Debate Now Should we give the liberals what they want....what they stand for?

Well the question is what do conservatives believe when they hear democracy

In its simplest terms it is rule by the majority

Liberal - open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. So when liberals here democracy (and it does not apply to all liberals) but it generally they are open to new things and will decide for themselves.

Conservative - holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation

when conservatives hear democracy well it does apply to all but generally it is the same old thing

yet you can't apply this simplistic view to everyone either liberal or conservative but the question is who has the best chance to change when needed

Progress is inevitable and it is what life is about. Time does not wait

Trying to hang on for the sole purpose of hanging on is not progress and ignoring the obvious

if you want to take the slow ride, that is fine but don't stand in the way of those who are in a hurry

Conservative or liberalism ?

Is time linear or circular ?

which one would be easier to answer

How about what makes America Great and why does it require to be again?

Some believe that it always been great whereas other believe that it is not great depending upon who is in charge.

Conservative = Capitalism = innovation

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Everyone here knows you're full of shit, ya moron; since you would have called the police and gotten them arrested after they voted had that been true

When the illegals just told me they voted illegally I called the New Orleans police but since it’s a sanctuary city they didn’t do anything so go fuck your mother

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Sure ya did, uh-huh. :cuckoo:


See there’s no winning you you don’t believe anything especially facts. You’re what you call a meathead
...dead from the neck up

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You say that as though you're believable. You're not.

Sanctuary cities prevent federal law enforcement on illegal aliens. They don't prevent state or local jurisdictions from enforcing the law when it's violated.

“Illegal” aliens already broke our LAW.
What makes me not believable?

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a) you're claiming illegal aliens brag about voting when there's no evidence any of them voted in the last couple of elections; and

b) you're claiming local law enforcement ignores election laws being violated; and

c) you're a conservative zombie.
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There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution. We should be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure to solve our humanitarian crisis.

The right wing needs to stop being so cognitively dissonant; abolish our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to stop creating more refugees.

Great, name one I can verify..........
What, you want names? Most of them are fake. Jose Garcia. Verify that one, idiot.

Again, ~70% of CA ballots are absentee, by mail. They batch register illegals. But when time to fill it out and drop it off, or mail it? Anyone can do that. A SIG on outside of envelope is "the verification"! Can you imagine? Some blue haired Dem in Pako Alto says I checked that stack of 57,000 todat". Sure you did. They got it rigged good there.
Ballots have to match a registered voter and illegal aliens can't register to vote in California.
so they say......
Nobody stops them because they're not allowed to inquire about citizenship. BTW, most of them have stolen SS numbers.
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with our express naturalization clause; all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified.
What, you want names? Most of them are fake. Jose Garcia. Verify that one, idiot.

Again, ~70% of CA ballots are absentee, by mail. They batch register illegals. But when time to fill it out and drop it off, or mail it? Anyone can do that. A SIG on outside of envelope is "the verification"! Can you imagine? Some blue haired Dem in Pako Alto says I checked that stack of 57,000 todat". Sure you did. They got it rigged good there.
Ballots have to match a registered voter and illegal aliens can't register to vote in California.
so they say......
Nobody stops them because they're not allowed to inquire about citizenship. BTW, most of them have stolen SS numbers.
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with our express naturalization clause; all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified.
instead of saying the same shit over and over to us in this forum,who probably dont give a shit,try writing someone in congress and tell them....
Again, ~70% of CA ballots are absentee, by mail. They batch register illegals. But when time to fill it out and drop it off, or mail it? Anyone can do that. A SIG on outside of envelope is "the verification"! Can you imagine? Some blue haired Dem in Pako Alto says I checked that stack of 57,000 todat". Sure you did. They got it rigged good there.
Ballots have to match a registered voter and illegal aliens can't register to vote in California.
so they say......
Nobody stops them because they're not allowed to inquire about citizenship. BTW, most of them have stolen SS numbers.
There is no express immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass with our express naturalization clause; all foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified.
instead of saying the same shit over and over to us in this forum,who probably dont give a shit,try writing someone in congress and tell them....
only illegals don't care about the law, right wingers. why be hypocrites?

that leaves me with the moral high ground to this extent:

That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.--Job 34:30, KJV
We should not be indulging sloth by the general government. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization, that covers any right wing bigotry of implied immigration.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified; we should have no illegal problem or an illegal underclass.
We should not be indulging sloth by the general government. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization, that covers any right wing bigotry of implied immigration.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified; we should have no illegal problem or an illegal underclass.
great now jot that down and send it to your state senators....
We should not be indulging sloth by the general government. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization, that covers any right wing bigotry of implied immigration.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified; we should have no illegal problem or an illegal underclass.
great now jot that down and send it to your state senators....

Message Text:
We should not be indulging sloth by the general government. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization, that covers any right wing bigotry of implied immigration.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified; we should have no illegal problem or an illegal underclass.

We have an express Commerce Clause and allege to subscribe to Capitalism; we should not be losing money on border policy. We could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure to alleviate the pressure on our southern border.

A yearly fee could keep foreign nationals in the US current along with a fine if necessary. The point here is that by more faithfully executing the most excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the Convention with our federal Constitution and supreme law of the land; we can generate revenue for this government function that provides for the general welfare.

This makes it much more difficult for any black market which may depend on legal ambiguities.

And, California should have no prison overcrowding issues during fire season. California militia should be fire suppression qualified as well. Militia service could be in lieu of incarceration for restitution and provide an income.
declare their party to be a political religion and religious organization,
This from a devoted of the Cheeto Jesus?

High comedy indeed!

Yep Crepitus it's both tragic and comic at the same time.
If you didn't laugh, you'd cry.
If you didn't cry, you'd laugh.

Both the Right to Life and Right to Health Care constitute political beliefs.
So if you argue for the First Amendment and equal protection of the laws,
either both need to be treated equally and included in govt policy or both removed and kept private.

But to endorse and enforce one Creed through govt while denying the other
is clearly DISCRIMINATION by CREED. We need to recognize this
and quit dodging around the Elephant (and Donkey) in the room.
That are standing right in public, declaring their BELIEFS like any other religion.
Except these are POLITICAL religions which are more dangerous by mixing religious beliefs with mandatory govt for all people.

Oddly enough, when I post what Republicans actually stand for and what Democrats stand for the GOP base on the US MB go flaming screaming angry mad. So when I ask where I am wrong Republicans can’t seem to put a finger on it.

Here you go deanrd This is more like it:
D R chart revised.jpg
Nope, I live here in Kansas where Kris Kobach tried desperately for years to find some illegals who voted anywhere in the nation and failed miserably.
That's it? That's your authority? I actually KNOW some illegals. They're everywhere in So. Cal. I'm not speculating on their citizenship status, I know for a fact they are illegal and I know they vote because I've seen them at the polls on election day. My wife is a property manager and I've seen their applications. They are NOT citizens. In California, poll workers are not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. All you need is to be registered, and anyone can register WITHOUT HAVING TO PROVE CITIZENSHIP. All you need is a name and an address. No ID required, you just give them your name and you get a ballot. I've even reported them to the poll workers and the poll workers told me there's nothing they can do because they're not allowed to ask for an ID, let alone proof of citizenship. The politicians in Ca. WANT illegals to vote and they don't give a damn about the law, that's how they keep winning elections here. You're naïve if you think illegals don't vote in our elections. Really naïve, but I don't believe you actually think that.

And you haven't turned them in?
Are you a TRAITOR to America?

Have you turned any in? Does that make you a traitor? You’re nothing but a old ass beta lib that answers things with stupid bitch shit.

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He never claimed to know any illegals, much less any that voted.

You did. Did you turn them in or are you aiding and abetting?

I didn’t say I knew any either but I’ve seen houses being built and I have common sense. As far as voting without a ID we don’t play that shit down South we don’t have that liberal sanctuary city bullshit down here.

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You do realize that you can turn this off in your settings?
“Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk“
Or do you like it attached to your every post?
Well the question is what do conservatives believe when they hear democracy

In its simplest terms it is rule by the majority

Liberal - open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. So when liberals here democracy (and it does not apply to all liberals) but it generally they are open to new things and will decide for themselves.

Conservative - holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation

when conservatives hear democracy well it does apply to all but generally it is the same old thing

yet you can't apply this simplistic view to everyone either liberal or conservative but the question is who has the best chance to change when needed

Progress is inevitable and it is what life is about. Time does not wait

Trying to hang on for the sole purpose of hanging on is not progress and ignoring the obvious

if you want to take the slow ride, that is fine but don't stand in the way of those who are in a hurry

Conservative or liberalism ?

Is time linear or circular ?

which one would be easier to answer

How about what makes America Great and why does it require to be again?

Some believe that it always been great whereas other believe that it is not great depending upon who is in charge.

Dear Kilroy2
Democracy is not limited to just majority rule.
Rule by the people can mean by consensus or consent of the governed
which can INCLUDE majority rule, but is not restricted to that.

The difference between conservative and liberal approaches to govt
* Conservatives believe that the rule of law in the Constitution
limits govt to specific powers and duties UNLESS and UNTIL the
people and states pass Amendments expanding or adding to the agreed duties and limits on govt.
So people use the laws/Constitution to CHECK govt.
Govt is not used to check people.
Conservatives maximize the liberty of the people first, and minimalize govt to just what we
the people consent to authorize to govt. Not vice versa.

* Liberals believe in using Govt to secure rights, protections and will of the people.
So people use Govt not the Constitution to enforce their rights and beliefs.
and then they rely on Party, Media, elections, votes, campaigns etc to influence Govt
to establish the "will of the people."
This ends up coming across as expecting ALL programs to be run through Govt as the central authority,
which is criticized as pushing "big government" which is harder if not impossible to check.

Thus conservatives push to go back to enforcing Constitutional LIMITS on Govt
which is criticized as "deregulating" everything and "taking away access to benefits"
and blame Liberal politics for creating more Govt bureaucracy and dependence.


Quote - Thus conservatives push to go back to enforcing Constitutional LIMITS on Govt

The world is more complex than it was in the 1700 and it changes thus what work then will not work now. It is called progress

Government is defined by we the people

When a faction seizes the government it is up the the other faction to keep it in check or remove the offenders

To limit the government allows factions to stay in power by controlling the government with no oversight

Thus government becomes the will of the few in power

When the great depression hit, it was up to the government to correct the system

when blacks and woman could not vote it was up to the people to pressure the government to correct that injustice

When the government seized Indian land there was no one to correct this injustice

When politicians become corrupt it is up to both sides to get rid of them

To have a just government requires a strong government with checks and balances that can practice oversight and remove those who break laws

A just government must be able to correct injustices that appear in the world that we currently live in

If it requires the government to step in so be it, but there must be checks and balances

government will change over time, you cannot stand still and go back in time as everyone will pass you by

The 1700's is history. we are in the 21 century

People give up something in order to join or be part of the government and there is nothing wrong with requiring the government to give something back

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Oddly enough, when I post what Republicans actually stand for and what Democrats stand for the GOP base on the US MB go flaming screaming angry mad. So when I ask where I am wrong Republicans can’t seem to put a finger on it.

Uh, I don’t know I’m neither....I’m for Trump [emoji631]

Btw my name is Dean :)
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That's it? That's your authority? I actually KNOW some illegals. They're everywhere in So. Cal. I'm not speculating on their citizenship status, I know for a fact they are illegal and I know they vote because I've seen them at the polls on election day. My wife is a property manager and I've seen their applications. They are NOT citizens. In California, poll workers are not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship. All you need is to be registered, and anyone can register WITHOUT HAVING TO PROVE CITIZENSHIP. All you need is a name and an address. No ID required, you just give them your name and you get a ballot. I've even reported them to the poll workers and the poll workers told me there's nothing they can do because they're not allowed to ask for an ID, let alone proof of citizenship. The politicians in Ca. WANT illegals to vote and they don't give a damn about the law, that's how they keep winning elections here. You're naïve if you think illegals don't vote in our elections. Really naïve, but I don't believe you actually think that.

And you haven't turned them in?
Are you a TRAITOR to America?

Have you turned any in? Does that make you a traitor? You’re nothing but a old ass beta lib that answers things with stupid bitch shit.

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He never claimed to know any illegals, much less any that voted.

You did. Did you turn them in or are you aiding and abetting?

I didn’t say I knew any either but I’ve seen houses being built and I have common sense. As far as voting without a ID we don’t play that shit down South we don’t have that liberal sanctuary city bullshit down here.

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You do realize that you can turn this off in your settings?
“Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk“
Or do you like it attached to your every post?

Man I wanna take that off big time! I went to settings then to Tapatalk and not sure where and what to turn off.

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When the illegals just told me they voted illegally I called the New Orleans police but since it’s a sanctuary city they didn’t do anything so go fuck your mother

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Sure ya did, uh-huh. :cuckoo:


See there’s no winning you you don’t believe anything especially facts. You’re what you call a meathead
...dead from the neck up

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You say that as though you're believable. You're not.

Sanctuary cities prevent federal law enforcement on illegal aliens. They don't prevent state or local jurisdictions from enforcing the law when it's violated.

“Illegal” aliens already broke our LAW.
What makes me not believable?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
a) you're claiming illegal aliens brag about voting when there's no evidence any of them voted in the last couple of elections; and

b) you're claiming local law enforcement ignores election laws being violated; and

c) you're a conservative zombie.

a) I guess they’re braggadocio’s.

b) It was in New Orleans a sanctuary city run by Democrat idiots.

c) And proud of it.

I hope you have more than that. Are you just stupid?

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Sure ya did, uh-huh. :cuckoo:


See there’s no winning you you don’t believe anything especially facts. You’re what you call a meathead
...dead from the neck up

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You say that as though you're believable. You're not.

Sanctuary cities prevent federal law enforcement on illegal aliens. They don't prevent state or local jurisdictions from enforcing the law when it's violated.

“Illegal” aliens already broke our LAW.
What makes me not believable?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
a) you're claiming illegal aliens brag about voting when there's no evidence any of them voted in the last couple of elections; and

b) you're claiming local law enforcement ignores election laws being violated; and

c) you're a conservative zombie.

a) I guess they’re braggadocio’s.

b) It was in New Orleans a sanctuary city run by Democrat idiots.

c) And proud of it.

I hope you have more than that. Are you just stupid?

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Not stupid enough to fall for your lame bullshit.
And you haven't turned them in?
Are you a TRAITOR to America?

Have you turned any in? Does that make you a traitor? You’re nothing but a old ass beta lib that answers things with stupid bitch shit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He never claimed to know any illegals, much less any that voted.

You did. Did you turn them in or are you aiding and abetting?

I didn’t say I knew any either but I’ve seen houses being built and I have common sense. As far as voting without a ID we don’t play that shit down South we don’t have that liberal sanctuary city bullshit down here.

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You do realize that you can turn this off in your settings?
“Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk“
Or do you like it attached to your every post?

Man I wanna take that off big time! I went to settings then to Tapatalk and not sure where and what to turn off.

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