Should We Invade Mexico and End Their Drug Civil War?

What should we do to protect the American public from the violence and chaos of Mexico?

  • I dont know, but it's not violent enough whatever it is

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  • Nothing at all, everythings allright mate!

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More false equivalency. And again, you assign blame to an INANIMATE OBJECT.

Does murder not happen in those countries? Of course it does.

Manchester, UK: 23 people murdered via a homemade bomb at a concert
Nice, France: 86 people murdered by a TRUCK
Sweden: Over 100 bombings so far this year, and we still have 2 months to go.

Not to mention, the worst case of mass murder in US history - 9/11 - involved NO GUNS.

If someone is dead set on killing scores of people, the lack of access to a gun is NOT going to stop them.

You're not getting the guns, commie. Ever.
We have mass killings regularly. How many of your examples from other countries happened this year? We have plenty of mass shootings this year. Mass killing in other countries are RARE. Mass killings here happen regularly. Easy access to weapons for mass killings increases mass killings.

Enough of your gun grabbing idiocy. Btw, the powers-that-be LOVE people like you.

Lower homicide rates are idiocy? Countries with strong gun control have homicide rates a fraction of ours. They also don't suffer regular mass killings.

Yes, other countries don't have false flags, because their guns were already taken away. (They still have violence though.) Here in the US we value a little thing called "freedom." Something that only idiots hand over.
Freedom to life is a whole lot better than freedom to quickly and easily become a mass killer.
False dichotomy.

Are you going to address the topic or just troll?

Here. . . go crazy;

Combined Thread: "Solutions" for mass shootings. Gun Control, Mental Health, School Security, etc
IT is beyond reason, that Mexican criminal organizations pump poison into our country that kills around 70k American citizens each year, and our government does not consider them terrorists.

The Mexican government cannot control these fiends at all, none whatsoever. If the Cartels demand that the Mexican government release criminals, the government does so. They need our help but will not ask for it for fear of what the Drug Cartels might do.

The Mexican government is by definition a failed and helpless government, a fiction no better than the Somali government.

Failed state - Wikipedia

A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly (see also fragile state and state collapse). A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly. For a stable state it is necessary for the government to enjoy both effectiveness and legitimacy. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of total governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics:

Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support, and has little practical control over much of its territory and hence there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and foreign military intervention can occur.[1]

The level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities.[2] Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences​

View attachment 288415

Mexico is a failed state.

But what should we do about it? Stop worrying about every tiny nation in the Middle Easta nd start protecting our own citizens first? Declare martial law? What?
We should. But their presidente' will not let us. It is because he is getting paid by someone to keep the flow of drugs coming into this country.

Meet the journalist who accuses Mexican presidents of links to drug cartels

Folks that are educated know that the Clinton's ran drugs for the Bush family to fund CIA activity through the Mena airport.

Our political elites are no different.

. . . well, except for maybe Trump, who knows about him. It would be a terrible hurt on the drug trade if that wall gets built, and it would also hurt the black market flow of funds if they shut that Afghan war down.
Sick of Latinos in general.. use the ways we kept them out in the 1920’s lol
It isn't the latinos that are bad. It is their government and ours that are the ones that are pulling the strings.
No Latinos can’t assimilate to American European cultures, they will always be corrupt
Well I hope you noticed. That the majority of Americans has a little Latino's blood in them. Except for Elizabeth Warren. She has Native's in her, wink wink. The first settlers were from Europe and they didn't believed in incest. And the ships that they has sailed in. Only can carry so many people. And so they started relationships with the Natives on this side. But in the 1600's is when sailing became available for the people of England. And they intermingle with those that already had intermingled with the Natives. Most Mexicans are from Spain and or mixed with Spaniard. America derived from a Spanish name.

In 1783 Spain owned what United States states - Answers

Colonial America (1492-1763)

Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet
Sick of Latinos in general.. use the ways we kept them out in the 1920’s lol
It isn't the latinos that are bad. It is their government and ours that are the ones that are pulling the strings.
No Latinos can’t assimilate to American European cultures, they will always be corrupt
Well I hope you noticed. That the majority of Americans has a little Latino's blood in them. Except for Elizabeth Warren. She has Native's in her, wink wink. The first settlers were from Europe and they didn't believed in incest. And the ships that they has sailed in. Only can carry so many people. And so they started relationships with the Natives on this side. But in the 1600's is when sailing became available for the people of England. And they intermingle with those that already had intermingled with the Natives. Most Mexicans are from Spain and or mixed with Spaniard. America derived from a Spanish name.

In 1783 Spain owned what United States states - Answers

Colonial America (1492-1763)

Immigrant Ships To America/First Families/Winthrop Fleet
Who ever your talking about has disowned any latin blood.. Latinos can’t assimilate the ones that do we love em!
Sick of Latinos in general.. use the ways we kept them out in the 1920’s lol
It isn't the latinos that are bad. It is their government and ours that are the ones that are pulling the strings.

I totally agree. I live in Baja, and for someone who has lived and traveled all over the world, I can honestly say that generally speaking, the Mexican people are among the nicest, most humble people I have ever encountered. Very family oriented and traditional for the most part. But yes, the problem is the government at the highest levels, both governments.
I had a talk with this guy who is originally from Mexico. He is a mechanic. I told him that he should vote for Pres.Trump because he isn't like the others politicians. I told him about the fast and the furious scandal. How Obama has been going around arming other countries with weapons. But he was surprise about that. He was wondering how the drug cartels had gotten a hold of state of the art weapons. He said that just one of the riffles can rip someone's home into pieces. before he said. That the cartels didn't have that much power over the people. It because that they had just the regular shot guns and rifles. But now the people are afraid to stand up against them. He said that the drug cartels couldn't control the masses. But now they has weapons and the ammo that can shoot up a whole town. And they still have plenty of ammo.

Yeah, I'd say he's not alone, a lot of people don't know much about it. I also think that many Americans are in denial. I mean, it's hard to wrap one's mind around the idea that segments of our own government could be that evil and criminal. But like MisterBeale posted, for a number of years, the CIA and other alphabet agencies have been getting away with crimes that would put a normal person in prison for life....but it seems no one wants to talk about it or even think about it. Where we seem to disagree is that I think it goes beyond political party. For example, what happened in Mena involved both Clinton and Bush. (read the book 'Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA' by Terry Reed.) The corruption is like a spider web, it extends to other scandals and crimes, and it can be overwhelming, when you really look into all this stuff.
Finish the damn wall and pass USMCA....come on Congress you say you can walk and chew gum at the same time...prove it!!!!
That wall that an 8 year old girl scaled in one minute?
To turn every member of your family and extended family into drug addicts and put them on the streets to survive would be proof of your loyalty to Prog ways. If a collapse were to ever happen there are going to be many that will remember what you fools have helped to do.
IT is beyond reason, that Mexican criminal organizations pump poison into our country that kills around 70k American citizens each year, and our government does not consider them terrorists.

The Mexican government cannot control these fiends at all, none whatsoever. If the Cartels demand that the Mexican government release criminals, the government does so. They need our help but will not ask for it for fear of what the Drug Cartels might do.

The Mexican government is by definition a failed and helpless government, a fiction no better than the Somali government.

Failed state - Wikipedia

A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly (see also fragile state and state collapse). A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly. For a stable state it is necessary for the government to enjoy both effectiveness and legitimacy. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of total governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics:

Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support, and has little practical control over much of its territory and hence there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and foreign military intervention can occur.[1]

The level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities.[2] Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences​

View attachment 288415

Mexico is a failed state.

But what should we do about it? Stop worrying about every tiny nation in the Middle Easta nd start protecting our own citizens first? Declare martial law? What?
When you can fix the gun epidemic and spare the thousands who die each year thank about fixing Mexico.
. . . well, except for maybe Trump, who knows about him. It would be a terrible hurt on the drug trade if that wall gets built, and it would also hurt the black market flow of funds if they shut that Afghan war down.
This and the criminal investigation by Durham are why the Dems decided to push for impeachment.
Sick of Latinos in general.. use the ways we kept them out in the 1920’s lol
It isn't the latinos that are bad. It is their government and ours that are the ones that are pulling the strings.

I totally agree. I live in Baja, and for someone who has lived and traveled all over the world, I can honestly say that generally speaking, the Mexican people are among the nicest, most humble people I have ever encountered. Very family oriented and traditional for the most part. But yes, the problem is the government at the highest levels, both governments.
I had a talk with this guy who is originally from Mexico. He is a mechanic. I told him that he should vote for Pres.Trump because he isn't like the others politicians. I told him about the fast and the furious scandal. How Obama has been going around arming other countries with weapons. But he was surprise about that. He was wondering how the drug cartels had gotten a hold of state of the art weapons. He said that just one of the riffles can rip someone's home into pieces. before he said. That the cartels didn't have that much power over the people. It because that they had just the regular shot guns and rifles. But now the people are afraid to stand up against them. He said that the drug cartels couldn't control the masses. But now they has weapons and the ammo that can shoot up a whole town. And they still have plenty of ammo.

Yeah, I'd say he's not alone, a lot of people don't know much about it. I also think that many Americans are in denial. I mean, it's hard to wrap one's mind around the idea that segments of our own government could be that evil and criminal. But like MisterBeale posted, for a number of years, the CIA and other alphabet agencies have been getting away with crimes that would put a normal person in prison for life....but it seems no one wants to talk about it or even think about it. Where we seem to disagree is that I think it goes beyond political party. For example, what happened in Mena involved both Clinton and Bush. (read the book 'Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA' by Terry Reed.) The corruption is like a spider web, it extends to other scandals and crimes, and it can be overwhelming, when you really look into all this stuff.

Nope, we don't disagree on it at all. Not one bit.

It is completely non-partisan.

It is why, no matter who is president, we will not have peace in Afghanistan, the Opioid epidemic is directly tied to our involvement in that war. It is the government's fault.

The only way to stop this epidemic is to stop the war and let the Taliban ban Opium production again.

Our global criminal elites are just too evil, greedy and selfish though.
IT is beyond reason, that Mexican criminal organizations pump poison into our country that kills around 70k American citizens each year, and our government does not consider them terrorists.

The Mexican government cannot control these fiends at all, none whatsoever. If the Cartels demand that the Mexican government release criminals, the government does so. They need our help but will not ask for it for fear of what the Drug Cartels might do.

The Mexican government is by definition a failed and helpless government, a fiction no better than the Somali government.

Failed state - Wikipedia

A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly (see also fragile state and state collapse). A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly. For a stable state it is necessary for the government to enjoy both effectiveness and legitimacy. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of total governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics:

Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support, and has little practical control over much of its territory and hence there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and foreign military intervention can occur.[1]

The level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities.[2] Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences​

View attachment 288415

Mexico is a failed state.

But what should we do about it? Stop worrying about every tiny nation in the Middle Easta nd start protecting our own citizens first? Declare martial law? What?
Nonsense. Mexico is a perfect example of Capitalism winning. Even the US supported federal government of Mexico gets its ass handed to it by private enterprise. If the US were to bother with any involvement south of the border...
We would install the proven to be capable, and strong.

What a stupid reply. Mexico, while being one of the wealthiest countries on the planet mineralogicaly wise, is a third world shithole because of ONE PARTY rule. A corrupt party that makes sure the peons remain peons.

Exactly what the leftists are trying to do here.
Horse shit.Free enterprise stomped “Federal Gubmint authority...” into submission. Because when profit is on the line...? Greed, and the thirst for power does it better than Jingoism every time. The best Capitalists in Mexico are getting the fucking job done. And they don’t give a half a shit if you like it, or not.

Child killing drug cartels aren't exactly the most stellar examples of free market capitalism. Or are they?
The US isn’t free of that claim to fame either...
easier to simply legalize all drugs

$$$ drops outta the cartels market

no more cartels!

Until you end the massive American thirst for drugs, you will not be ending any drug war...…

A wall feels good, but the majority of drugs come in thru ports of entry....

I say we invade Mexico and kill a bunch of these wetbacks just for the warm tingly feeling it will give.....
IT is beyond reason, that Mexican criminal organizations pump poison into our country that kills around 70k American citizens each year, and our government does not consider them terrorists.

The Mexican government cannot control these fiends at all, none whatsoever. If the Cartels demand that the Mexican government release criminals, the government does so. They need our help but will not ask for it for fear of what the Drug Cartels might do.

The Mexican government is by definition a failed and helpless government, a fiction no better than the Somali government.

Failed state - Wikipedia

A failed state is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly (see also fragile state and state collapse). A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly. For a stable state it is necessary for the government to enjoy both effectiveness and legitimacy. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of total governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics:

Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support, and has little practical control over much of its territory and hence there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and foreign military intervention can occur.[1]

The level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities.[2] Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences​

View attachment 288415

Mexico is a failed state.

But what should we do about it? Stop worrying about every tiny nation in the Middle Easta nd start protecting our own citizens first? Declare martial law? What?
Sometimes Capitalism doesn`t work very well. Mexico is exhibit A.
The border should go full military, with shoot-to-kill authorization.

Tell Mexico to deal with their problem effectively, or we will.
HELL NO, We invade Mexico and we will have a flood of Mexican refugees. Close the #*$& border. Letting no Amerian guns out letting no Mexican drugs in. Mexico is another shit hole country.
The border should go full military, with shoot-to-kill authorization.

Tell Mexico to deal with their problem effectively, or we will.
We are in no position to deal with Mexico's problems. How we deal is by closing the border. Letting no American into Mexico and letting no Mexicans into US.

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