Should we add 6 seats to the Supreme Court like Dems are supporting?

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.

You don’t know that.

So you agree that SCOTUS should remain 9 judges?
On the condition you give up Kavanaugh or Gorsuch and put Garland on the bench. I prefer Kavanaugh as I believed Ford.
We aren't making deals, numskull.

Seems McConnell is.
No but we should put Merrick Garland on the supreme court and take Gorsuch off.

Judge Garland never went through the process, Pen.

If Mrs. Clinton had won in 2016, the Senate would have probably pushed him right through before Thanksgiving 2016, figuring what the hell.

BTW, why should an anti-life, pro-gay marriage justice be installed in place of Scalia who was whacked in 2016?

Scalia was a rock solid conservative, isn't maintaining the ideological balance in the court important?

He would of if McConnell wouldn't of put a stop to it, along with many Fed judges he decided not to even give a hearing to.

Its really difficult to say what would have happened during a Garland confirmation process. He may well have been disqualified for any number of reasons and not confirmed. Who did he date in High School, who did he hang out with? Did Garland ever make an inappropriate move toward a girl while in school? Any sexual harassment? None of those topics of concern were brought up, much less fully explored. Its very easy to conceive of an accusation against Garland being made which he could not prove himself innocent of.
No the Supreme Court is fine the way it has been for years. Democrats want to try and stack the deck.

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If there are more justices it makes it more difficult to stack the deck, as each justice's opinion carries less weight, without sacrificing the power of the consensus decision.
No the Supreme Court is fine the way it has been for years. Democrats want to try and stack the deck.

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If there are more justices it makes it more difficult to stack the deck, as each justice's opinion carries less weight, without sacrificing the power of the consensus decision.

Fair enough. If the Supreme Court needs more members, let's increase the size of the court this year.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.

How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

They way you carry on here, it seems you're Trump's.
No the Supreme Court is fine the way it has been for years. Democrats want to try and stack the deck.

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If there are more justices it makes it more difficult to stack the deck, as each justice's opinion carries less weight, without sacrificing the power of the consensus decision.

Fair enough. If the Supreme Court needs more members, let's increase the size of the court this year.

Sure, now you just got to get Trump to go for it.
No the Supreme Court is fine the way it has been for years. Democrats want to try and stack the deck.

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If there are more justices it makes it more difficult to stack the deck, as each justice's opinion carries less weight, without sacrificing the power of the consensus decision.

Fair enough. If the Supreme Court needs more members, let's increase the size of the court this year.

Sure, now you just got to get Trump to go for it.

I think President Trump would go for, and be willing to name 6 more Supreme Court Justices this year. He's a cooperative kind of "go with the flow" kind of President.
No but we should put Merrick Garland on the supreme court and take Gorsuch off.

Because he took his place. McConnell needs to be impeached.
Nobody's place was "taken".

Merrick Garland.

Mr. Garland wasn't even vetted for the Supreme Court job.

How can you say the seat was his, ever? He was nominated only.

There wasn't even an opportunity to go out and find his dates in high school or college. Much less get them on the stand
I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.

You don’t know that.

So you agree that SCOTUS should remain 9 judges?
On the condition you give up Kavanaugh or Gorsuch and put Garland on the bench. I prefer Kavanaugh as I believed Ford.
We aren't making deals, numskull.

Seems McConnell is.
It's all talk for now.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?

No. We need the Justices of the Supreme Court to stand for reelection by popular vote when they have served 20 years on the Court, on the first general election after their anniversary date..

We need the members of the Supreme Court to swear for or affirm to a Code of Ethics - they are the only judges or justices to not have one.
No. No. No. Get your political nose out of it. We haven't got any idea how to approve or disapprove an SC justice. The Supreme Court is the last bastion of non partisan thought. It is as neutral as humans can be. Leave it alone.

You're wrong, the SC is NOT neutral! 5-4 decisions are the norm.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?

No. We need the Justices of the Supreme Court to stand for reelection by popular vote when they have served 20 years on the Court, on the first general election after their anniversary date..

We need the members of the Supreme Court to swear for or affirm to a Code of Ethics - they are the only judges or justices to not have one.
Text of the Oaths of Office for Supreme Court Justices

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Those are plenty good enough.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Definitely. With lifetime appointments, we need more change in and diversity on the court.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Personally, I say we get rid of all 9 of them, and start over. This time, however, the ideology of each candidate should not be known. I never understood why we nominate justices based on their political leanings.

Isnt justice supposed to be blind? Isnt justice supposed to be measured based on the rule of law, and not based on the political beliefs of the judges?

The fact that we have to argue about how many democrats vs Republicans are on the scotus should be a red flag that something is amiss.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?

No. We need the Justices of the Supreme Court to stand for reelection by popular vote when they have served 20 years on the Court, on the first general election after their anniversary date..

We need the members of the Supreme Court to swear for or affirm to a Code of Ethics - they are the only judges or justices to not have one.
Text of the Oaths of Office for Supreme Court Justices

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as _________ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Those are plenty good enough.

Lefties don’t use the Constitution, they use whatever is politically expedient at the time.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.
Why not? Our courts are being packed with unqualified hacks now. How would you resolve that problem?
RGB is a hack?

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