Should we revisit the Beliefs of the Clinton team?

The suffering that you fear is evidence of your lack of faith in he who truly is God.

I don't fear suffering. Why should I? Suffering is a sign of a lesson that needs to be learned.

Who told you that?

Most suffering in this world is suffering cause by people doing evil to one another.

The only lesson that needs to be learned is to never again turn to the image and likeness of a talking serpent for healing or spiritual advise.
What I am actually doing is creating a new heaven and a new earth.

It doesn't seem that way to me. It seems to me that you are more worried about what I believe than what you believe.
The only thing that remains the same is the hell that you are already in, a small world of ever diminishing proportions.

That would be your opinion, not mine. My belief is that I have been granted an incredibly rare and wonderful gift. One in which I am eternally grateful for. God's gift to me is who I am. My gift to God is who I become.
What I am actually doing is creating a new heaven and a new earth.

It doesn't seem that way to me. It seems to me that you are more worried about what I believe than what you believe.

Sheesh! Don't you understand anything I say?

If you want to know something specific ask a specific question.

Stop being such a coward.

And I really don't give a shit what you believe. I threw that crap in the garbage heap about the same time I gave up my first teddy bear.
The suffering that you fear is evidence of your lack of faith in he who truly is God.

I don't fear suffering. Why should I? Suffering is a sign of a lesson that needs to be learned.

Who told you that?

Most suffering in this world is suffering cause by people doing evil to one another.

The only lesson that needs to be learned is to never again turn to the image and likeness of a talking serpent for healing or spiritual advise.
The Word of God told me that. Reason and experience told me that. When the Jews fell to the Babylonians they did not question that the God of the Babylonians was superior to their God. They asked themselves what it was that God wanted them to learn.
What I am actually doing is creating a new heaven and a new earth.

It doesn't seem that way to me. It seems to me that you are more worried about what I believe than what you believe.

Sheesh! Don't you understand anything I say?

If you want to know something specific ask a specific question.

Stop being such a coward.

And I really don't give a shit what you believe. I threw that crap in the garbage heap about the same time I gave up my first teddy bear.
I don't need or want anything from you. I believe you are a fool.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
LOL... begone?

No, you fuck off, you and your evil ways.

Have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
LOL... begone?

No, you fuck off, you and your evil ways.

Have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
Begone, don't begone, it is all the same to me. You have no power over me. Your words have no effect on me, and I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that failed behaviors will still lead to failure and successful behaviors will still lead to success. At any point in YOUR life YOU are the sum of YOUR choices.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
LOL... begone?

No, you fuck off, you and your evil ways.

Have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
YOU harm YOURSELF by the words that come out of YOUR mouth.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
LOL... begone?

No, you fuck off, you and your evil ways.

Have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
Begone, don't begone, it is all the same to me. You have no power over me. Your words have no effect on me, and I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that failed behaviors will still lead to failure and successful behaviors will still lead to success. At any point in YOUR life YOU are the sum of YOUR choices.

You believe in lies, you worship that which is not God, and consequently you have become a completely false person.You must be just giddy with excitement that finally someone just like you, as queer as three dollar bill, has usurped the highest office for a few minutes.

Im glad you are happy with the portion you have chosen, darling.

A place for everything and everything in its place !
Last edited:
During research I noticed the Cloud storage logo for Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, the Company Hillary used as her server storage cloud IT service was a
fallen morning star (Lucifer symbol).
View attachment 120308
Now her devil horn hand signal with open thumb View attachment 120309
can be just a I love you hand signing, but lets face it, unless she did that hand gesture in a mirror there is nobody she would sign that to, because even Chelsea doesn't want to watch one of her mom's speaches.
I have seen her flash the devil horn sign thumb in on a TV clip of her speach, but can't find it in picture form online.
OTHER hand signals surrounding her closest are more specifically Devil horn hand gesture signals or 3 -6's beast number hand gesture.
View attachment 120310
View attachment 120311View attachment 120312

Nov 4, 2016 WikiLeaks stated: Leaked email reveals Hillary Clinton's campaign chair Podesta attended disturbing
"Spirit Cooking" satanic ritual.
View attachment 120315
Sometimes these are eating off an imitation corpse or live person posing as a food plate which represents the sadistic belief that eating the flesh gives you the power of that person, or in this case seen below=Youth.
View attachment 120318
It might be their Egyptian mysticsm influence of their guild, perhaps they are Rosecrucians? This is why pyramids had missing mummies as people as recent as last century would take pieces of decayed flesh and make teas from it for purpose of thinking they were gaining the power of these kings. The Egyptian influenced forbidden maggis Yeshu or Rome who puts ritual in his mouth is telling Christians to eat his flesh and drink his blood for this very reason=to absorb his power.
Others noted Podestas very dark satanic taste in art which you might be able to find online. Then there is the dark truth about the Clintons willing to do anything to remain in power.
I've listed the many mysterious deaths to whistleblowers surrounding the Clintons and someone came foward to verify they were
silencing potential problems.
On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Larry Nichols a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton
admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man -murderer-for-hire .

Stating also that back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the women, and they went to a church for witches. So perhaps that explains that crazy witches resist rally in Chicago recently and her unusual cackle laugh.
View attachment 120316
The question is "what the hell are these people into?" and it would explain a lot, since the Luciferian philosophy is
"Deny everything and regret nothing".
It makes no difference what the Clinton's believe or have believed at this point. The Dems kicked God out when they installed Obama and Clinton's back into a position of authority. Realizing their mistake Hiliar tried to gain back lost ground at the Dems national convention but it was of no effect as the left is way behind at this point with all their weird superstitions and bringing in the some of the followers of Sêmîazâz more heavily into governmental offices and affairs. Let God be their judge. Pray God leads the hearts of people who have the ability to make a difference at this point to stop the insanity and seditious nature of the anti's that has infiltrated our bureaucracies.

Eventually Michael you will discover that you are in error in much of your thinking concerning Jesus Christ and how the spirit of the Son works in those who walk by faith.

You have successfully linked your bastardized form of religion to the right wing political party for some. That is exactly what ISIS has done. It's a sad day for politics and religion.
i have a better idea... concern yourself with the orange sociopath who handed over our country to putin.

Yeah, how is that narative working for you now?

Sounds about right to me. Seems even more likely...

50 carefully aimed tomahawk missiles but no damage to the runways or any of the aircraft just sitting there completely exposed by the runway.


A resounding failure that accomplished nothing but changing the story for a few days.


What else?

We are supposed to believe that the news footage he saw affected him emotionally and brought a compassionate tear to his eye over the suffering of the Syrian people that he wants to ban from the country and suddenly felt the need to launch a glorious 93 million dollar display of ineptitude that accomplished nothing?

The past several thousand atrocities over the past years had no effect on him but now he suddenly acts shocked that women and children were gassed so he bombs an airbase that is in use the next day and the same city that was gassed was bombed again from that exact same airbase?

He wasn't trying to deflect attention away from him being the subject of many investigations that strongly suggest that he and his cohorts have been compromised by hostile foreign agents who have weaponized information and have some sort of leverage over him and them, risking lives to make it seem like he is standing up to them.

give me a break....

He's a snake oil salesman willing to betray the entire nation, risk millions of lives, and plunge the world into chaos in a vain,reckless and desperate attempt to clean up the image of his tarnished brand, nothing else.

Seriously, if at best he really is just a scumbag who suddenly cares about people he didn't give two shits about the day before and was motivated by emotional reactions to "fake news" footage or late night comedy to act impulsively without any form of rational thinking, goal, or restraint and drops bombs to 'send a message" to look like a tough guy out of some deep seated small hand complex, that alone is not a fucking disaster in the making?

Benedict Donald is what he is. He should be put on a small boat in the middle of the sea and then, with much pomp and circumstance, ceremoniously cut loose..

The ratings would be great, best ever, really fantastic, everyone who is anyone will be watching, believe me!
Which nation are you referring to? A majority of the people of the Republic of the United States of America voted for Donald Trump specifically because they are sick and tired of those who believe this nation is theirs for the taking when they are nothing more than seditious infil-traitors.

You keep making that mistake. A majority of people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes.
During research I noticed the Cloud storage logo for Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, the Company Hillary used as her server storage cloud IT service was a
fallen morning star (Lucifer symbol).
View attachment 120308
Now her devil horn hand signal with open thumb View attachment 120309
can be just a I love you hand signing, but lets face it, unless she did that hand gesture in a mirror there is nobody she would sign that to, because even Chelsea doesn't want to watch one of her mom's speaches.
I have seen her flash the devil horn sign thumb in on a TV clip of her speach, but can't find it in picture form online.
OTHER hand signals surrounding her closest are more specifically Devil horn hand gesture signals or 3 -6's beast number hand gesture.
View attachment 120310
View attachment 120311View attachment 120312

Nov 4, 2016 WikiLeaks stated: Leaked email reveals Hillary Clinton's campaign chair Podesta attended disturbing
"Spirit Cooking" satanic ritual.
View attachment 120315
Sometimes these are eating off an imitation corpse or live person posing as a food plate which represents the sadistic belief that eating the flesh gives you the power of that person, or in this case seen below=Youth.
View attachment 120318
It might be their Egyptian mysticsm influence of their guild, perhaps they are Rosecrucians? This is why pyramids had missing mummies as people as recent as last century would take pieces of decayed flesh and make teas from it for purpose of thinking they were gaining the power of these kings. The Egyptian influenced forbidden maggis Yeshu or Rome who puts ritual in his mouth is telling Christians to eat his flesh and drink his blood for this very reason=to absorb his power.
Others noted Podestas very dark satanic taste in art which you might be able to find online. Then there is the dark truth about the Clintons willing to do anything to remain in power.
I've listed the many mysterious deaths to whistleblowers surrounding the Clintons and someone came foward to verify they were
silencing potential problems.
On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Larry Nichols a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton
admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man -murderer-for-hire .

Stating also that back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the women, and they went to a church for witches. So perhaps that explains that crazy witches resist rally in Chicago recently and her unusual cackle laugh.
View attachment 120316
The question is "what the hell are these people into?" and it would explain a lot, since the Luciferian philosophy is
"Deny everything and regret nothing".
It makes no difference what the Clinton's believe or have believed at this point. The Dems kicked God out when they installed Obama and Clinton's back into a position of authority. Realizing their mistake Hiliar tried to gain back lost ground at the Dems national convention but it was of no effect as the left is way behind at this point with all their weird superstitions and bringing in the some of the followers of Sêmîazâz more heavily into governmental offices and affairs. Let God be their judge. Pray God leads the hearts of people who have the ability to make a difference at this point to stop the insanity and seditious nature of the anti's that has infiltrated our bureaucracies.

Eventually Michael you will discover that you are in error in much of your thinking concerning Jesus Christ and how the spirit of the Son works in those who walk by faith.

You have successfully linked your bastardized form of religion to the right wing political party for some. That is exactly what ISIS has done. It's a sad day for politics and religion.
What particular religion is that which you claim I belong to?
Yeah, how is that narative working for you now?

Sounds about right to me. Seems even more likely...

50 carefully aimed tomahawk missiles but no damage to the runways or any of the aircraft just sitting there completely exposed by the runway.


A resounding failure that accomplished nothing but changing the story for a few days.


What else?

We are supposed to believe that the news footage he saw affected him emotionally and brought a compassionate tear to his eye over the suffering of the Syrian people that he wants to ban from the country and suddenly felt the need to launch a glorious 93 million dollar display of ineptitude that accomplished nothing?

The past several thousand atrocities over the past years had no effect on him but now he suddenly acts shocked that women and children were gassed so he bombs an airbase that is in use the next day and the same city that was gassed was bombed again from that exact same airbase?

He wasn't trying to deflect attention away from him being the subject of many investigations that strongly suggest that he and his cohorts have been compromised by hostile foreign agents who have weaponized information and have some sort of leverage over him and them, risking lives to make it seem like he is standing up to them.

give me a break....

He's a snake oil salesman willing to betray the entire nation, risk millions of lives, and plunge the world into chaos in a vain,reckless and desperate attempt to clean up the image of his tarnished brand, nothing else.

Seriously, if at best he really is just a scumbag who suddenly cares about people he didn't give two shits about the day before and was motivated by emotional reactions to "fake news" footage or late night comedy to act impulsively without any form of rational thinking, goal, or restraint and drops bombs to 'send a message" to look like a tough guy out of some deep seated small hand complex, that alone is not a fucking disaster in the making?

Benedict Donald is what he is. He should be put on a small boat in the middle of the sea and then, with much pomp and circumstance, ceremoniously cut loose..

The ratings would be great, best ever, really fantastic, everyone who is anyone will be watching, believe me!
Which nation are you referring to? A majority of the people of the Republic of the United States of America voted for Donald Trump specifically because they are sick and tired of those who believe this nation is theirs for the taking when they are nothing more than seditious infil-traitors.

You keep making that mistake. A majority of people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes.
Sorry in a Constitutional Republic a few cities in a few states with illegal immigrants and seditious infil-traitors does not meet the mandatory requirements to instill your leader in as president.
During research I noticed the Cloud storage logo for Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, the Company Hillary used as her server storage cloud IT service was a
fallen morning star (Lucifer symbol).
View attachment 120308
Now her devil horn hand signal with open thumb View attachment 120309
can be just a I love you hand signing, but lets face it, unless she did that hand gesture in a mirror there is nobody she would sign that to, because even Chelsea doesn't want to watch one of her mom's speaches.
I have seen her flash the devil horn sign thumb in on a TV clip of her speach, but can't find it in picture form online.
OTHER hand signals surrounding her closest are more specifically Devil horn hand gesture signals or 3 -6's beast number hand gesture.
View attachment 120310
View attachment 120311View attachment 120312

Nov 4, 2016 WikiLeaks stated: Leaked email reveals Hillary Clinton's campaign chair Podesta attended disturbing
"Spirit Cooking" satanic ritual.
View attachment 120315
Sometimes these are eating off an imitation corpse or live person posing as a food plate which represents the sadistic belief that eating the flesh gives you the power of that person, or in this case seen below=Youth.
View attachment 120318
It might be their Egyptian mysticsm influence of their guild, perhaps they are Rosecrucians? This is why pyramids had missing mummies as people as recent as last century would take pieces of decayed flesh and make teas from it for purpose of thinking they were gaining the power of these kings. The Egyptian influenced forbidden maggis Yeshu or Rome who puts ritual in his mouth is telling Christians to eat his flesh and drink his blood for this very reason=to absorb his power.
Others noted Podestas very dark satanic taste in art which you might be able to find online. Then there is the dark truth about the Clintons willing to do anything to remain in power.
I've listed the many mysterious deaths to whistleblowers surrounding the Clintons and someone came foward to verify they were
silencing potential problems.
On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Larry Nichols a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton
admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man -murderer-for-hire .

Stating also that back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the women, and they went to a church for witches. So perhaps that explains that crazy witches resist rally in Chicago recently and her unusual cackle laugh.
View attachment 120316
The question is "what the hell are these people into?" and it would explain a lot, since the Luciferian philosophy is
"Deny everything and regret nothing".
It makes no difference what the Clinton's believe or have believed at this point. The Dems kicked God out when they installed Obama and Clinton's back into a position of authority. Realizing their mistake Hiliar tried to gain back lost ground at the Dems national convention but it was of no effect as the left is way behind at this point with all their weird superstitions and bringing in the some of the followers of Sêmîazâz more heavily into governmental offices and affairs. Let God be their judge. Pray God leads the hearts of people who have the ability to make a difference at this point to stop the insanity and seditious nature of the anti's that has infiltrated our bureaucracies.

Eventually Michael you will discover that you are in error in much of your thinking concerning Jesus Christ and how the spirit of the Son works in those who walk by faith.

You have successfully linked your bastardized form of religion to the right wing political party for some. That is exactly what ISIS has done. It's a sad day for politics and religion.
What particular religion is that which you claim I belong to?
Sounds about right to me. Seems even more likely...

50 carefully aimed tomahawk missiles but no damage to the runways or any of the aircraft just sitting there completely exposed by the runway.


A resounding failure that accomplished nothing but changing the story for a few days.


What else?

We are supposed to believe that the news footage he saw affected him emotionally and brought a compassionate tear to his eye over the suffering of the Syrian people that he wants to ban from the country and suddenly felt the need to launch a glorious 93 million dollar display of ineptitude that accomplished nothing?

The past several thousand atrocities over the past years had no effect on him but now he suddenly acts shocked that women and children were gassed so he bombs an airbase that is in use the next day and the same city that was gassed was bombed again from that exact same airbase?

He wasn't trying to deflect attention away from him being the subject of many investigations that strongly suggest that he and his cohorts have been compromised by hostile foreign agents who have weaponized information and have some sort of leverage over him and them, risking lives to make it seem like he is standing up to them.

give me a break....

He's a snake oil salesman willing to betray the entire nation, risk millions of lives, and plunge the world into chaos in a vain,reckless and desperate attempt to clean up the image of his tarnished brand, nothing else.

Seriously, if at best he really is just a scumbag who suddenly cares about people he didn't give two shits about the day before and was motivated by emotional reactions to "fake news" footage or late night comedy to act impulsively without any form of rational thinking, goal, or restraint and drops bombs to 'send a message" to look like a tough guy out of some deep seated small hand complex, that alone is not a fucking disaster in the making?

Benedict Donald is what he is. He should be put on a small boat in the middle of the sea and then, with much pomp and circumstance, ceremoniously cut loose..

The ratings would be great, best ever, really fantastic, everyone who is anyone will be watching, believe me!
Which nation are you referring to? A majority of the people of the Republic of the United States of America voted for Donald Trump specifically because they are sick and tired of those who believe this nation is theirs for the taking when they are nothing more than seditious infil-traitors.

You keep making that mistake. A majority of people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes.
Sorry in a Constitutional Republic a few cities in a few states with illegal immigrants and seditious infil-traitors does not meet the mandatory requirements to instill your leader in as president.

From reading your posts, I'm not sure which crazy sect to put you in, but it's clear that you think god is a Trump supporter, and a registered voter for the right wing. He isn't.
During research I noticed the Cloud storage logo for Platte River Networks of Denver, Colorado, the Company Hillary used as her server storage cloud IT service was a
fallen morning star (Lucifer symbol).
View attachment 120308
Now her devil horn hand signal with open thumb View attachment 120309
can be just a I love you hand signing, but lets face it, unless she did that hand gesture in a mirror there is nobody she would sign that to, because even Chelsea doesn't want to watch one of her mom's speaches.
I have seen her flash the devil horn sign thumb in on a TV clip of her speach, but can't find it in picture form online.
OTHER hand signals surrounding her closest are more specifically Devil horn hand gesture signals or 3 -6's beast number hand gesture.
View attachment 120310
View attachment 120311View attachment 120312

Nov 4, 2016 WikiLeaks stated: Leaked email reveals Hillary Clinton's campaign chair Podesta attended disturbing
"Spirit Cooking" satanic ritual.
View attachment 120315
Sometimes these are eating off an imitation corpse or live person posing as a food plate which represents the sadistic belief that eating the flesh gives you the power of that person, or in this case seen below=Youth.
View attachment 120318
It might be their Egyptian mysticsm influence of their guild, perhaps they are Rosecrucians? This is why pyramids had missing mummies as people as recent as last century would take pieces of decayed flesh and make teas from it for purpose of thinking they were gaining the power of these kings. The Egyptian influenced forbidden maggis Yeshu or Rome who puts ritual in his mouth is telling Christians to eat his flesh and drink his blood for this very reason=to absorb his power.
Others noted Podestas very dark satanic taste in art which you might be able to find online. Then there is the dark truth about the Clintons willing to do anything to remain in power.
I've listed the many mysterious deaths to whistleblowers surrounding the Clintons and someone came foward to verify they were
silencing potential problems.
On the Pete Santilli radio show of September 24, 2013, Larry Nichols a former Green Beret and a longtime associate of Bill Clinton
admitted that he had killed people as the Clintons’ hit man -murderer-for-hire .

Stating also that back when Hillary was first lady, she would go home on the weekends to California with Linda Bloodworth-Thomason and some of the women, and they went to a church for witches. So perhaps that explains that crazy witches resist rally in Chicago recently and her unusual cackle laugh.
View attachment 120316
The question is "what the hell are these people into?" and it would explain a lot, since the Luciferian philosophy is
"Deny everything and regret nothing".
It makes no difference what the Clinton's believe or have believed at this point. The Dems kicked God out when they installed Obama and Clinton's back into a position of authority. Realizing their mistake Hiliar tried to gain back lost ground at the Dems national convention but it was of no effect as the left is way behind at this point with all their weird superstitions and bringing in the some of the followers of Sêmîazâz more heavily into governmental offices and affairs. Let God be their judge. Pray God leads the hearts of people who have the ability to make a difference at this point to stop the insanity and seditious nature of the anti's that has infiltrated our bureaucracies.

Eventually Michael you will discover that you are in error in much of your thinking concerning Jesus Christ and how the spirit of the Son works in those who walk by faith.

You have successfully linked your bastardized form of religion to the right wing political party for some. That is exactly what ISIS has done. It's a sad day for politics and religion.
What particular religion is that which you claim I belong to?

What else?

We are supposed to believe that the news footage he saw affected him emotionally and brought a compassionate tear to his eye over the suffering of the Syrian people that he wants to ban from the country and suddenly felt the need to launch a glorious 93 million dollar display of ineptitude that accomplished nothing?

The past several thousand atrocities over the past years had no effect on him but now he suddenly acts shocked that women and children were gassed so he bombs an airbase that is in use the next day and the same city that was gassed was bombed again from that exact same airbase?

He wasn't trying to deflect attention away from him being the subject of many investigations that strongly suggest that he and his cohorts have been compromised by hostile foreign agents who have weaponized information and have some sort of leverage over him and them, risking lives to make it seem like he is standing up to them.

give me a break....

He's a snake oil salesman willing to betray the entire nation, risk millions of lives, and plunge the world into chaos in a vain,reckless and desperate attempt to clean up the image of his tarnished brand, nothing else.

Seriously, if at best he really is just a scumbag who suddenly cares about people he didn't give two shits about the day before and was motivated by emotional reactions to "fake news" footage or late night comedy to act impulsively without any form of rational thinking, goal, or restraint and drops bombs to 'send a message" to look like a tough guy out of some deep seated small hand complex, that alone is not a fucking disaster in the making?

Benedict Donald is what he is. He should be put on a small boat in the middle of the sea and then, with much pomp and circumstance, ceremoniously cut loose..

The ratings would be great, best ever, really fantastic, everyone who is anyone will be watching, believe me!
Which nation are you referring to? A majority of the people of the Republic of the United States of America voted for Donald Trump specifically because they are sick and tired of those who believe this nation is theirs for the taking when they are nothing more than seditious infil-traitors.

You keep making that mistake. A majority of people didn't vote for Trump. Hillary got 3 million more votes.
Sorry in a Constitutional Republic a few cities in a few states with illegal immigrants and seditious infil-traitors does not meet the mandatory requirements to instill your leader in as president.

From reading your posts, I'm not sure which crazy sect to put you in, but it's clear that you think god is a Trump supporter, and a registered voter for the right wing. He isn't.
Actually you really don't know much of anything for if you did you would know that the Lord rules the hearts of men (host within humankind). In that if one is a believer walking in faith and spirit they would also realize that God has not lost control of the entire creation.
My gift to God is who I become.


You have become a spineless worm.

I'm sure that God is very impressed.

I am.
Believe anything you want about me. I can only be harmed by what I think, say and do. You have no power over me because I give you no power over me. What you think, say or do to me is meaningless to me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have chosen the better portion and you cannot take that away from me. I do not allow it. Begone.
LOL... begone?

No, you fuck off, you and your evil ways.

Have a good drown as you slowly disintegrate into nothingness.
Begone, don't begone, it is all the same to me. You have no power over me. Your words have no effect on me, and I will sleep like a baby tonight knowing that failed behaviors will still lead to failure and successful behaviors will still lead to success. At any point in YOUR life YOU are the sum of YOUR choices.

You believe in lies, you worship that which is not God, and consequently you have become a completely false person.You must be just giddy with excitement that finally someone just like you, as queer as three dollar bill, has usurped the highest office for a few minutes.

Im glad you are happy with the portion you have chosen, darling.

A place for everything and everything in its place !
Good then we are in agreement that your opinions don't matter.
Replying to Rodishi;
it's clear that you think god is a Trump supporter, and a registered voter for the right wing. He isn't.

1 Thessalonians 4:16
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a
shout, "with the voice of the archangel", and "with the Trump of God".

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