Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the american taxpayer?


And the far left displays their true nature, one party with everyone subjected under the government.

You're a flaming imbecile, there's just no other way to describe you. I have no problem with other parties rising up to challenge the Democrat party. There have been other political parties fade away, that's what I would like to see happen to the Republican party since their policies are often devastating to America. Nor do I subscribe to your hallucination that everyone be "subjected under the government."

What exactly do you call a government mandate which requires every American citizen carry Health Care under the new ACA bill?
A Conservative plan dreamed up by the Heritage Foundation.

ShaklesOfBigGov said:
... Or do we finally have a Democrat willing to acknowledge various exemptions granted by this administration for various unions and companies like American, Eagle Outfitters, American Fidelity, AMF Bowling worldwide, Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, Big Lots Inc, DISH Network, O’Reilly Auto Parts, Ruby Tuesday, US Imaging, Western Express, Inc, Wine and Liquor Salesmen of NJ, (selected among a much larger list)?

ACA Exemptions » ObamaCareACA
Companies granted a 1 year waiver were companies which qualified based on the health plans they currently offered which because of a specific tax law, would have caused an excessive financial burden on the employees. To ease that burden, the government allowed those companies a 1 year waiver to provide them the time needed to correct that before participating in ObamaCare.

It's pretty foolish to assert the waivers were given as favors since the companies still participate in ObamaCare; just one year later. And the one year waiver is for the benefit of the employees, not the companies.

But when do pesky facts ever interfere with nutty rightie conspiracies??
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

In a perfect world, only those who pay taxes should have any say, including a vote, on who will determine what taxes they pay.

And no, there is no way to deny anybody, including corporations and unions, the right to donate to whomever they wish. In a perfect world, however, those in the federal government would not have any ability to reward or benefit themselves or anybody else with anything that didn't benefit all equally and therefore no benefit could come anybody's way regardless of how much he/she/it contributes to a political candidate or PAC. That would take care of any conflict of interest with public employee unions as there would be no advantage to the politicians to pay public employees any more than what they were worth for the jobs that they do.
Does your perfect world also allow for those who pay the most tax having more of a voice (perhaps more votes) than those who pay less tax (less votes)?
Seems to me that IF the founding fathers had wanted only tax payers to have the vote, they would have made their feelings known in the Constitution. They did not do so. That tells me that every American citizen should have the vote regardless of whether they pay taxes or not.

Every American citizen does have the right to vote regardless of whether he pays taxes or not, hence inalienable rights.
You're a flaming imbecile, there's just no other way to describe you. I have no problem with other parties rising up to challenge the Democrat party. There have been other political parties fade away, that's what I would like to see happen to the Republican party since their policies are often devastating to America. Nor do I subscribe to your hallucination that everyone be "subjected under the government."

What exactly do you call a government mandate which requires every American citizen carry Health Care under the new ACA bill?
A Conservative plan dreamed up by the Heritage Foundation.

And enacted by the Socialist Caucus led by Harry Reid (D-USSR)

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You're a flaming imbecile, there's just no other way to describe you. I have no problem with other parties rising up to challenge the Democrat party. There have been other political parties fade away, that's what I would like to see happen to the Republican party since their policies are often devastating to America. Nor do I subscribe to your hallucination that everyone be "subjected under the government."

What exactly do you call a government mandate which requires every American citizen carry Health Care under the new ACA bill?
A Conservative plan dreamed up by the Heritage Foundation.

No shit. Talk about a bait and switch. We get Republican idiocy no matter who we elect. WTF?
What exactly do you call a government mandate which requires every American citizen carry Health Care under the new ACA bill?

A lie.

There is no provision in the ACA authorizing criminal or civil penalties as a consequence of not having health insurance. Save for the very unlikely possibility that one’s income tax refund might be garnished, a citizen is at liberty to go without health insurance if he so desires.
What exactly do you call a government mandate which requires every American citizen carry Health Care under the new ACA bill?

A lie.

There is no provision in the ACA authorizing criminal or civil penalties as a consequence of not having health insurance. Save for the very unlikely possibility that one’s income tax refund might be garnished, a citizen is at liberty to go without health insurance if he so desires.

This bullshit again?

Sure thing C, the mandate is only pretend.
Harry/Pelosi/Dodd/Frank were complicit in the housing collapse, the facts are there you simply can't allow yourself to acknowledge reality. The worse Bush looked the more promising the 2008 election was for Democrats. Democrat leadership and the rank and file Democrats in the House and Senate of the time are nothing more than traitors to the American people.

Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and Democrats are Clueless on Freddie Mac Fannie Mae and the financial credit crisis. - YouTube

Your ignorance never ceases to astound me. "Harry/Pelosi/Dodd/Frank" were in the minority party when the vast majority of the toxic loans were being written.

4 members of the minority party did not prevent the majority party Republicans from passing the oversight of the GSE's which could have prevented the financial meltdown.

It's hysterical how you brain-dead righties continuously point a guilty finger at 4 members of the minority party while ignoring the majority party whose policies led to the collapse.


You're kidding, right?

September 2003
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts): "These two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis. . . . The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

October 2003
Fannie Mae discloses $1.2 billion accounting error.

October 2004
In a subcommittee testimony, Democrats vehemently reject regulation of Fannie Mae in the face of dire warning of a Fannie Mae oversight report. A few of them, Black Caucus members in particular, are very angry at the OFHEO Director as they attempt to defend Fannie Mae and protect their CRA extortion racket.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California): "Through nearly a dozen hearings where, frankly, we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke."

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California): "Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines."

Bloomberg writes, "If that bill had become law, then the world today would be different. . . . But the bill didn't become law, for a simple reason: Democrats opposed it on a party-line vote in the committee, signaling that this would be a partisan issue. Republicans, tied in knots by the tight Democratic opposition, couldn't even get the Senate to vote on the matter. That such a reckless political stand could have been taken by the Democrats was obscene even then."

Archived-Articles: Why the Mortgage Crisis Happened
More righie idiocy ... remind me again .... which party controlled the Congress in 2003 and 2004 ... ? Remind me again how the minority party prevented the majority oarty from passing oversight of the GSE's ... ?
Your ignorance never ceases to astound me. "Harry/Pelosi/Dodd/Frank" were in the minority party when the vast majority of the toxic loans were being written.

4 members of the minority party did not prevent the majority party Republicans from passing the oversight of the GSE's which could have prevented the financial meltdown.

It's hysterical how you brain-dead righties continuously point a guilty finger at 4 members of the minority party while ignoring the majority party whose policies led to the collapse.


You're kidding, right?

September 2003
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts): "These two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis. . . . The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

October 2003
Fannie Mae discloses $1.2 billion accounting error.

October 2004
In a subcommittee testimony, Democrats vehemently reject regulation of Fannie Mae in the face of dire warning of a Fannie Mae oversight report. A few of them, Black Caucus members in particular, are very angry at the OFHEO Director as they attempt to defend Fannie Mae and protect their CRA extortion racket.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California): "Through nearly a dozen hearings where, frankly, we were trying to fix something that wasn't broke."

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California): "Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly at Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Mr. Frank Raines."

Bloomberg writes, "If that bill had become law, then the world today would be different. . . . But the bill didn't become law, for a simple reason: Democrats opposed it on a party-line vote in the committee, signaling that this would be a partisan issue. Republicans, tied in knots by the tight Democratic opposition, couldn't even get the Senate to vote on the matter. That such a reckless political stand could have been taken by the Democrats was obscene even then."

Archived-Articles: Why the Mortgage Crisis Happened
More righie idiocy ... remind me again .... which party controlled the Congress in 2003 and 2004 ... ? Remind me again how the minority party prevented the majority oarty from passing oversight of the GSE's ... ?

Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.
Should welfare be a disqualification for voting?

Should corporations that receive government contracts, tax breaks, subsidies, bailouts, and favorable loans be barred from donating to political action committees?

Should public employee unions be allowed to donate to political action committees?

Do all of these amount to a conflict of interest with the American taxpayer?

In a perfect world, only those who pay taxes should have any say, including a vote, on who will determine what taxes they pay.

And no, there is no way to deny anybody, including corporations and unions, the right to donate to whomever they wish. In a perfect world, however, those in the federal government would not have any ability to reward or benefit themselves or anybody else with anything that didn't benefit all equally and therefore no benefit could come anybody's way regardless of how much he/she/it contributes to a political candidate or PAC. That would take care of any conflict of interest with public employee unions as there would be no advantage to the politicians to pay public employees any more than what they were worth for the jobs that they do.
In your perfect world, only the wealthy get to vote on who should represent them

Nobody said only the wealthy, all we are saying is only the elf sufficient. If you are a ward of the state it makes no sense that you should get to vote for more of the states largess. In other words if you are on the public dime you probably aren't going to make good decisions based on anything other than making sure your welfare is increased. That doesn't make for a healthy country. Get off of welfare and then you get to vote. Until then you get what others will hand out to you.
You're kidding, right?
More righie idiocy ... remind me again .... which party controlled the Congress in 2003 and 2004 ... ? Remind me again how the minority party prevented the majority oarty from passing oversight of the GSE's ... ?

Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.

When I pointed out that Republicans failed to pass oversight while they controlled Congress whereas Democrats did pass oversight when they took over, you claimed I was wrong....

.... so why am I still waiting for you to prove it???
You can't base voting on this. Look guys for as high as I've been I've been low. I've told you guys this. Maybe I need to say it more. I've always tried to make it around an old Sinatra song. I've been up and down and all over the place.

You cannot and damned hell if Ill let you peg a voter who is just down on their luck as someone sucking off the welfare teat. Most arent Please guys stop that.
More righie idiocy ... remind me again .... which party controlled the Congress in 2003 and 2004 ... ? Remind me again how the minority party prevented the majority oarty from passing oversight of the GSE's ... ?

Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.

When I pointed out that Republicans failed to pass oversight while they controlled Congress whereas Democrats did pass oversight when they took over, you claimed I was wrong....

.... so why am I still waiting for you to prove it???

And you never proven your far left propaganda, you use the 'ol I post known propaganda and it is up to you to prove me wrong.

Can not prove a negative (rules of debate require facts and so far you have not posted any), which goes to show that you are trolling and your posts are nothing but propaganda.

What have you posted (that is not propaganda) that substantiates your far left claims?
Use the same logic that you far left Obama drones applied to republicans from 2008 to 2010 in regards to Obamacare.

Then again the far left trolls will say or do anything to protect their religious leaders.

When I pointed out that Republicans failed to pass oversight while they controlled Congress whereas Democrats did pass oversight when they took over, you claimed I was wrong....

.... so why am I still waiting for you to prove it???

And you never proven your far left propaganda, you use the 'ol I post known propaganda and it is up to you to prove me wrong.

Can not prove a negative (rules of debate require facts and so far you have not posted any), which goes to show that you are trolling and your posts are nothing but propaganda.

What have you posted (that is not propaganda) that substantiates your far left claims?

Flaming imbecile ... I did prove it. I proved it with a link to the bill containing oversight passed by the Democrat-led Congress. You lose because you're a loser. I tried to warn you that your inane drivelings would not carry you .... too bad you're too rightarded to know any better.
If voting was a right then why make subsequent amendments to clarify that right? Because it's a privilege. As said before, the Amendment you seek is the 24th. If the 14th amendment did what you say it does then there wouldn't be a necessity to adopt the following voting amendments. Also I think you consider the word "account." It is indeed amazing how many people on the left do not understand the US Constitution.

The same could be said of the right to life and liberty, regardless of skin color. These were even outright stated by our founding fathers, and it took us over a century to get it right. I would have hoped that our nation would be civilized enough to realize that prohibiting those receiving financial assistance from voting would be a gross violation of civil rights, but I guess we aren't that civilized.

Why not just make membership of the Democratic Party a characteristic that forfeits your right to vote? If we're going to be so arbitrary as to pick welfare of all things as something that is so vile that those on welfare should forfeit their right to vote. It is a right, as stated in the amendments to the Constitution. Amendments that clarify that right don't make it not universal. There is a concept of the spirit of the law, and prohibiting the poor and needy from voting is not in line with the spirit of the law.

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