Should we go to war in Syria?

Should we go to war with Syria?

  • Yes - We have a nation interest to do so

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - Not unless we have more evidence that Assad used WMDs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Fearless Leader passin' the buck to Congress...
Obama to seek congressional approval on Syria
Aug 31,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Officials in the Obama administration and on Capitol Hill say President Barack Obama intends to seek congressional approval for action against Syria.
Obama will speak on the developments in Syria from the Rose Garden on Saturday. The officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak ahead of the president

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

President Barack Obama's national security team was to consult senators Saturday about Syria while House Speaker John Boehner invited House members to return early from their August break for a classified briefing as the White House readied for a possible military strike. Vice President Joe Biden, who was scheduled to be in Delaware this weekend, was instead at the White House, where Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Secretary of State John Kerry joined him.

Hagel, Kerry and others were to consult by phone Saturday afternoon with Senate Democrats and Republicans. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, also were to participate. The White House said the calls would be unclassified, meaning officials would be limited in what they can say.

But on Sunday, the White House planned a classified, in-person briefing for House members, according to a notice from Boehner's office to House Republican staffers. House Democrats were planning to invite their members as well. "This will be one of many classified briefings," read the invitation. "However, given the numerous requests made, the speaker wanted members to have an opportunity this weekend."

The briefing was coming a day after the administration publicly released an unclassified intelligence report concluding that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government killed more than 1,400 last week in a chemical attack. A classified version of the assessment arrived on Capitol Hill late Friday night, the GOP notice said, and was available for all House members to review. Obama is considering a limited military strike in response to the chemical attack, but said Friday he had not yet made a decision.


See also:

Obama: Syria 'Atrocity' Must Have Response
August 31, 2013 > U.S. President Barack Obama says he has decided the United States should take military action against the Syrian government, for its alleged chemical weapons attack.
Speaking to the nation Saturday at the White House, Mr. Obama said this would not be an open-ended intervention and will not include U.S. troops on the ground in Syria. Obama said the U.S. operation would be limited in scope and duration.

The president also said no military action will begin until and unless his plan is authorized by the Congress. President Obama said an "atrocity" with chemical weapons must not just be investigated but also confronted.

He said the United States can not and must not "turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus." He also urged members of Congress to consider that some things are more important than "partisan differences" as they consider the U.S. response to Syria.

Obama: Syria 'Atrocity' Must Have Response
Fearless Leader passin' the buck to Congress...
Obama to seek congressional approval on Syria
Aug 31,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Officials in the Obama administration and on Capitol Hill say President Barack Obama intends to seek congressional approval for action against Syria.
Obama will speak on the developments in Syria from the Rose Garden on Saturday. The officials insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to speak ahead of the president

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

President Barack Obama's national security team was to consult senators Saturday about Syria while House Speaker John Boehner invited House members to return early from their August break for a classified briefing as the White House readied for a possible military strike. Vice President Joe Biden, who was scheduled to be in Delaware this weekend, was instead at the White House, where Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Secretary of State John Kerry joined him.

Hagel, Kerry and others were to consult by phone Saturday afternoon with Senate Democrats and Republicans. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Obama's national security adviser, Susan Rice, also were to participate. The White House said the calls would be unclassified, meaning officials would be limited in what they can say.

But on Sunday, the White House planned a classified, in-person briefing for House members, according to a notice from Boehner's office to House Republican staffers. House Democrats were planning to invite their members as well. "This will be one of many classified briefings," read the invitation. "However, given the numerous requests made, the speaker wanted members to have an opportunity this weekend."

The briefing was coming a day after the administration publicly released an unclassified intelligence report concluding that Syrian President Bashar Assad's government killed more than 1,400 last week in a chemical attack. A classified version of the assessment arrived on Capitol Hill late Friday night, the GOP notice said, and was available for all House members to review. Obama is considering a limited military strike in response to the chemical attack, but said Friday he had not yet made a decision.


See also:

Obama: Syria 'Atrocity' Must Have Response
August 31, 2013 > U.S. President Barack Obama says he has decided the United States should take military action against the Syrian government, for its alleged chemical weapons attack.
Speaking to the nation Saturday at the White House, Mr. Obama said this would not be an open-ended intervention and will not include U.S. troops on the ground in Syria. Obama said the U.S. operation would be limited in scope and duration.

The president also said no military action will begin until and unless his plan is authorized by the Congress. President Obama said an "atrocity" with chemical weapons must not just be investigated but also confronted.

He said the United States can not and must not "turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus." He also urged members of Congress to consider that some things are more important than "partisan differences" as they consider the U.S. response to Syria.

Obama: Syria 'Atrocity' Must Have Response

There are a number of ways to respond to the alleged use of gas.......Why does Obama seem to limit us to just cruise missiles ?
Susan rice and her neocons put a lot of pressure on Barry to launch missiles and that is because of they have a broader picture in mind.
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Were not going to do anything in Syria though Obama has the authority to use military action against Syria without Congressional approval he won't because then he would own it he also knows there is a very good chance Congress won't give the OK for military action against Syria which is what the President want's that will give him the out he is looking for over his red line comment. So the President will likely get his out we will do nothing in Syria what this will do to Americas power and influence around the world or what the unintended consequences will be I can't say I suspect it won't be a long term positive though.
Although the messiah's moonbat base isn't in the streets breaking windows, setting fires and shitting all over the place to "protest" his warmongering he knows the democrook party will suffer if he rushes into a bombing campaign.

There wasn't a lot of support for his Libya intervention, and there wasn't much resistance because of Kaddaffi's terrorism in the past.

Assad hasn't been responsible for terrorism. In fact, he's fighting the same assholes we should be trying to help him kill.

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