the ties to Clinton and in both cases why would it matter? I wasn't aware that political affiliation automatically disqualifies a person from conducting a fair investigation. In fact the report conducted by the FBI led by Trump appointees said they found NO proof of wrongdoing in any of the investigation.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates?
Yes you are, unless you can give a CLEAR reason why you don't believe it. At the moment Mueller has brought out dozens of indictments, several guilty pleas and one conviction by a jury. If the process is not fair I've yet to see anyone credibly being able to assert that Mueller isn't doing his job, or that the job isn't producing results.
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One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
and we outnumbered you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: maybe that should tell you something.
we can only pray that horrible error doesn't happen again
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
and we outnumbered you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: maybe that should tell you something.
we can only pray that horrible error doesn't happen again
you can pray until your head explodes. Trump 2020. book it.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
and we outnumbered you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: maybe that should tell you something.
we can only pray that horrible error doesn't happen again
you can pray until your head explodes. Trump 2020. book it.
Not if farmers and other trumpettes are going broke Plant any cranberries?
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
It was the real idiots that elected him
and we outnumbered you. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: maybe that should tell you something.
we can only pray that horrible error doesn't happen again
you can pray until your head explodes. Trump 2020. book it.
Not if farmers and other trumpettes are going broke Plant any cranberries?
Trump 2020. book it
Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his meekness and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
Hopefully the perverted lying thief gets impeached

or just leaves like Nixon with his tail hanging down, and then gets indicted.
One of the problems with The GOP is that many of its members are Deep Staters and Globalists themselves.

Trump is not one of them. He didn't take money from their lobbyists and friends. He doesn't owe them any favors. He is carrying out his own agenda, and this does not dovetail with The Deep State Agenda.

Trump therefore only appeals to freedom loving Americans, and Bureaucrats, Marxists and Socialists have no love for him.

He appeals to both Democrats and Republicans who value Freedom and self reliance, and individual liberties. To all others, he is a threat.

Your president right now is in a Catch 22 with this situation and it is by design. This is The Insurance Policy that was put in place should he be elected.

Only a solid set of Mid Term Victories by candidates who are on the same page with The President are going to be able to help The President end The Soft Coup against the will of The American People, and put The Witch Hunt and the Faux Witch Hunters on Trial themselves.
all of that is in plain site for all to see. This midterm will be very special.
Trump WH going bonkers Even Kelly calls trump an idiot
an idiot that won the presidency. wow now that's something special in my world.
That's rather obvious.
Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his meekness and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
Hopefully the perverted lying thief gets impeached

or just leaves like Nixon with his tail hanging down, and then gets indicted.

Pure fantasy
Today's orchestrated & staged abomination during the opening to Kavanaugh's hearings begs the question; should the GOP take the Dems & deep state head on... I'm beginning to think that hardball tactics are long overdue! I think it's worth the risk of seeking truth and justice over attempts of placating an electorate, cajoling their votes, through acquiescence and "diplomacy". A short article by Michael Savage below...

Speaking with Bloomberg News, President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as illegal. Trump stated, “I view it as an illegal investigation. You read the great scholars, the great legal — there should have never been a special counsel. It shouldn’t have been set up.”

It comes as no surprise that President Trump is critical of the investigation, but is the President justified in his claims? Could he arrest Mueller and his team?

First, let’s take a look at The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, commonly known as RICO. Originally enacted to combat mafia operations, the law has had a far greater impact. RICO has been fundamental in going after all types of organizations, from corrupt police departments to even the Catholic Church. RICO warrants prosecution of all individuals in a corrupt organization, from the leadership to the bottom associates. An individual must engage in a pattern of racketeering associated with an organization in order to violate RICO law.

President Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is no stranger to RICO prosecution as he is largely credited with reinventing the law’s use from mafia investigations to white collar crime circuits. In his own tenure as a prosecutor, Giuliani took on mafia rings, unions, bankers, and corrupt government officials.

Among the number of violations under RICO statutes is obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is not limited to bribery and intimidation but may include “misleading conduct” which may consist of deliberate lies or “material omissions” (leaving out any facts imperative to the case), a broad term that can fit a variety of circumstances.

The sweeping bias and conflicts of interest that riddle the Mueller investigation have been well-documented, from the Peter Strozk anti-Trump text messages to the investigators with ties to the Clinton’s and the Democratic party.

Are we to believe that these investigators can be trusted to uphold justice, or that they will present all the evidence necessary to give a fair trial to Trump and his associates? Could it be that the members of the special counsel could be guilty of obstruction of justice themselves?

Is it time for Trump to turn the tables on this egregious witch hunt and prosecute the corrupt prosecutors?

I voted for Trump, not for his affability and platitudinous 'polititalk'; on the contrary I see need for fundamental change in how the GOP takes on this emerging, ever more radical progressivism scourge! IMHO...
To use that "Law" they must make money on breaking the law. Would not have any connection to the Russia hunt.

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