Should we add 6 seats to the Supreme Court like Dems are supporting?

I like Mayor Pete's idea for the Supreme Court. 5 judges nominated by Republicans, 5 nominated by Democrats and the remaining 5 nominated by Federal Judges.
That actually keeps one side from getting all the power for generations, like the left did for 100 years.

Or McConnell is doing now? Like I said, I support Mayor Pete's solution to the SCOTUS problem...but that is because I believe in an independent judiciary.
I like Mayor Pete's idea for the Supreme Court. 5 judges nominated by Republicans, 5 nominated by Democrats and the remaining 5 nominated by Federal Judges.
That actually keeps one side from getting all the power for generations, like the left did for 100 years.

Or McConnell is doing now? Like I said, I support Mayor Pete's solution to the SCOTUS problem...but that is because I believe in an independent judiciary.
Oh, I do too. And I am not a big McConnell fan either, so don't assume that about me.

An independent judiciary should make decisions about the constitution that are unbiased and not driven by politics, like they have been for 150 years.
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Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.

How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.
Just for the record, it's not an inside joke. I don't know this guy from Adam. I like what he says, tho.....

Losing brownie points....
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.

How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.

How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.
No the Supreme Court is fine the way it has been for years. Democrats want to try and stack the deck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.

How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.

You don’t know that.

So you agree that SCOTUS should remain 9 judges?
No but we should put Merrick Garland on the supreme court and take Gorsuch off.

Judge Garland never went through the process, Pen.

If Mrs. Clinton had won in 2016, the Senate would have probably pushed him right through before Thanksgiving 2016, figuring what the hell.

BTW, why should an anti-life, pro-gay marriage justice be installed in place of Scalia who was whacked in 2016?

Scalia was a rock solid conservative, isn't maintaining the ideological balance in the court important?
It's not the first time it has been done, and if Congress handled appointments in the correct fashion this wouldn't even be an issue. When you have the Majority leader in the Senate saying while Obama is in power that a new judge shouldn't be added to the Supreme Court in the year of the election to keep Garland out, yet when asked while Trump is in power if he still felt that the Senate shouldn't confirm a Supreme Court appointment in an election year... he said of course he'd approve doing so under Trump.

When you have a entity with the power of the Senate with an unabashed liar leading it, making rules and then breaking them when it is convenient, the only way to combat that is to water down the affect a single appointment can have on the complete body. It would also stop voters from voting along party lines and putting an incompetent person in the White House JUST for the purpose of having a conservative leaning judge or judges on the Supreme Court.

Do I WANT to add more? Nope... but will it eventually become necessary to secure the integrity and validity of the decisions of the Supreme Court? Probably. This is even more important to stop when a judge at their confirmation hearing says they won't revisit previous decisions because it is settled case law, and then as soon as they are appointed changes their tune.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.
Why not? Our courts are being packed with unqualified hacks now. How would you resolve that problem?

Yep, sounds like a great idea. You loons piss and moan because Trump got two picks, possibly a third. Let's see how well you do if Trump has six more.
Of course asshole Dimms would only push this if they won POTUS.

They say in their letter that the court is now “political” since Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were appointed.

Yea, Sotomayor and Ginsburg aren’t at all political!

Asshole Dimms are fine with politics, unless they get beat at their own game. Then they cry like babies.
Of course asshole Dimms would only push this if they won POTUS.

They say in their letter that the court is now “political” since Gorsuch and Kavanaugh were appointed.

Yea, Sotomayor and Ginsburg aren’t at all political!

Asshole Dimms are fine with politics, unless they get beat at their own game. Then they cry like babies.

So true. The Democrats saying “ do as I say not as I do”.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How do you like being called "my bitch"?

That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.

You don’t know that.

So you agree that SCOTUS should remain 9 judges?
On the condition you give up Kavanaugh or Gorsuch and put Garland on the bench. I prefer Kavanaugh as I believed Ford.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Only if they are Republican.
That’s between me an old Lady. It’s an inside joke. Stop being offended on her behalf.

I am using it as a term of endearment. She has her own thoughts and isn’t a sheep and actually has a sense of humor.

I would use it differently with you.

I'm sure you would, as I'm no one's bitch.

I’m sure not. You have zero sense of humor and certainly not self deprecating humor. You are WOKE.

Lets just say I'm glad I'm not your type.

You don’t know that.

So you agree that SCOTUS should remain 9 judges?
On the condition you give up Kavanaugh or Gorsuch and put Garland on the bench. I prefer Kavanaugh as I believed Ford.
We aren't making deals, numskull.
No but we should put Merrick Garland on the supreme court and take Gorsuch off.

Judge Garland never went through the process, Pen.

If Mrs. Clinton had won in 2016, the Senate would have probably pushed him right through before Thanksgiving 2016, figuring what the hell.

BTW, why should an anti-life, pro-gay marriage justice be installed in place of Scalia who was whacked in 2016?

Scalia was a rock solid conservative, isn't maintaining the ideological balance in the court important?

He would of if McConnell wouldn't of put a stop to it, along with many Fed judges he decided not to even give a hearing to.
Law professor: Court-packing should be 'last resort'

Dems are mad that the POTUS gets to name judges and the Pub majority senate confirms.

As a result, Dimms can’t legislate from the bench as they always try to do because their policies suck d they can’t get legislation passed.

So the Dimms want to stack the court and push through their ideas via the bench, subverting Congress.

Do we need 15 judges?
Nope. And I won't vote for anyone who supports it, either.
Why not? Our courts are being packed with unqualified hacks now. How would you resolve that problem?
Vote against Democrats.

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