Should we blacks celebrate 4th of July? Not this escaped slave!

Still no answer to post #143 from Bass.
never expected it.

Your question was answered in my other posts, I don't need to celebrate the independence of American whites from the British Crown to show loyalty to my country. The only reason why whites require blacks to show loyalty to the country is because of the legacy of how whites treated blacks and find it hard to believe that anyone who has been through what we have been through would be loyal, despite the abundance of evidence that shows that blacks have been just as loyal to this country, if not more, than whites.

As pointed out to you the 4th of July is larger than your narrow view of it.
No one is celebrating independence from Britain any more...and you know this to be true.

The 4th of July has nothing to do with anything going on today, the holiday is specifically about celebrating the independence of American whites from the British Crown, to twisted into anything but that to cover up and overlook the fact that it had no meaning for blacks when it happened is pure spin and obfuscation.
Wait till Michelle Bachmann hears about this boy, will you hear it, boy. ;)

"What to the American slave is your Fourth of July? I answer, a day that reveals to him more than all other days of the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mock; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are to him mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation of the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of these United States at this very hour.

Go search where you will, roam through all the monarchies and despotisms of the Old World, travel through South America, search out every abuse and when you have found the last, lay your facts by the side of the everyday practices of this nation, and you will say with me that, for revolting barbarity and shameless hypocrisy, America reigns without a rival."

Frederick Douglass - July 4, 1852
Your question was answered in my other posts, I don't need to celebrate the independence of American whites from the British Crown to show loyalty to my country. The only reason why whites require blacks to show loyalty to the country is because of the legacy of how whites treated blacks and find it hard to believe that anyone who has been through what we have been through would be loyal, despite the abundance of evidence that shows that blacks have been just as loyal to this country, if not more, than whites.

As pointed out to you the 4th of July is larger than your narrow view of it.
No one is celebrating independence from Britain any more...and you know this to be true.

The 4th of July has nothing to do with anything going on today, the holiday is specifically about celebrating the independence of American whites from the British Crown, to twisted into anything but that to cover up and overlook the fact that it had no meaning for blacks when it happened is pure spin and obfuscation.

Then you are forever shackled by your insistence to be negative and your desire to keep the races separate.
It is obvious to me that your belief system is both misguided and unfortunate.
4th of July isn't about race unless you WANT it to be about race. A black American can celebrate the 4th of July to celebrate your citizenship in a great nation. This and only this is what your ancestors wanted desperately. This and only this is what MLK and his followers wanted - to be an equal player in this great country of ours.
As pointed out to you the 4th of July is larger than your narrow view of it.
No one is celebrating independence from Britain any more...and you know this to be true.

The 4th of July has nothing to do with anything going on today, the holiday is specifically about celebrating the independence of American whites from the British Crown, to twisted into anything but that to cover up and overlook the fact that it had no meaning for blacks when it happened is pure spin and obfuscation.

Then you are forever shackled by your insistence to be negative and your desire to keep the races separate.
It is obvious to me that your belief system is both misguided and unfortunate.
4th of July isn't about race unless you WANT it to be about race. A black American can celebrate the 4th of July to celebrate your citizenship in a great nation. This and only this is what your ancestors wanted desperately. This and only this is what MLK and his followers wanted - to be an equal player in this great country of ours.

I don't need to celebrate no damn holiday to embrace and celebrate my citizenship, thats pure spin that you're putting on the holiday, despite all your tapdancing there#s no denying that everything I said was truth, the holiday has no specific historical relevance for blacks, you want to use it as a cover for past injustices which is just the thing that King didn't stand for, perhaps you need to read all of his speeches.

Umm...Read a little more history Charlie. that speeech was earlier in the life of Douglass, He changed his views over time unlike idiots like you who are "stuck on stupid"...

As part of his new mode of argument, Douglass adopted a very literal mode of interpreting the Constitution. He held that the Constitution meant what it said and said what it meant: Claims about slavery's constitutionality ought not to be accepted unless backed by plain language in the Constitution. Here Douglass took advantage of the founders' most notable silence, that the Constitution they wrote never mentioned the word "slavery." Douglass saw this silence as evidence that the founders did not want the central document of the new republic to legitimize slavery by explicitly recognizing it. James Madison's notes from the convention confirm that this refusal to name slavery derived from an anti-slavery sensibility, that some delegates "thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men." (12)

For Douglass, the preamble occupied a central place in his anti-slavery reading of the Constitution. Douglass, in his 1860 speech on "The Constitution and Slavery," invited readers to inspect the Constitution's preamble to "look at the objects for which the Constitution was framed and adopted and see if slavery is one of them." Douglass recited the preamble:

We the people of these United
States, in order to form a more
perfect union, establish justice,
insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general welfare, and
secure the blessings of liberty
to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States
of America.
Douglass expressed support for all six goals of the preamble--"union, defence, welfare, tranquility, justice, and liberty."--and he noted that "slavery so far from being among them, is a foe of them all." (13) To slaveholders who claimed that the founders did not mean for the Constitution's phrases about liberty to apply to African Americans, Douglass responded that they needed to read the preamble:

Its language is "we the people";
not we the white people, not even
we the citizens, not we the privileged
class, not we the high, not
we the low, but we the people; not
we the horses, sheep, and swine,
and wheel-barrows, but we the
people; and if Negroes are people,
they are included in the benefits
for which the Constitution of the
United States of America was
ordained and established. (14)

Critics might dismiss this multi-racial reading of the preamble because the all-white Constitutional Convention included and compromised with slave-owners. However, Justice Benjamin Robbins Curtis's dissenting opinion in the Dred Scott decision supports Douglass's interpretation. Justice Curtis argued that the liberties ordained for "We the people," included free blacks, most notably residents of New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts who, "though descended from African slaves" were not merely citizens but voters in the Constitution's ratification process. (15)

Douglass also reversed his earlier interpretation of the Constitution's articles empowering the federal government to "suppress insurrections" and "domestic violence." Since neither of these articles mentioned slavery, Douglass now argued that the only reason they became a license to suppress slave rebellions was because pro-slavery presidents distorted their meaning. He envisaged a Lincolnesque leader using the power of the presidency, his constitutional authority, to suppress insurrection, as a license for abolitionism:

If it should turn out that slavery
is a source of insurrection, that
there is no security from insurrection
while slavery lasts, why
the Constitution would best be
obeyed by putting an end to slavery,
and an anti-slavery Congress
would do that very thing. (16)

Was the Constitution pro-slavery? The changing view of Frederick Douglass - page 2 | Social Education
OK, Be that way, "WE" (?) whites won't celebrate Kwanzaa then. Nannie nanny neenier!
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The 4th of July has nothing to do with anything going on today, the holiday is specifically about celebrating the independence of American whites from the British Crown, to twisted into anything but that to cover up and overlook the fact that it had no meaning for blacks when it happened is pure spin and obfuscation.

Then you are forever shackled by your insistence to be negative and your desire to keep the races separate.
It is obvious to me that your belief system is both misguided and unfortunate.
4th of July isn't about race unless you WANT it to be about race. A black American can celebrate the 4th of July to celebrate your citizenship in a great nation. This and only this is what your ancestors wanted desperately. This and only this is what MLK and his followers wanted - to be an equal player in this great country of ours.

I don't need to celebrate no damn holiday to embrace and celebrate my citizenship, thats pure spin that you're putting on the holiday, despite all your tapdancing there#s no denying that everything I said was truth, the holiday has no specific historical relevance for blacks, you want to use it as a cover for past injustices which is just the thing that King didn't stand for, perhaps you need to read all of his speeches.

So then you are essentially an internet troll.
You didn't want an answer to your question, you wanted people to offer an answer so you could tell them how wrong they are.
At any rate, as with Christmas - a holiday is what you make of it.
You don't need 4th of July to reiterate your desire to live in the past and blame whitey - you appear to do this fine without it.
Something weird happened to me a couple of years ago, some black gal cussed out some Mexicans at Churches Chicken because those Mexican poor f+ckers didn't know about fried chicken, word up, hommie skillet. Not MY words, either and this was on Martin Luther King Day a couple of years ago. At the same time, some white chick complained because Denver public schools were so insensitive to serve fried chicken on MLK DAY. Martin LOVED fried Chicken !( WHO doesn’t?).Welcome to planet WEIRD! On the fourth of July, don't ask too many questions, enjoy and be happy, ex-slaves and freemen alike.
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Something weird happened. I went to a huge Bar-B-Q and Not only were there Black folks there, but they were happy and having fun! No whining about slavery or anything.

According to Bass, they're not really black, then, or they're un-escaped slaves.
I'm not too upset when folks like Bass don't want to celebrate our Independence and don't care for the USA.

Actually, it's a good thing.
Something weird happened. I went to a huge Bar-B-Q and Not only were there Black folks there, but they were happy and having fun! No whining about slavery or anything.

According to Bass, they're not really black, then, or they're un-escaped slaves.

Poor little fella. Any way it was fun. I thing I will explode I ate so much .

:lol: Some people's entire lives revolve around politics. How sad is that?
Then you utterly fail to understand America.

I love your freedom. You utterly fail to understand that, too.

Food for thought:

YouTube - ‪Ad Council - I Am An American‬‏

I understand it perfectly. I spent 20 years of my life defending Americans rights to love or hate America and that's something you utterly fail to understand.
Wrong. I did the same thing.

If you consider yourself black first, then American, I have to wonder where your loyalties lie.

To black Americans first, other Americans second, and fuck everyone else of all race creeds and colors.
I understand it perfectly. I spent 20 years of my life defending Americans rights to love or hate America and that's something you utterly fail to understand.
Wrong. I did the same thing.

If you consider yourself black first, then American, I have to wonder where your loyalties lie.

To black Americans first, other Americans second, and fuck everyone else of all race creeds and colors.
Then I was right -- you really don't understand America at all.

Please don't do this to yourself Bass. You enjoy the freedom of the greatest Country in the world and you can't be happy because savage Africans were once enslaved by every civilized nation in the world. Go ahead and sulk, you fool.

Even fellow black Africanoes sold black Africanoes into slavery.
The answer is no, you should not celebrate the 4th of July. Simple as that. Although I and millions of others are gonna have a damn good time on the 4th. Happy 4th everyone, except for this dipshit.:)

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