Should Trump go to PENN or AZ and do an impromptu rally?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yeah, I think he should keep doing rallies. Keep up the pressure and keep the momentum going.
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.

Florida or Texas. Friendly state that went for him by comfortable margins. Friendly crowd. Boat and car parades.
Play up to your strength.

Anywhere else, it'll look like his attempt to be with Melania (in the biblical sense)....REJECTED!!
Absolutely. He needs to thank his voters for winning PA for him, and give the country some hope. That comatose Chinaman and his pet giggling shit ape are not inspiring much confidence..... what a shock.... hmm?
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yeah, I think he should keep doing rallies. Keep up the pressure and keep the momentum going.
Right keep spreading the virus to his supporters too. Just fucking brilliant!
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yeah, I think he should keep doing rallies. Keep up the pressure and keep the momentum going.
Right keep spreading the virus to his supporters too. Just fucking brilliant!

Dems already did that with their Biden celebrations this weekend.
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yeah, I think he should keep doing rallies. Keep up the pressure and keep the momentum going.
Right keep spreading the virus to his supporters too. Just fucking brilliant!

I saw the crowds dancing in the streets for Biden. That story is long gone, after the protests and other antics. All of these mail out ballots needed to be sent out due to the ever dangerous pandemic. Days after the election thousands are in the streets screaming at one another and cheering.

Communist China is going to crush the West, and the patsies who believe "we are all just one, global society" are giving it to them. Everyone else has to be a post-nation state, while China remains a very patriotic, homogeneous country.

He should go out and grab 75k for a rally and get his message out. If there are irregularities, he should let his supporters know what he is fighting for.
Trump should hold rallies in all the voter fraud states, that would unhinge Biden and the left :auiqs.jpg:
What states are those? The ones he lost? LOL. Unhinge Biden? I don't think so. He would find it amusing at best, or just not worth his attention.

I see you are allied with the party of Democrat election cheaters. Go fill out a fraudulent ballot that's about all your side does well.
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yes, he should
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
Yeah, I think he should keep doing rallies. Keep up the pressure and keep the momentum going.
Right keep spreading the virus to his supporters too. Just fucking brilliant!
Is there any excuse so flimsy that you pussies won't grab onto it?

Your weak cowardly attitude disgusts me and I'm sure, your ancestors agree.
While his legal team fights for him, it would be sure to give him an audience and he could use some of his team to present some of their facts/concerns.

It wouldn't be in violation of election laws, since the election is over and Biden has already been in public promoting his claim to the presidency.
I think he needs to focus on the legal challenges. These State will be certifying results in 9 days, and the State legislatures will need clear evidence of fraud, and some sense of how many ballots it involves, order to accurately determine the results of the legal votes caste. The orchestrated rush to declare Biden "President Elect" is obvious theater and smacks of desperation.

Media ‘Calling’ Elections in a Democracy Is Postmodern Fascism.
More or less unnoticed for decades, the media habit of “calling” elections—presidential or otherwise—is not only a betrayal of the democratic process, it has become a leading factor in a new form of post-modern fascism in which we are apparently living.
Saturday morning at 11:45AM, while President Trump was off playing golf, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the AP and USA Today, virtually in unison as if operating on some sort of pre-arranged cue, all made the call for Joe Biden with Fox News joining them all of ten minutes later.
You should see the scowling picture Fox News has run with Trump's vote since the beginning, matched with a beaming smiling confident Biden
It was like Pravda and Izvestia working together for what they assured the Soviet public was their own good.
Moments after that, horns were honking with joy and people dancing in the streets from Los Angeles to New York.
After all, the witch was dead. Which old witch? The orange witch! Ding-dong the wicked witch was dead!
Election is still ongoing
Biden was our 46th president because the media declared it so.
Of course, this was nonsense. The election is still on-going, still undecided, and will be for several weeks of legal challenges, many of them justified.
Media Psy-Ops
What occurred at 11:45 was basically a media psy-op (psychological operation), designed to depress and silence the roughly seventy-one million who voted for Trump and rally the seventy-some million, if they indeed exist, who voted for Biden.
The truth is, in a democracy and/or a democratic republic …
No media organization has the right to “call” an election. Period.
It’s a Big Lie squared.
Just think of the media as Democratic Party operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense. And it’s a win-win for them either way. Demoralize Trump supporters now, and if Trump’s lawyers somehow salvage the election for him, send him into his second term with a Dubya-style asterisk, just as they did in 2016.

SD Gov. Kristi Noem to former Clinton-Gore flack George Stephanopoulos: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voter Deserve Same Consideration.

Media Cheered on Stacey Abrams for Challenging Election But Trashes Trump for Same Thing.
Loser Donnie is hiding in his bunker and rage tweeting. Don't expect that to change anytime soon.

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