Should we legalize pot and help free innocent people?

now you sound just like the typical Far Righty....havent got anything to say,so lets start with the insults.....tell me Rabbi....have you ever been in a room were Pot was being smoked?....have you ever actually touched a Joint? lets see how honest you are....

Your belligerence and lack of ability to focus is indicative of sustained dope smoking. You really need to put down the bong before it takes your last two brain cells.

how come you wont answer my questions?......afraid of saying no i have never touched one?.....i answered yours about the addiction.....dont worry we wont goof on ya.....many people have lived sheltered are not the only one, Rotty was raised in a bubble too.....come on be honest.....

now you sound just like the typical Far Righty....havent got anything to say,so lets start with the insults.....tell me Rabbi....have you ever been in a room were Pot was being smoked?....have you ever actually touched a Joint? lets see how honest you are....

Your belligerence and lack of ability to focus is indicative of sustained dope smoking. You really need to put down the bong before it takes your last two brain cells.

Rabbi - You're quite condescending towards marijuana users, and I think it's rather disrespectful. Do you say the same things to all of the alcohol drinkers you encounter (given that it's a much more toxic and prevalent drug)?

Not sure if you're aware, but there are mountains of incredibly successful and intelligent people who smoke or have smoked marijuana (including one of the richest self-made men on the planet - Bill Gates).

The drug is all natural, grows out of the ground for pete's sake, virtually impossible to overdose on, lasts for only an hour or so, and has even been recommended by many doctors to give to CANCER patients. I don't have a medical license, but I'm pretty sure whiskey isn't recommended for folks going through chemo.

So I'm curious - Rabbi - what do you have against the drug? Really, I'm baffled as to why you're so hostile against this plant. Did you have a bad experience when you were younger? I know my dad hated it because it made him way too paranoid, and that's fine. However I don't think that warrants you being so condescending towards others who do enjoy using it from time to time.

Fuck the stoners. I dont care if Bill Gates smoked dope once. So did Bill Clinton. So what? But eventually they grew up and realized that fat, stoned, and stupid is no way to go through life, s0n. Unfortunately some posters here haven't gotten the message. Which is why they are living in mom's basement cheating others out of oxygen.
Fuck the stoners.

Ditto to the drinkers? Just wondering if your ire towards those that indulge in intoxicants is hypocritical.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits what an adult ingests. His body, his business.
Fuck the stoners. I dont care if Bill Gates smoked dope once. So did Bill Clinton. So what? But eventually they grew up and realized that fat, stoned, and stupid is no way to go through life, s0n. Unfortunately some posters here haven't gotten the message. Which is why they are living in mom's basement cheating others out of oxygen.

Point is, you can smoke pot regularly (as in more than once a month) and not be a pothead just as you can drink regularly and not be an alcoholic. It is possible to partake in moderation, and I don’t think it’s fair to categorize all smokers as fitting this construct of the dopey kid who sits on the couch all day. Not true.

There are many successful young 20-something adults I know who smoke in their freetime. It's simply an alternative to having a beer, or a glass of wine and is a greet tool to RELAX.

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Fuck the stoners.

Ditto to the drinkers? Just wondering if your ire towards those that indulge in intoxicants is hypocritical.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits what an adult ingests. His body, his business.

One is illegal, one isn't.

Do you base all of your standards (and the ways in which you judge people) based on what the gov't tells you is right and wrong?

Try some original thought.

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mmmm my neighbor just came by and gave me some of purple kush from his latest crop...

'Purple Kush buds form tight chunky nuggets with hints of purple in the tips of the calyxes, as well as the soft pine bouquet and a sweet, grapey taste on an earthy foundation. her very frosty veneer of glands will please both the connoisseur of indica potency and the hashish fan."
Beautiful, healthy plants. (That's a good neighbor.)
Fuck the stoners. I dont care if Bill Gates smoked dope once. So did Bill Clinton. So what? But eventually they grew up and realized that fat, stoned, and stupid is no way to go through life, s0n. Unfortunately some posters here haven't gotten the message. Which is why they are living in mom's basement cheating others out of oxygen.

Point is, you can smoke pot regularly (as in more than once a month) and not be a pothead just as you can drink regularly and not be an alcoholic. It is possible to partake in moderation, and I don’t think it’s fair to categorize all smokers as fitting this construct of the dopey kid who sits on the couch all day.

I’m sure you don’t judge everyone who drinks a beer as a belligerent alcoholic who can’t survive without it, so why do you have conflicting standards with pot?
In a word -- brainwash.

Reefer Madness dogma, which consists entirely of lies and deceptive exaggerations, represents one of the most effective propaganda efforts in modern history. Adherents to this dogma are comparable to religious fanatics who are incapable of abstract reasoning but are strongly receptive to authoritative suggestion -- much like the Hitler Youth and the dedicated converts to Nazism, et al.

For them, if Big Brother says it, it must be true. Attempting to educate them is futile.
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Fuck the stoners.

Ditto to the drinkers? Just wondering if your ire towards those that indulge in intoxicants is hypocritical.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits what an adult ingests. His body, his business.

One is illegal, one isn't.

Some states would disagree, but that's not really the point. Are you suggesting that if cannabis were legal, you'd retract all the hate you've been spewing? Do you make all you decisions based on what the government tells you? My goodness, think for yourself!
those crickets are getting louder asked me to be honest and i answered ....but you don't have to is that it?....
Ditto to the drinkers? Just wondering if your ire towards those that indulge in intoxicants is hypocritical.

Personally, I couldn't give two shits what an adult ingests. His body, his business.

One is illegal, one isn't.

Do you base all of your standards (and the ways in which you judge people) based on what the gov't tells you is right and wrong?

Try some original thought.

Do you think it's irrelevant? Quit puking back narco-libtard talking points and think for youself for once.
Anything that comes from a plant is harmless. Potheads should relax with a nice cup of peach pit tea. It gives a great high.
One is illegal, one isn't.

Do you base all of your standards (and the ways in which you judge people) based on what the gov't tells you is right and wrong?

Try some original thought.

Do you think it's irrelevant? Quit puking back narco-libtard talking points and think for youself for once.

Which 'narco-libtard' points are those? That it's silly wasting money prohibiting a plant that you can't overdose on and isn't addictive?

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Do you base all of your standards (and the ways in which you judge people) based on what the gov't tells you is right and wrong?

Try some original thought.

Do you think it's irrelevant? Quit puking back narco-libtard talking points and think for youself for once.

Which 'narco-libtard' points are those? That it's silly wasting money prohibiting a plant that you can't overdose on and isn't addictive?


We've already shown the falsehood of that statement. Pay attention next time.
Do you think it's irrelevant? Quit puking back narco-libtard talking points and think for youself for once.

Which 'narco-libtard' points are those? That it's silly wasting money prohibiting a plant that you can't overdose on and isn't addictive?


We've already shown the falsehood of that statement. Pay attention next time.
do i hear more Crickets?....or is that just someone's shoes squeaking?......
The argument that we can save money by not prosecuting people who refuse to obey the law is preposterous and an indication that the pot heads are not playing with a full deck.
The argument that we cannot save money by not prosecuting people who refuse to obey a pointless outdated law created on false information is preposterous and an indication that the square heads are not playing with a full deck

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