Should We Have A President/Vice President Marco Rubio, What White House Job Will Jeb Be Begging For?

Considering his many flip flops on immigration, do you thing Hispanics would ever trust Rubio?

Marco Rubio's history of immigration flip-flops and deception | RedState

Obviously Hispanics would rally behind a shrill old white woman as opposed to the first Hispanic president.
Black don't rally behind Clarence Thomas after he voted against the voting rights act. Seems you think because you have no integrity, no one has.

Do you Hillary nuts really want to mention the word "integrity?" :lmao:
Considering his many flip flops on immigration, do you thing Hispanics would ever trust Rubio?

Marco Rubio's history of immigration flip-flops and deception | RedState
Hispanics or Latinos will not be deciding the election.

Not any single group decides an election. However if you don't hit certain benchmarks you're in trouble.

Good point.

So imagine how a youthful, handsome, Hispanic from Florida paired with Carson, Fiorina or Kasich might cut into traditional Dem support and play geographically.

Sweet dreams.

Larry, Curly and Moe​

The loony left's fear and concern are palpable and very, very justified.

According to that pesky Quinnipiac poll, over 60% of Americans consider the Demo front-runner to be a liar, dishonest and untrustworthy.

All the Repubs need to do is nominate an electable presidential candidate and they will sweep all three houses (Senate, Reps and White)

Hillary Clinton & Voters -- Clinton Called 'Liar' 'Dishonest' and 'Untrustworthy' in New Poll | National Review Online
Isn't it a shame that they don't have an electable candidate?

Larry, Curly and Moe​

The loony left's fear and concern are palpable and very, very justified.

According to that pesky Quinnipiac poll, over 60% of Americans consider the Demo front-runner to be a liar, dishonest and untrustworthy.

All the Repubs need to do is nominate an electable presidential candidate and they will sweep all three houses (Senate, Reps and White)

Hillary Clinton & Voters -- Clinton Called 'Liar' 'Dishonest' and 'Untrustworthy' in New Poll | National Review Online
Isn't it a shame that they don't have an electable candidate?

Seems neither party has solved that dilemma.
Considering his many flip flops on immigration, do you thing Hispanics would ever trust Rubio?

Marco Rubio's history of immigration flip-flops and deception | RedState

Obviously Hispanics would rally behind a shrill old white woman as opposed to the first Hispanic president.
Black don't rally behind Clarence Thomas after he voted against the voting rights act. Seems you think because you have no integrity, no one has.

I forgot Clarence Thomas had ran for president. Thanks for clearing that up
:slap: Can you imagine a "President Rubio" and then later Jeb starts nagging Marco for a position on the staff? This would be just like one of many classic scenes from "It's A Wonderful Life". Although Marco Rubio is the complete opposite of Mr. Potter (but Trump is a clone of Mr. Potter !!!)
So lets just pretend Marco is either Pres/VP and Jeb comes to him for a white house staff position. What job shall we give Jebby Bush?
And please be as humorous as humanly possible:rofl:
Jeb can be the piss boy.
Democrats trolled the chum. Jebbie bit and is going after Rubio. Rubio will of course slash and burn Jeb. When they have beat each other up, the election will have passed them by. Trump and Carson will be grinning on the sidelines.
:slap: Can you imagine a "President Rubio" and then later Jeb starts nagging Marco for a position on the staff? This would be just like one of many classic scenes from "It's A Wonderful Life". Although Marco Rubio is the complete opposite of Mr. Potter (but Trump is a clone of Mr. Potter !!!)
So lets just pretend Marco is either Pres/VP and Jeb comes to him for a white house staff position. What job shall we give Jebby Bush?
And please be as humorous as humanly possible:rofl:

Goodwill Ambassador to the American Latinos Caucas.

Either something like that where it's nothing more than meaningless title, or stick him in the basement to oversee receipt of foreign visit gifts and stuff.
He would SEC of State, with some neoconservative in defense. Then poor ol Rubio is looking like George W Bush!!

Anyway, you need an ol cynical egghead for Sec. of State. The policies of an Administration is pretty much dictated by the work of this department.
On one hand you might think that this humiliating experience has left such a sour taste in Jeb's mouth that he'd never step foot in politics again.

On the other hand, the egos of professional politicians are so enormous that might beg for some kind of cushy post. Meh. Whatever.
:slap: Can you imagine a "President Rubio" and then later Jeb starts nagging Marco for a position on the staff? This would be just like one of many classic scenes from "It's A Wonderful Life". Although Marco Rubio is the complete opposite of Mr. Potter (but Trump is a clone of Mr. Potter !!!)
So lets just pretend Marco is either Pres/VP and Jeb comes to him for a white house staff position. What job shall we give Jebby Bush?
And please be as humorous as humanly possible:rofl:
Jeb can be the piss boy.
heres a proposal. what about "Rubios Dancing Deaf Interpreter:"? didnt Obama have one?
Considering his many flip flops on immigration, do you thing Hispanics would ever trust Rubio?

Marco Rubio's history of immigration flip-flops and deception | RedState

Obviously Hispanics would rally behind a shrill old white woman as opposed to the first Hispanic president.
Black don't rally behind Clarence Thomas after he voted against the voting rights act. Seems you think because you have no integrity, no one has.

Do you Hillary nuts really want to mention the word "integrity?" :lmao:
Just because you people smear those you are scared of doesn't mean every one does.

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