Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Nonfunctional brain dead retard sets a new record for most lies in one post.
Check the cops basically screwing the protesters during the day and then disappearing at night when the criminals came out... These are called FBI and law enforcement statistics, Super Dupe. And these are journalists...

Why not? She was part of encouraging violent mobs that lasted for months, did $2 billion in damage, and took 30 lives.
As where many other democrats. Ray Epps and democrat created so much doubt on this Jan. 6th narrative. It'd absurd. Ironically: Democrats have become the biggest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Democrats.
As where many other democrats. Ray Epps and democrat created so much doubt on this Jan. 6th narrative. It'd absurd. Ironically: Democrats have become the biggest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Democrats.
Maybe you should stop listening to totally discredited con men and charlatans and stop trying to overturn elections with Anti American BS against all our institutions and public servants and journalists, because Sean and Tucker... And God knows what garbage on the Internet. Ray Epps is a Republican although he stopped before attacking the capital building for God's sake, ignoramus. The more you listen to your crap the more ignorant you get......
Faustian bargain? Well, Democrats did that. Accept it was to China, other than that, it was it spiffy.
The government corruption we are witnessing today is unprecedented. The fact that many or even most on the left condone it is frightening. Do they think once current opposition is eliminated, they will stop there?
Faustian bargain? Well, Democrats did that. Accept it was to China, other than that, it was it spiffy.
Link to this China BS? No one in the real world knows what the heck you are talking about.....
As where many other democrats. Ray Epps and democrat created so much doubt on this Jan. 6th narrative. It'd absurd. Ironically: Democrats have become the biggest threat to democracy in my lifetime. Democrats.
As seen with this Kangaroo Court system in Georgia - railroading Biden’s #1 political challenger into prison. If the SCOTUS doesn’t step in and stop this travesty, democracy is dead.

The Democrats won’t allow Americans to vote for whom they want.
The government corruption we are witnessing today is unprecedented. The fact that many or even most on the left condone it is frightening. Do they think once current opposition is eliminated, they will stop there?
Nope….and it’s also a warning to any viable Republican candidate that they will be indicted for “crimes” and facing imprisonment if they dare challenge the Biden/Democrat Regime.
It is either lying or relentless 24/7 projecting and gas lighting. Trump said ”peacefully” one time in his entire hour long rambling speech. ONE WORD ONE TIME.

The disconnect from reality is mind boggling.
You're projecting, as usual.
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE from you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies! :eusa_hand:
It's called a metaphor, hater dupes.... He was talking about arguing with violent morons
Oh, so only the demented LEFT can use metaphors??????????
You fucking retarded communist assholes have NO SELF-AWARENESS.
You're projecting, as usual.
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE from you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies! :eusa_hand:
Yup. Now Dems will throw you in prison if they decide you didn’t emphasize peaceful ENOUGH and think the rest of your speech was “rambling” - IF you challenge the Biden Regime and the Left Agenda.

At the same time, Harris didn’t say PEACEFUL once. She encouraged mobs of people 1000 times bigger, who were doing damage 10,000 times more, and for 10 times the length of time.
You're projecting, as usual.
Nothing but GASLIGHT THEATRE from you demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist Marxist Leninist zombies! :eusa_hand:
Try to be a bit more creative instead of simply repeating the projection and gaslighting accusations (thus providing a example of both). The rest however is hysterically awesome! I rate this statement a B+ for that :biggrin: :thup:
Try to be a bit more creative instead of simply repeating the projection and gaslighting accusations (thus providing a example of both). The rest however is hysterically awesome! I rate this statement a B+ for that :biggrin: :thup:
I'm just pointing out the OBVIOUS!
YOU make it easy.
Try to be a bit more creative instead of simply repeating the projection and gaslighting accusations (thus providing an example of both). The rest however is hysterically awesome! I rate this statement a B+ for that :biggrin: :thup:
The comparison is apt.

1) President Trump said to PEACEFULLY make your voices heard in the wake of a rigged election, and even requested extra security - which the Democrats refused - to make sure it remained peaceful.

2) Kamala Harris supported a fund to bail out violent protestors who were participating in the most massive, violent, months-long, nationwide riots in history, thereby encouraging more of it.

Most of the country sees the Trump persecution for what it is - an unprecedented attempt to prevent the #1 challenger to the Democrat Regime - and the man most likely to stop this horrific “transformation” of our country into one where this can happen.
A man makes a one speech emphasizing grievance, anger, unfairness, full of vitriol and extortions to take stop “the steal”, hold people accountable and march on the Capitol…

He said peaceful one time!!


Dems are taking away your rights!

…as Republican state legislatures everywhere are passing laws
to criminalize even talking about abortion, teaching fact-based history.


….Republicans are deliberately inserting actual political indoctrination into our schools from such sources as “PragerU”, a rightwing think tank.

Protect the innocence of children!
…as Republicans weaken child labor laws, force 10 yr old rape victims to carry a pregnancy, and turn their schools Into shooting sites by encouraging the proliferation of guns.

Republicans…the only party that considers slavery to have been beneficial.

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