Should we take away Obama's Nobel and give it to Trump?

But what did Obama do to get his Peace Prize for?

Was it for being Black?

Was it for being a Marxist?

Was it for being a Muslim?

What did Obama Bin Lying do for World Peace?

Being responsible for ISIS and 500,000 dead people I’m The Middle East and giving Iran Nukes just doesn’t seem to fit The Criteria.

He got it because (as Joe Biden put it) he was the first 'clean, articulate black man' to run for office and get elected.
Between the prize given to Obama, and another given to Algore, the Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to a meaningless, ridiculous joke.

Mr. Trump might very well reasonably take it as an insult for that prize to be awarded to him.
Love to see him get it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,right up where the sun don't shine ,,,,,,,,
Between the prize given to Obama, and another given to Algore, the Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to a meaningless, ridiculous joke.

Mr. Trump might very well reasonably take it as an insult for that prize to be awarded to him.
Love to see him get it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,right up where the sun don't shine ,,,,,,,,

Drive-by troll.
Kim Jong Unstable went to China a month ago for the first time. Jinping will be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump has done nothing and it is so sad to see his followers so beside themselves desperate that he is recognized for something other than being a sexual predator and cheating on his. Sorry cons it isn't going to happen. Trump is a bit player in the Jinping/Un show. He and his followers want credit so bad though they're like hillbillies looking for a cosigner on a single wide rental.
Aren't capable of being honest.
Between the prize given to Obama, and another given to Algore, the Nobel Peace Prize has been reduced to a meaningless, ridiculous joke.

Mr. Trump might very well reasonably take it as an insult for that prize to be awarded to him.
Him and Bob Dylan? LOL
You didn't see Trump's face when the crowd started chanting "Nobel" last night, did you? He was mighty pleased, that's for sure. Even actually smiled big enough to see his teeth.

Unless you watch Fox News, nobody was watching Trump. MSNBC cut him off mid sentence to focus on the correspondents dinner.

Trump has been reduced to a blabbering fool nobody takes seriously. Which is why Putin has been playing him like a fool, and Kim Jong Un will be next month.

Obama won the Nobel because he deserved it, as was determined by the committee that awards it.

Trump will never win one because he is a blabbering fool that doesn't deserve it.

The lilly white cock suckers thast support the blabbering fool, will have to go through their pathetic lives knowing the black guy got one, and is more admired and respected than the blabbering white fool that is neither.
If, in concert with South Korea and China and the U.N., we end up with a denuclearized Korean peninsula with peace, I will give Trump a Peace Medal myself. This has been a global effort, but KJU is placing a lot of importance on Trump's say so. A lot of people should share the credit IF it happens, but Trump could be one of them, if he plays his cards right.
Does anyone even know what Obama got his Nobel Peace Prize for?

That's a great question, Tree, and apparently, just months into his presidency, the official answer was:

"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples. The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons"

By that measure, I figure that Trump ought to be on his third Nobel Prize by now, except he doesn't suck face with and talk idealistic dreams with the Norwegians as well.

The Russians took his "international diplomacy and cooperation" and parlayed it into the Crimea, Uranium, Syria, and no Eastern Defense Shield. The Chinese took Obumma's "international diplomacy and cooperation" and parlayed that into seizing international waters for a military build up. The Iranian's parlayed his "international diplomacy and cooperation" into an unbelievable nuclear deal. The Norks parlayed it into the massive nuclear buildup, and the Middle East parlayed Obumma's "international diplomacy and cooperation" into the most massive evacuation, fleeing and immigration in recent European history.
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Kim Jong Unstable went to China a month ago for the first time. Jinping will be in line for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Trump has done nothing and it is so sad to see his followers so beside themselves desperate that he is recognized for something other than being a sexual predator and cheating on his. Sorry cons it isn't going to happen. Trump is a bit player in the Jinping/Un show. He and his followers want credit so bad though they're like hillbillies looking for a cosigner on a single wide rental.

Were it not for trump your little hero would still be cowering in his little Hermit Kingdom.

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