Should we be able to smoke pot in public?

Should we be allowed to smoke pot in public?

  • Yes, of course we should

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • No, pot is very bad for you

    Votes: 9 56.3%

  • Total voters
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Decent theory - but you can drink while standing against someone without your choice having an impact on them at all. Not so with smoking pot.

My position is that we need to treat marijuana smoking as both a public intoxication law and a smoking law

Don't want someone drinking beer on a city street, don't want them smoking pot. Difference is that you give them a ticket rather than send them to jail

I see - you hit the public intoxication part - I was zeroed in on the personal space thing.

What a stupid thread. OP invents an ignorant poll with false choices and then tries to re-write responses into something to argue with or tries to bait folks into saying something he can try to argue with.

Nodog out.
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Oh, so we should be able to smoke cigarettes wherever public drinking is allowed too? Like restaurants?

There are bars in airports. Should we be able to smoke harmless pot there but not icky tobacco?

See post #18

Pot is decriminalized. You are still subject to the same laws that apply to public drinking and smoking
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Oh, so we should be able to smoke cigarettes wherever public drinking is allowed too? Like restaurants?

There are bars in airports. Should we be able to smoke harmless pot there but not icky tobacco?

See post #18

Pot is decriminalized. You are still subject to the same laws that apply to public drinking and smoking

Tobacco is criminalized? You miss the point and of course this thread again proves me right. When it comes to tobacco, liberals certainly seem to be united in their disdain for smoking tobacco in public.

Of course when it comes to pot, the same left that is digusted by tobacco are all over the place in regards to pot in public.
Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Public drinking is pretty much not allowed.

Except at football stadiums, baseball stadiums, basketball stadiums...

You wanna be around a bunch of frickin' drunkards? Just go to the right college football game...say Georgia v. Florida.
The smoking of ANYTHING should not be allowed indoor spaces open to the public even if the space is well ventilated....unless it is posted as a smoking area.
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Where in public?

Public Transportation
City Streets

My answer is probably allow it anywhere public drinking is allowed

Oh, so we should be able to smoke cigarettes wherever public drinking is allowed too? Like restaurants?

There are bars in airports. Should we be able to smoke harmless pot there but not icky tobacco?

See post #18

Pot is decriminalized. You are still subject to the same laws that apply to public drinking and smoking

SO then you want till waiters and bar tenders?
Any legal activity should be allowed anywhere any time.

If you don't want to allow it then make it illegal.
Real simple question, yes or no.

I think pot should be legal but my answer is no. It is illegal to drink in public for good reason. The main reason why it should be illegal is because of children. Marijuana is damaging to a child's developing brain. Inhaling second hand smoke is enough to do it.

Also, I imagine many business owners would take issue with it. It would potentially scare customers off.
How about everyone who doesn't know anything about Cannabis stop commenting on it until you read a lot more information on the subject?

Marijuana smoke is nothing like tobacco smoke. People who only smoke marijuana do not get lung cancer because marijuana smoke does not contain the same chemicals and preservatives that are sprayed on commercial tobacco cigarettes. The only reason that "Marihuana" is illegal is because of racist lies and anti-Mexican propaganda from the Depression-era 1930s.

With that said, however, as a daily smoker myself, it is the smokers' responsibility to accommodate others. Open-air parks and beaches should be fine. If you're hiking or in a fire-danger area, don't leave a roach burning in a pile of dry leaves. Be courteous, be kind, don't smoke inside, don't smoke around kids, don't be a dick. Cannabis users just need to try to be respectful, decent human beings so that the general non-smoking majority of society doesn't fall back into that ridiculous Reefer Madness mentality.

It's time for Americans to grow up. 16-year-olds were growing "Marihuana" for the military during WWII, receiving highschool credits. "Marihuana" is not a threat to American society. It is only a threat to corporate power and hegemonic control of the global economy.
How about everyone who doesn't know anything about Cannabis stop commenting on it until you read a lot more information on the subject?

Marijuana smoke is nothing like tobacco smoke. People who only smoke marijuana do not get lung cancer because marijuana smoke does not contain the same chemicals and preservatives that are sprayed on commercial tobacco cigarettes. The only reason that "Marihuana" is illegal is because of racist lies and anti-Mexican propaganda from the Depression-era 1930s.

With that said, however, as a daily smoker myself, it is the smokers' responsibility to accommodate others. Open-air parks and beaches should be fine. If you're hiking or in a fire-danger area, don't leave a roach burning in a pile of dry leaves. Be courteous, be kind, don't smoke inside, don't smoke around kids, don't be a dick. Cannabis users just need to try to be respectful, decent human beings so that the general non-smoking majority of society doesn't fall back into that ridiculous Reefer Madness mentality.

It's time for Americans to grow up. 16-year-olds were growing "Marihuana" for the military during WWII, receiving highschool credits. "Marihuana" is not a threat to American society. It is only a threat to corporate power and hegemonic control of the global economy.

I'm all for it being legal but you useless drug addicts need to stay the fuck away from me with that chit, like in your house/yard away. Not in a park next to me or some 5 year old kids because you want to believe growing, drying, burning and inhaling a plant is somehow natural, so would swimming in lava.
No. Because of it's intoxicating effects, the concern of an airborne intoxicant effecting non-users is my concern.

I support toal illicit drug legalization. Can drink yourself to death with hard liquor. So banning heroin or crack because it's bad for you doesn't make any sense.
That is exactly my position as well - legalize all drugs, but no smoking even cigarettes if smoke passes to other people in the building.
I think there should be some public places where like minded people can smoke what they want, drink what they want, say what they want, without fear from the Law. Not in every public place.
I voted no. I don't believe pot is harmful, but one should be considerate of others when smoking. Not everyone wants to be around it or have it in their system through second hand smoke. I'd hate to be fired from a job because I tested positive for THC because some asshole insisted on smoking in my vicinity. If you have to smoke whether it be tobacco or pot, keep it to yourself or other like minded folks.
How about everyone who doesn't know anything about Cannabis stop commenting on it until you read a lot more information on the subject?

Marijuana smoke is nothing like tobacco smoke. People who only smoke marijuana do not get lung cancer because marijuana smoke does not contain the same chemicals and preservatives that are sprayed on commercial tobacco cigarettes. The only reason that "Marihuana" is illegal is because of racist lies and anti-Mexican propaganda from the Depression-era 1930s.

With that said, however, as a daily smoker myself, it is the smokers' responsibility to accommodate others. Open-air parks and beaches should be fine. If you're hiking or in a fire-danger area, don't leave a roach burning in a pile of dry leaves. Be courteous, be kind, don't smoke inside, don't smoke around kids, don't be a dick. Cannabis users just need to try to be respectful, decent human beings so that the general non-smoking majority of society doesn't fall back into that ridiculous Reefer Madness mentality.

It's time for Americans to grow up. 16-year-olds were growing "Marihuana" for the military during WWII, receiving highschool credits. "Marihuana" is not a threat to American society. It is only a threat to corporate power and hegemonic control of the global economy.

I'm all for it being legal but you useless drug addicts need to stay the fuck away from me with that chit, like in your house/yard away. Not in a park next to me or some 5 year old kids because you want to believe growing, drying, burning and inhaling a plant is somehow natural, so would swimming in lava.
"Useless drug addicts" defended your freedom during World War II. And as I wrote earlier and as I've told my State Representative, when I need marijuana, I will use it. The alternative is much worse for me and for society. If you have a problem with that, I'm sorry, but my loyalty is to myself and my own safety first. You're just going to have to abide.

Perhaps Americans should change their minds from the Reefer Madness nonsense of the 1930s to the patriotic pot-growing Hemp For Victory mindset of the 1940s. Again. Then you won't think of us as "useless drug users" but as "hard-working American patriots".

Can you imagine what America would have been like if stoner hippies protesting the Vietnam misadventure were growing "Marihuana" for the war effort? That can happen now. Why not? Hemp For Victory. Producer of Marihuana. Defend America. For Freedom and Democracy.

Why not? Because people might get high? People got high during the 1940s and no one cared. There were more important things to deal with. That's exactly what the Shafer Commission said in 1972- "We would deemphasize marihuana as a problem."
1972 Shafer Commission - Table of Contents

There are more important things to deal with, and legalizing "Marihuana" can help us win wars.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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