Should we conquer and annex Mexico?

Bootney Lee Farnsworth

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2017
They're already ass-raping our social services and voting in our elections in the millions. We may as well pilfer their resources and make them pay taxes. We can also control Mexico's southern border better than 2000 + mile border we have now.

Also, fuck Mexico. So, there's that.
They're already ass-raping our social services and voting in our elections in the millions. We may as well pilfer their resources and make them pay taxes. We can also control Mexico's southern border better than 2000 + mile border we have now.

Also, fuck Mexico. So, there's that.

We already annexed the half of Mexico with all the paved roads.
You want to conquer and annex Mexico, and you say "Fuck Mexico"? What could possibly go wrong?
They're already ass-raping our social services and voting in our elections in the millions. We may as well pilfer their resources and make them pay taxes. We can also control Mexico's southern border better than 2000 + mile border we have now.

Also, fuck Mexico. So, there's that.

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That reminds me.

No wall necessary if we beat the shit out of Mexico and take over.

Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
We already did , and now it is collapsing, you can thank a lib for being the stupid voter, when there is no healthcare anymore. Venezuela and Detroit, the poster children of liberalism success. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals have done their job, because everyone is equal in their misery.
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
We already did , and now it is collapsing, you can thank a lib for being the stupid voter, when there is no healthcare anymore. Venezuela and Detroit, the poster children of liberalism success. When everyone is poor and miserable, then the liberals have done their job, because everyone is equal in their misery.

Why the strong disparity between Mexico, and Germany in wealth, intelligence, and productivity?

That disparity can't be based on Socialism?

Furthermore, Germany hasn't had exactly a great time, part of their country was Communist, and they lost millions, and many cities in World War 2.

There's only one thing I can think of for the disparity, and it has to do with racial ones.
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
Because Republican Fascist don't want healthcare at all. It fits right in with their policy of "let him die". The only think missing are the ovens.
We want healthcare, but we want people to work for it, instead of it just being given. Just like we want people to eat, but earn their rights to eat, not just sit like a liberal in their parents basement, smoking dope, eating government cheese, and watching Netflix with their liberal floozy bitches, on their parents Netflix account. Obamanomics made it happen.

For First Time In 130 Years, More Young Adults Live With Parents Than With Partners
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
Because Republican Fascist don't want healthcare at all. It fits right in with their policy of "let him die". The only think missing are the ovens.
We want healthcare, but we want people to work for it, instead of it just being given. Just like we want people to eat, but earn their rights to eat, not just sit like a liberal in their parents basement, smoking dope, eating government cheese, and watching Netflix with their liberal floozy bitches, on their parents Netflix account. Obamanomics made it happen.

For First Time In 130 Years, More Young Adults Live With Parents Than With Partners

The government already pays for everyone's emergency room visits.

We already have national healthcare, just the most efficient form imaginable.
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
Because Republican Fascist don't want healthcare at all. It fits right in with their policy of "let him die". The only think missing are the ovens.

Fascists were for healthcare, one of the reasons I think Fascism is more humane than Capitalism.
Mm, but then would we not be responsible for all the Mexican citizens? Hell, think healthcare sucks now!
We'll just adopt their shitty healthcare system, like the libs/commies want.
Because Republican Fascist don't want healthcare at all. It fits right in with their policy of "let him die". The only think missing are the ovens.

Fascists were for healthcare, one of the reasons I think Fascism is more humane than Capitalism.
Where is it a right in the Constitution for people to have healthcare provided? Before the liberals started taxing everything, people would exchange chickens or other goods to be seen by a doctor. Why is it today, you just walk into an emergency and demand to be seen? Fucking worthless tards who game the system.

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