Should Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace prize?

Should President Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize over N Korea agreeing to de-nucleaize?

  • Yes, immediately, he's made us far more safer in such a short time than that jackass Hussein Obama.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No, let's wait till it happens

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • No, he should never get that prize.

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
naw , who wants an award that some 'euro' elites would give him and then expect The TRUMP to be appreciative . Best to let the elite scum trade prizes and pat each other on the back but The TRUMP should even reject any prize , imo !!
On the other hand, a peace award by the same Euro trash would cause rhe Left and the crooked media to detonate prematurely. :clap2:
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
Well, he didn't walk on water like Obama the messiah of the left did, who divided America along racial, economic, religious and ethnic lines, while inciting race riots all over the country, all so that Democrats can get some more voters.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
What are you smoking?
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

I'm not sure but I think you have to attack and take out a third world dictator to win one of those thingies.
Obama got his way before he attacked Libya's Ghaddafi, and the attack was AFTER Ghaddafi had (thanks to Bush) denuclearized and taken of the terrorist list. Obama was very good at stabbing our friends and allies in the back.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
What are you smoking?
Why, are you high?
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

They couldn't give Obama a Nobel Prize fast enough, he was barely in office, and it turned out that he was about as bad for global peace as anyone could possibly be. So by that standard, Trump deserves about TEN Nobel Prizes!
he certainly deserves to be in the company of yasser arafat and henry kissinger

Oh yea? So, you want to KILL the US President, Del? Or you just wishing he gets run over by a car? Or maybe you'd like to see him poisoned by a North Korean nerve agent? Is that what gives you stiffie? I'm sure the FBI would like to know.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
The Nobel Peace Prize is like todays Oscars. Irrelevant.
Way too early to talk about a Nobel. Gotta wait to see what the eventual outcome of any agreement might be, assuming there is one. Trump will drive a hard bargain with the Hillary-like little fatso and be able to justify it to him based on NK's track record of not living up to previous agreements.

Now, should a Nobel ever be awarded it would be nice, and certainly not out of character, for Trump to either downplay it as meaningless or outright refuse it based on the absurdity of previous winners.

One suggestion I'd give president Trump if this meeting includes gift exchanges between the two of them would be a nice new bowl for Kim to pass along to his barber.
I am confident that even fair-minded Democrats (there are some) would agree that if North Korea actually does dismantle its nuclear arsenal, then a Nobel Peace Prize is in order for both President Trump and Marshal Kim. In fact, maybe the presidents of South Korea and China should also share in it.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

I'm not sure but I think you have to attack and take out a third world dictator to win one of those thingies.

Might be too dangerous for Trump to get the Peace Prize ---- Obama started wars on Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Pakistan and no doubt places I haven't heard of, as well as continuing the Forever Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And I would expect Trump to do everything bigger and better --- Obama was such a putz by comparison.

So to get a Peace Prize, apparently a Prez has to start a lot of wars; let's hope they give it a miss in Stockholm.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

I'm not sure but I think you have to attack and take out a third world dictator to win one of those thingies.

Might be too dangerous for Trump to get the Peace Prize ---- Obama started wars on Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Pakistan and no doubt places I haven't heard of, as well as continuing the Forever Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. And I would expect Trump to do everything bigger and better --- Obama was such a putz by comparison.

So to get a Peace Prize, apparently a Prez has to start a lot of wars; let's hope they give it a miss in Stockholm.

There is another way to obtain a Nobel Peace Prize

You could be a terrorist like Yasser Arafat.
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.

Democrats are the only ones full of hate, Trump says he loves all Americans, Americans first.

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Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

Haha! Hilarious!

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