Should voters be concerned about Romney's Mormon religion?

Should voters be concerned? Of course not.

What do you think he's going to do?

What church someone attends or what faith they ascribe to should have no bearing on the election.
this board is a very important source of information.

logic dictates that obama is a racist and a murderer. and a 'muslim'.

quoting his own words from his own books gives people plenty of reason to believe he is a racist.

The other stuff, eh.
Why should anybody be concerned about Romney being a Mormon? We have a Muslim in the White House now and it doesn't seem to bother anybody.
Of course, any candidate's religion is fair game for discerning who he/she is.
I don't give a damn if he sacrifices goats and chickens on an altar outside in the rose garden everytime there's a full moon. Will he be a better alternative than Obama over the next 4 years when it comes to running the country and improving the economy? I say the answer is yes.

Damn..i think i love you! That was GREAT!!! :lmao:

and i am out of reps... so i owe ya for that.
The moron religion was invented by a guy who was caught diddling the maid and had to make up a story to tell his wife

"I don't give a damn if he sacrifices goats and chickens on an altar outside in the rose garden everytime there's a full moon. Will he be a better alternative than Obama over the next 4 years when it comes to running the country and improving the economy? I say the answer is yes."

Do you care if he sacrifices more soldiers for another needless war?

How can moral people vote for any of these criminals? It can only be by purposely overlooking their crimes.

Toss all these guys out. Vote other.

Voting "other" is not a a good choice as i far as i see it.

My vote will be a vote against.... not for. Sadly that will be a romney vote.
Of course. If it was a Democrat who were a Mormon running, the Southern Baptists, including Huckabee, would be shouting "anti-Christ" and "cult religion" from the rafters.

Of course you would have to care what those groups thought for it to matter,
The moron religion was invented by a guy who was caught diddling the maid and had to make up a story to tell his wife


the christian religion was invented by mary for fucking some unknown goat header and did not want to be labeled a whore. The son of god story worked.


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