CDZ Should we increase funding to NASA?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the US receives eight dollars in financial benefit for every one dollar it invests in NASA. As it stands, NASA's budget it half a penny on every dollar.
Should we increase funding to NASA? Why? Why not?
Of course we should....It creates jobs, keeps us in the lead on science and makes a nation worth looking up to.

It will take at least 100,000 billion to send people to mars and be able to discover even a fraction of the extrasolar planets out there.
Also, science, infrastructure or education has never caused a cent of debt. Our debt is caused by healthcare, ssi, and the military.

We're always better off increasing science!!!
According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the US receives eight dollars in financial benefit for every one dollar it invests in NASA. As it stands, NASA's budget it half a penny on every dollar.
Should we increase funding to NASA? Why? Why not?
If Trson's ratio holds true, then NASA's budget should be increased by trillions. We will get the money back 8 fold.
Of course not. Since obama changed the mission from research and development to muslim outreach, the funding should be cut. Wait until we have a real president in office.
Of course we should....It creates jobs, keeps us in the lead on science and makes a nation worth looking up to.

It will take at least 100,000 billion to send people to mars and be able to discover even a fraction of the extrasolar planets out there.
YES, h*ll yes. We NEED a second generation space shuttle to go out there, not just around the planet for a year or two but away from the planet and back. The future is out there WAITING to be found..
Of course we should....It creates jobs, keeps us in the lead on science and makes a nation worth looking up to.

It will take at least 100,000 billion to send people to mars and be able to discover even a fraction of the extrasolar planets out there.
YES, h*ll yes. We NEED a second generation space shuttle to go out there, not just around the planet for a year or two but away from the planet and back. The future is out there WAITING to be found..

I think we should build a reusable skylon to get into space and build a ramjet space ship. ;) It would get men back and from our mars outpost in under 6 months.
Of course we should....It creates jobs, keeps us in the lead on science and makes a nation worth looking up to.

It will take at least 100,000 billion to send people to mars and be able to discover even a fraction of the extrasolar planets out there.
YES, h*ll yes. We NEED a second generation space shuttle to go out there, not just around the planet for a year or two but away from the planet and back. The future is out there WAITING to be found..

I think we should build a reusable skylon to get into space and build a ramjet space ship. ;) It would get men back and from our mars outpost in under 6 months.
While I agree it maybe the wrong direction. The future is not always what we can see but what we have not seen. We need to build stations for stop and re-fueling as we go out there. Out there where? DEEP space.
NASA would be far more effective if it was focused on traditional government services in space:

Collect orbital garbage and dump it all in the synthetic gravity wells of L4 and L5 to be building materials for space industries.

Disaster relief//prevention in regards to rocks that might hit Earth

Build tethered satellites as part of the transport net to and from space.

NASA is a bureaucracy so funding should be towards its strengths not its weaknesses.
The power to spend the stolen loot is not wielded by the "majority" so this type of question is like the hookers and the johns deciding weather or not the pimp is going to pay for aids testing.
I would divert some of NASA's funding. I think we'd get more bang for the buck by increasing our attention towards the scientific study of the oceans.
Increase NASA spending.

NASA has provided more to our world than the war machine, and we need to explore our solar system even more.

We have the Moons of Saturn beside the planet Mars to explore, and we should be further along in the search of life than what we are at this point...

I would rather see us invest into NASA than spending on war toys that can shoot the pubic hair off a gnat, but that would cool if someone built a weapon that could do that, I think...
I do not realize the very goal of it. Why don't we privatize NASA and let all of forumers buy it? That way they can increase its funding however much they want. Tyson says this, but I have my doubts. If it is so valuable then why does the government need to fund it? Who can explain to me, foolish?
"Who can explain to me, foolish?"

Look into Space X and see how impossible it is to separate free markets from so called "subsidies."

Those who run the global extortion racket (a.k.a "world reserve currency") funnel capital (purchasing power) into whatever works for them best at maintaining their power to preserve their power.

Space X is an example of a mixture of free market competitive investment and monopoly (criminal) subsidy whereby investors invest in the space industry. The key to unlock entry into any competitive industry is access to the "world reserve currency" supply.

Do you know about Mars One?

Mars One
According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the US receives eight dollars in financial benefit for every one dollar it invests in NASA. As it stands, NASA's budget it half a penny on every dollar.
Should we increase funding to NASA? Why? Why not?

I wish they would have never suspended, or ended the shuttle program.

In my opinion, the country needs NASA, and it needs the shuttle program. The Government should fund NASA, and NASA should be responsible with the monies it receives.

NASA is a good thing, but some people do not see it that way. Technology costs money, I understand that...but I think some NASA administrators was abusing the system, and taking their salary for granted. Some people deserved to loose their job, and it was so terrible....and an injustice, that those whom were not deserving to be "let go"...were given pink slips and their jobs were terminated.

I hope that soon, the White House sees the benefit in NASA as well as the shuttle and space program ; and provides a budget for the use of.

Shadow 355
I support greater financial support to and for NASA. It has been one of the brightest spots in American governmental history. It has single handedly transformed our personal concepts of the Universe around us and connected each of us to the Solar System we're all a part of. It has shown us that we are all together on a single, small, isolated piece of life-giving and supporting real estate floating alone (for the present) through the vastness of space. We all share the same canoe, so to speak. Whatever we do as a species, we do to each other and to the world we all inhabit. Everything we do affects us all together. We must learn to be accepting, tolerant, and compassionate with each other or our technology will wreck havoc on every living species alike, including ourselves. NASA has been the most positive, reinforcing, thoughtful, inspiring agency our government has ever devised. Yes, double, triple, or quadruple their funding. Return to the Moon, this time to stay. Explore the asteroids. Send humans to Mars and establish a permanent base. Explore Europa, Encelatus, Titan with every means possible. Send a probe to orbit Pluto, and others to explore other KBOs. Experiment with faster and more efficient transport systems--ion engines, anti-gravity devices, etc. Build and launch space telescopes capable of seeing exoplanets around other stars close up and personal. Continue but expand NASA's investment and involvement with every type of space telescope to study the Universe at large. Since its inception NASA has altered every American and every human on this planet's concept of themselves and the human species as an integral part of our surrounding Universe. Do everything possible to support the continuance of NASA!
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According to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the US receives eight dollars in financial benefit for every one dollar it invests in NASA. As it stands, NASA's budget it half a penny on every dollar.
Should we increase funding to NASA? Why? Why not?

As someone who had a personal stake in the continuation of NASA and someone who's community would benefit from further funding?
I have to say no...let it die.
When things were the darkest, NASA still worked. It still had success. Right up until obumble changed their primary mission to muslim outreach and the secondary mission to climate change. Then NASA became just another failure. That agency, like the other obumble failures should be put in abeyance until the disease is out of the white hut.
Even the military is going more towards drones

NASA needs to push more R2D2 and less Buck Rogers. There is little to be gained by putting men in space

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