Should Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace prize?

Should President Trump be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize over N Korea agreeing to de-nucleaize?

  • Yes, immediately, he's made us far more safer in such a short time than that jackass Hussein Obama.

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • No, let's wait till it happens

    Votes: 14 32.6%
  • No, he should never get that prize.

    Votes: 7 16.3%

  • Total voters
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

Maybe he should get the Ignoble Peas Prize for saving peas, seeing as he seems to like McDonalds more than vegetables.
There is another way to obtain a Nobel Peace Prize

You could be a terrorist like Yasser Arafat. this thread is premature. It's Kim Jong Un the nuclear terrorist they'll give the Peace Prize to. Think about it: who are the Europeans sure to want to celebrate instead of Trump?

They'd rather praise the most dangerous person in the world instead of Trump: so they'll give the prize to Kim.
There is another way to obtain a Nobel Peace Prize

You could be a terrorist like Yasser Arafat. this thread is premature. It's Kim Jong Un the nuclear terrorist they'll give the Peace Prize to. Think about it: who are the Europeans sure to want to celebrate instead of Trump?

They'd rather praise the most dangerous person in the world instead of Trump: so they'll give the prize to Kim.

IF Rocket man takes out Trump they will surely give him the Nobel Peace prize.
Crooked Donnie will get a participation trophy and a T Shirt
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

That was so weird that a sitting president would EVER think that those Arab men would have any kind of respect for another man who would present himself and his country in the manner that Obama did with his infamous "apology tour." What in the hell??? That just sets a TERRIBLE precedent. A president has to consider WHO he is dealing with and their ideology before he goes off on an apology rant, speaking for an entire nation. Lol.
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

That was so weird that a sitting president would EVER think that those Arab men would have any kind of respect for another man who would present himself and his country in the manner that Obama did with his infamous "apology tour." What in the hell??? That just sets a TERRIBLE precedent. A president has to consider WHO he is dealing with and their ideology before he goes off on an apology rant, speaking for an entire nation. Lol.
We need a shithole nation tour
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

That was so weird that a sitting president would EVER think that those Arab men would have any kind of respect for another man who would present himself and his country in the manner that Obama did with his infamous "apology tour." What in the hell??? That just sets a TERRIBLE precedent. A president has to consider WHO he is dealing with and their ideology before he goes off on an apology rant, speaking for an entire nation. Lol.
We need a shithole nation tour

Well, you have to take into consideration WHO you are speaking to and their ideology. When the Arab men in positions of power looked at Obama, they saw weakness.
no--that's only for people who hate America/police/whites and sympathize with black criminals --like Obama
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.

Lets see. ISIS was on it's way to being crushed before the failed grifter came on the scene. He gets absolutely zero credit for that.

Assad and the Iranians are acting more aggressively than they ever have been. You're not real bright are you?

North Korea successfully tested a hydrogen thermonuclear device for the first time, and five separate long range ballistic missile tests, four of which flew right over Japan, and one of which landed in the Pacific near California. Kim is playing the Dotard like a fiddle.

And you want to give him a prize because of why again?
Sure, he may de-nuclearize N. Korea, but you guys are failing to see the unrest he is causing in the US. All the things he may be accomplishing abroad are canceled by the regression he has caused stateside. He has separated Americans.
Americans were already can thank bush and obama for that....
And Trump has brought them all together to a family reunion? I don't think so
well i sure as hell did not say that....maybe that was you?....
It appears he's on the path to get one or two... Let him earn it.

Unlike Barry Soetoro who got one because of... wait, what did he get it for?
Let's see, ISIS crushed, Assad and the Iranians put on notice, and now the North Korean fat thug is waving the white flag. And this is only ONE year after he was inaugurated. Just remember that the jackass empty suit Hussein Obama that the Leftards worship, didn't do shit (in fact he caused a genocide in Syria, and capitalulated to the Iranian IslamoNazis) and he was awarded a peace prize because his first act was to apologize for America to the Muslim world.
Actually, I think that since Obubba got one for doing absolutely nothing, there should be a Nobel Prize in every box of Cracker Jack.


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