Should Welfare be a Disqualification for Voting?

and being poor is s crime to you?

Stealing money from Peter to pay Paul is a crime to me. Being poor is a choice.

If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.
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Should ANYONE be able to buy the government?....Who owns the government?

Only if the citizenry votes to sell it.
The citizenry.
The citizenry didn't sell it, the SCOTUS did, by declaring money free speech, and corporations people. Now corporate business owns the government, and citizens are just the slaves.
Citizens own the companies, citizens have free speech, citizens that form a group, such as a corporation, do not give up their right to free speech when join the group.

Your mistake is thinking of incorporation papers as a living breathing human being. Contracts, like incorporation contract, are not people. I know this is hard to get a grasp of based on the false premise that has been proffered up by the folks that want to silence people of certain groups.

The SCOTUS did not rule that corporations are people, the SCOTUS ruled that people don't give up their rights by joining a group, such as a corporation or union. Thus it is against the constitution to restrict what the people of a group can or can't do simply because they are a member of the group. Obvious exception for military personnel who evidently sign away their right to free speech when they join the military.
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and being poor is s crime to you?

Stealing money from Peter to pay Paul is a crime to me. Being poor is a choice.

If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Clearly you don't understand my point.

Anyone that has one or more of some measure of intelligence, determination, compassion, and skills can lift themselves from poverty simply by trying.

Working smart is a skill one must learn. As you say some rich folk don't work hard, but most do. Some rich make the poor work for them, others don't. Some poor make the rich work for them, through government regulations, others don't. You say it's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience, I say one has to have no conscience if they refuse to work for money to feed their family and instead live off the labors of others. Capitalism is not about stealing, that's socialism. Capitalism is about free markets. I plant and harvest my crop then bring it to the market to sell. Other folks do what they do and sell their effort for $ they use to buy my product. It's really not that hard to understand. Socialism is some ass hole coming to my farm stealing my crops to hand over to people who refuse to work to buy my products.

Our debt is based on the government spending more than it taxes.
Only if the citizenry votes to sell it.
The citizenry.
The citizenry didn't sell it, the SCOTUS did, by declaring money free speech, and corporations people. Now corporate business owns the government, and citizens are just the slaves.
Citizens own the companies, citizens have free speech, citizens that form a group, such as a corporation, do not give up their right to free speech when join the group.

Your mistake is thinking of incorporation papers as a living breathing human being. Contracts, like incorporation contract, are not people. I know this is hard to get a grasp of based on the false premise that has been proffered up by the folks that want to silence people of certain groups.

The SCOTUS did not rule that corporations are people, the SCOTUS ruled that people don't give up their rights by joining a group, such as a corporation or union. Thus it is against the constitution to restrict what the people of a group can or can't do simply because they are a member of the group. Obvious exception for military personnel who evidently sign away their right to free speech when they join the military.

YOUR mistake is thinking that "groups" of rich people, like corporations should be able to buy the government, thus making citizens their subjects. Which is what the founding fathers fought against the British monarchy, to give freedom to this country, from that tyranny.

"Never under estimate the power of large groups of stupid people."
The citizenry didn't sell it, the SCOTUS did, by declaring money free speech, and corporations people. Now corporate business owns the government, and citizens are just the slaves.
Citizens own the companies, citizens have free speech, citizens that form a group, such as a corporation, do not give up their right to free speech when join the group.

Your mistake is thinking of incorporation papers as a living breathing human being. Contracts, like incorporation contract, are not people. I know this is hard to get a grasp of based on the false premise that has been proffered up by the folks that want to silence people of certain groups.

The SCOTUS did not rule that corporations are people, the SCOTUS ruled that people don't give up their rights by joining a group, such as a corporation or union. Thus it is against the constitution to restrict what the people of a group can or can't do simply because they are a member of the group. Obvious exception for military personnel who evidently sign away their right to free speech when they join the military.

YOUR mistake is thinking that "groups" of rich people, like corporations should be able to buy the government, thus making citizens their subjects. Which is what the founding fathers fought against the British monarchy, to give freedom to this country, from that tyranny.

"Never under estimate the power of large groups of stupid people."

Please explain how they legally bought the government. Please provide proof that our government is being run by corporations. Please provide evidence of your accusation that the President, Congress, and the SCOTUS sell themselves to the highest bidder.
Stealing money from Peter to pay Paul is a crime to me. Being poor is a choice.

If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Clearly you don't understand my point.

Anyone that has one or more of some measure of intelligence, determination, compassion, and skills can lift themselves from poverty simply by trying.

Working smart is a skill one must learn. As you say some rich folk don't work hard, but most do. Some rich make the poor work for them, others don't. Some poor make the rich work for them, through government regulations, others don't. You say it's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience, I say one has to have no conscience if they refuse to work for money to feed their family and instead live off the labors of others. Capitalism is not about stealing, that's socialism. Capitalism is about free markets. I plant and harvest my crop then bring it to the market to sell. Other folks do what they do and sell their effort for $ they use to buy my product. It's really not that hard to understand. Socialism is some ass hole coming to my farm stealing my crops to hand over to people who refuse to work to buy my products.

Our debt is based on the government spending more than it taxes.

No, our debt is spending by the rich that run the government, and rigging the tax code so as to be able to avoid paying their taxes, and passing the debt on to the lower classes. Capitalism is all about greed and stealing. The last economic collapse, brought on by banks and Wall Street proved that. The rich stole trillions of dollars, and got away with it. Leaving everyone else holding the empty bag. The only one you are fooling is yourself.
citizens own the companies, citizens have free speech, citizens that form a group, such as a corporation, do not give up their right to free speech when join the group.

Your mistake is thinking of incorporation papers as a living breathing human being. Contracts, like incorporation contract, are not people. I know this is hard to get a grasp of based on the false premise that has been proffered up by the folks that want to silence people of certain groups.

The scotus did not rule that corporations are people, the scotus ruled that people don't give up their rights by joining a group, such as a corporation or union. Thus it is against the constitution to restrict what the people of a group can or can't do simply because they are a member of the group. Obvious exception for military personnel who evidently sign away their right to free speech when they join the military.

your mistake is thinking that "groups" of rich people, like corporations should be able to buy the government, thus making citizens their subjects. Which is what the founding fathers fought against the british monarchy, to give freedom to this country, from that tyranny.

"never under estimate the power of large groups of stupid people."

please explain how they legally bought the government. Please provide proof that our government is being run by corporations. Please provide evidence of your accusation that the president, congress, and the scotus sell themselves to the highest bidder.

Affordable Care Act
If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Clearly you don't understand my point.

Anyone that has one or more of some measure of intelligence, determination, compassion, and skills can lift themselves from poverty simply by trying.

Working smart is a skill one must learn. As you say some rich folk don't work hard, but most do. Some rich make the poor work for them, others don't. Some poor make the rich work for them, through government regulations, others don't. You say it's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience, I say one has to have no conscience if they refuse to work for money to feed their family and instead live off the labors of others. Capitalism is not about stealing, that's socialism. Capitalism is about free markets. I plant and harvest my crop then bring it to the market to sell. Other folks do what they do and sell their effort for $ they use to buy my product. It's really not that hard to understand. Socialism is some ass hole coming to my farm stealing my crops to hand over to people who refuse to work to buy my products.

Our debt is based on the government spending more than it taxes.

No, our debt is spending by the rich that run the government, and rigging the tax code so as to be able to avoid paying their taxes, and passing the debt on to the lower classes. Capitalism is all about greed and stealing. The last economic collapse, brought on by banks and Wall Street proved that. The rich stole trillions of dollars, and got away with it. Leaving everyone else holding the empty bag. The only one you are fooling is yourself.
Oh, them negative waves! :lol: :lol: :lol:
they have cheated to win elections for decades and then they cut the wealthys taxes and deregulate anything they can and then the people GET SCREWED
If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Clearly you don't understand my point.

Anyone that has one or more of some measure of intelligence, determination, compassion, and skills can lift themselves from poverty simply by trying.

Working smart is a skill one must learn. As you say some rich folk don't work hard, but most do. Some rich make the poor work for them, others don't. Some poor make the rich work for them, through government regulations, others don't. You say it's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience, I say one has to have no conscience if they refuse to work for money to feed their family and instead live off the labors of others. Capitalism is not about stealing, that's socialism. Capitalism is about free markets. I plant and harvest my crop then bring it to the market to sell. Other folks do what they do and sell their effort for $ they use to buy my product. It's really not that hard to understand. Socialism is some ass hole coming to my farm stealing my crops to hand over to people who refuse to work to buy my products.

Our debt is based on the government spending more than it taxes.

No, our debt is spending by the rich that run the government, and rigging the tax code so as to be able to avoid paying their taxes, and passing the debt on to the lower classes. Capitalism is all about greed and stealing. The last economic collapse, brought on by banks and Wall Street proved that. The rich stole trillions of dollars, and got away with it. Leaving everyone else holding the empty bag. The only one you are fooling is yourself.

You are a sad little person. The EVIL rich stole your money---boo fricken hoo. The EVIL coroporations 'bought' the govt----boo fricken hoo.

Do you have a 401K account? Then YOU are one of those evil corporation owners.

We are 17 Trillon in debt because the fools that we sent to DC mismanaged the fiscal side of the govt for the last 60 years or so, i.e. spent more than they took in and borrowed the difference.

Now, we are so deeply in debt that we are paying only the interest on the debt and borrowing more money to make those interest payments. No rich person (or poor person) would be that stupid with his own money.

Yes, corporate bribery and the legal bribery knows as lobbying has contributed to it, but the main cause is corrupt politicians.
If being poor was a choice, very few would be poor. The rich don't work hard, they make the poor do the work for them. It's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience. 95% of hard working people are NOT rich. Capitalism is all about stealing from society, that's why we have a $17 trillion national debt. There are no poor in congress.

Clearly you don't understand my point.

Anyone that has one or more of some measure of intelligence, determination, compassion, and skills can lift themselves from poverty simply by trying.

Working smart is a skill one must learn. As you say some rich folk don't work hard, but most do. Some rich make the poor work for them, others don't. Some poor make the rich work for them, through government regulations, others don't. You say it's easier to be rich if you don't have a conscience, I say one has to have no conscience if they refuse to work for money to feed their family and instead live off the labors of others. Capitalism is not about stealing, that's socialism. Capitalism is about free markets. I plant and harvest my crop then bring it to the market to sell. Other folks do what they do and sell their effort for $ they use to buy my product. It's really not that hard to understand. Socialism is some ass hole coming to my farm stealing my crops to hand over to people who refuse to work to buy my products.

Our debt is based on the government spending more than it taxes.

No, our debt is spending by the rich that run the government, and rigging the tax code so as to be able to avoid paying their taxes, and passing the debt on to the lower classes. Capitalism is all about greed and stealing. The last economic collapse, brought on by banks and Wall Street proved that. The rich stole trillions of dollars, and got away with it. Leaving everyone else holding the empty bag. The only one you are fooling is yourself.
Blah blah blah...

How do your mentally unstable comments disprove the simple explanation that our government debt is to fund the difference between taxes and spending?
Florida Central Voter File - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

James Lee's testimony[edit]

On 17 April 2001, James Lee testified, before the McKinney panel, that the state had given DBT the directive to add to the purge list people who matched at least 90% of a last name. DBT objected, knowing that this would produce a huge number of false positives (non-felons).[4]

Lee went on saying that the state then ordered DBT to shift to an even lower threshold of 80% match, allowing also names to be reversed (thus a person named Thomas Clarence could be taken to be the same as Clarence Thomas). Besides this, middle initials were skipped, Jr. and Sr. suffixes dropped, and some nicknames and aliases were added to puff up the list.

"DBT told state officials", testified Lee, "that the rules for creating the [purge] list would mean a significant number of people who were not deceased, not registered in more than one county, or not a felon, would be included on the list. DBT made suggestions to reduce the numbers of eligible voters included on the list". According to Lee, to this suggestion the state told the company, "Forget about it".

"The people who worked on this (for DBT) are very adamant... they told them what would happen", said Lee. "The state expected the county supervisors to be the failsafe." Lee said his company will never again get involved in cleansing voting rolls. "We are not confident any of the methods used today can guarantee legal voters will not be wrongfully denied the right to vote", Lee told a group of Atlanta-area black lawmakers in March 2001

they cheat voters any way they can
Citizens own the companies, citizens have free speech, citizens that form a group, such as a corporation, do not give up their right to free speech when join the group.

Your mistake is thinking of incorporation papers as a living breathing human being. Contracts, like incorporation contract, are not people. I know this is hard to get a grasp of based on the false premise that has been proffered up by the folks that want to silence people of certain groups.

The SCOTUS did not rule that corporations are people, the SCOTUS ruled that people don't give up their rights by joining a group, such as a corporation or union. Thus it is against the constitution to restrict what the people of a group can or can't do simply because they are a member of the group. Obvious exception for military personnel who evidently sign away their right to free speech when they join the military.

YOUR mistake is thinking that "groups" of rich people, like corporations should be able to buy the government, thus making citizens their subjects. Which is what the founding fathers fought against the British monarchy, to give freedom to this country, from that tyranny.

"Never under estimate the power of large groups of stupid people."

Please explain how they legally bought the government. Please provide proof that our government is being run by corporations. Please provide evidence of your accusation that the President, Congress, and the SCOTUS sell themselves to the highest bidder.

Really? You really can't see it? Wow! The industrial military corporations own the pentagon. Over a trillion dollars a year goes to them. Big oil, pharmaceutical companies and tobacco get billions in subsidies. It's called corporate welfare. All of these corporate monsters buy congress and the White house every election with billions in campaign donations. Do you really believe Obama got all that campaign money from regular Joe's?
Note the assholes swirling around me here refuse to discuss the undeniable FACTS?

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