Should US Teachers get paid based upon student performance?

Teacher salaries should be market-based. Compensation packages for public school teachers should not be any bigger than those for private school teachers.
any teacher working in an inner city deserves combat pay, and we should put them on a pedestal! :eek:
Should US Teachers get paid based upon student performance?

It's a system that works in every other field of human activity, why not reward teacher success?

IT has been established beyond question that the primary driver of academic outcome is parent involvement.

Blaming the teacher for the homelife of the kids is not reasonable.
It's a factor, but perhaps not the "primary driver." There are a lot of factors involved in whether a child will be successful in school. Schools do not have the budgets to expand programs for kids who do not do well sitting in seats in rows and reading text books, taking tests. The reviled Common Core allows for different learning styles and approaches by listing final proficiencies. They do not have to be measured by a multiple choice test, but that's the simplest and cheapest way to do it, and it gives a common measuring stick when comparing students to other schools.

Then there is the fact that some students do not have as many neural pathways in the grey matter, for whatever reason and they may be great musicians or artists or furniture makers, great moms and dads, dependable and honest people, but they will never grasp certain things, like Algebra or writing essays comparing and contrasting the development of civilization in China and Europe. So there's that, too.

I think everyone ought to get their nose out of it unless they know what they're talking about, which most people here don't. They just want to use education as another political cudgel against the liberals. So unfair.
Who decides what is tested and designs the tests?

Why is 4 years of Literature in high school more important than 1 year of accounting? How many kids got accounting in high school? I don't even know if my high school had it back then.

But they are supposed to get jobs to make money and then decide whether to rent or buy a house, or and apartment building. I bought an apartment building.
You don't need accounting to get a job or figure out a budget. Practical math, sure. Accounting is a completely different animal.
Teacher salaries should be market-based. Compensation packages for public school teachers should not be any bigger than those for private school teachers.

Public school teachers have a lot more work than private schools and much larger classes, more students to teach, test and grade and all the bull crud of ''no child left behind'' while private schools, nada!
It would be easy enough to develop a bonus plan that benchmarks educational success against expected progress, based on comparable groups within the school district or even state. this sort of thing is fairly routine in the real world. But teachers unions would render any such program farcical, with all the bonus money going to the teachers with the most seniority.

I would never win. I always get seem to get stuck with the kids who when asked, say "The only reason I am here is because the law says I have to be here!"

These kids are already useless blood-sucking ticks on the American educational process and when they finally get to drop out of school, they will likely drop into crime.
Teacher salaries should be market-based. Compensation packages for public school teachers should not be any bigger than those for private school teachers.

Ha! You have that ass-backwards!

Most private school teachers in this country jump at the chance to teach public school because the crappy pay they receive there will far exceed anything they will ever make in a private school setting.
Teacher salaries should be market-based. Compensation packages for public school teachers should not be any bigger than those for private school teachers.

Then you wouldn't have any teachers.

Amazon is hiring supervisors! A B.A. is required. Stand for eight hours in up to 90 degree heat. The pay? $14.65/hr. So you spend $50k for an education for $14.65/hr. Isn't that the real problem in this nation?
No. But they should get bonuses on top of salary for exemplary work or high performing students.
Should US Teachers get paid based upon student performance?

It's a system that works in every other field of human activity, why not reward teacher success?
Because there are a lot of stupid parents. Can't blame the kid, or the teacher. Parents who don't bother with nutritious meals for the their own children. Parents who did meth while they were pregnant. Or drank. Or smoked. Or abused prescription drugs. Some people shouldn't be parents and their kids prove it. Teachers can't work miracles, and for as little as they're paid they shouldn't be expected to.
Teacher salaries should be market-based. Compensation packages for public school teachers should not be any bigger than those for private school teachers.

Ha! You have that ass-backwards!

Most private school teachers in this country jump at the chance to teach public school because the crappy pay they receive there will far exceed anything they will ever make in a private school setting.
I don't have that backwards, then, do I. Unless you do, too.

Compensation for public school teachers exceed what the market would bear.

Government workers seldom consider the taxpayer.
You don't need accounting to get a job or figure out a budget. Practical math, sure. Accounting is a completely different animal.

So "education" is just to get a job. How do you decide whether to rent or buy a house or an apartment building. I bought a 4 flat. Had to hire contractors to fix the roof of the garage, do plumbing and electrical work. Do minor carpentry on the back porch stairway.

Our education is too narrow. Double-entry accounting is 700 years old and should be mandatory. But I had an accountant tell me he would not mind as long as it was not done until after he retired.

Plenty of people want others kept ignorant, just teach useless junk like English Literature and American History.

One business woman told me if accounting had been mandatory for everyone we would not have had the 2008 economic debacle. Ripping off the ignorant is part of the system.

If they are teaching Republican children, they will only ever get minimum wage.

If they are teaching Democrat children, they should be thankful that there is a minimum wage or they wouldn't be able to reach that level.
NO. Too many kids have the same loser values as their moonbat parents do.

By the time the teachers get some of those students (i.e. - high school), they're being expected to do in 1 hour/day 5 days/week what 23 hours/day for however many years wasn't done by the moonbat parents.
Should US Teachers get paid based upon student performance?

It's a system that works in every other field of human activity, why not reward teacher success?

There's one factor that has to be taken into consideration. In other fields of human activity (i.e. - the business world), those in charge have the ability to take certain actions when those under their charge don't do what is expected of them when it is expected of them. If an employer has an employee that shows up late on a regular basis, refuses to do the work, or keeps the others on the job from doing what they need/want to do, that employer can get rid of that employee. Teachers don't have that luxury.

Too many factors outside of a teacher's control, no matter how good of a teacher they are, can contribute to what is used to judge student performance. I have a good friend that is a former teacher. He taught AP courses where the students could get college credit if they scored high enough on a test at the end of the class. He said that the guidance counselors, at the request of the principal, would put students in that class that did not meet the prerequisites set forth by the school to be put in such a class. After a few times, he said he asked the principal why students that didn't meet the SCHOOL'S requirements for being there were being placed in those classes. The principal indicated that he wasn't concerned about how many passed the end of course test as long as the numbers in those classes were up as that helped the school's grade from the State's department of education. The problem with that is two fold: First, students that don't meet the minimum requirements to be there are being set up for failure and secondly, whether or not my friend could continue teaching such classes was based on how many passed the end of course test with a high enough score, something the principal said didn't matter.

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