Should we fear Mormons more than Muslims?

Why am I not surprised...

Admittedly, a religion like Mormonism that has mandatory missionary work goes hand in hand with CIA's reason for being. Go to foreign countries and spread the good news about America. And when the religion is persecuted and maligned becomming secretive as Mormons are they're even better suited for intelligence work.
Yeah, can you just imagine Mitt Romney in the MMA? That sob would be terrifying.
should we fear Mormons over muslims....I guess that depends on where you'd rather live; east side slc or eastside st louis.
Wait, let me get this right.... You point out that there may be a large number of Mormons in the CIA and then equate that to a dangerous situation like murderous Muslim terrorists? I thought the CIA were our spy's and good guys?
The article accuses Mormons of using their influence in the CIA to unfairly help each other, coveriing up for each other's mistakes, and straying off mission due to church priorities to convert people to Mormonism rather than recruits spies for the United States. Is there a way to verify any of these accusations?
The article is accusing Mormons of putting their loyalties to their church and their fellow Mormons above their loyalties to the interests of the United States.

That is a very serious charge. Is there any proof?

It wasn't so long ago that similar claims were made about Catholics, and that turned out to be bullshit.
Yo, that is the way its been from the beginning of time! All churches do that, its called a religion?
The article accuses Mormons of using their influence in the CIA to unfairly help each other, coveriing up for each other's mistakes, and straying off mission due to church priorities to convert people to Mormonism rather than recruits spies for the United States. Is there a way to verify any of these accusations?

YOu mean other than they are Mormons, and that's what they do? You've obviously never encountred Mormons before, or you wouldn't ask such silly questions. these fuckers are as thick as theives when it comes to covering for their fellow cultists.
Wait, let me get this right.... You point out that there may be a large number of Mormons in the CIA and then equate that to a dangerous situation like murderous Muslim terrorists? I thought the CIA were our spy's and good guys?

You always skip this site's anti-government threads or something? Turn the channel when the news stuff about NSA spying comes on? Ever hear the term "CIA black site?"
"Give unto God
The article accuses Mormons of using their influence in the CIA to unfairly help each other, coveriing up for each other's mistakes, and straying off mission due to church priorities to convert people to Mormonism rather than recruits spies for the United States. Is there a way to verify any of these accusations?

YOu mean other than they are Mormons, and that's what they do? You've obviously never encountred Mormons before, or you wouldn't ask such silly questions. these fuckers are as thick as theives when it comes to covering for their fellow cultists.
I did work for a Mormon lawfirm, so I know a bit about Mormons.

However, I'm asking for actual evidence. Your bigoted diatribe doesn't count as evidence.
Only if you are afraid of good decent people.

Heaven save me from 'good decent people.' Every cult is comprised of many 'good decent people.' Then comes the big reveal. No cult ever got going by being mean and nasty. But your good decent people in the LDS gave rise to the FLDS. Anything but 'good decent people.' And even the main branch of LDS has its critics from 'ex Mormons.'

105 testimonies from former Mormons about why they left to get started.

Why We Left - Personal Accounts of Leaving Mormonism

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