Shouldn’t Kamala Harris be Indicted for Encouraging BLM riots?

Yeah they're after your money. You sure are stupid. Here are some of your mostly peaceful protesters that Kamala bailed out of jail. Wow you are dumbView attachment 824428


Not as dumb as you. You don't know which of them received bail money from the MFF and you still can't prove your bullshit claim that she endorced bailing out rioters.

So sad. :sad:

Not as dumb as you. You don't know which of them received bail money from the MFF and you still can't prove your bullshit claim that she endorced bailing out rioters.

So sad. :sad:
What's sad is there are morons like you in this country. You don't deserve to live here. You are too stupid to look up any information on the internet that might refute your claim which is a bullshit one. You are a violent sob.
Great, now even you admit not all protesters are violent.

That's who Harris endorsed for that bail fund.


Not "violent protesters."

Not "rioters."


Are ya feeling stupid, yet?

You really are a dolt. Kamala Harris advocated for violence. Protesters in jail committed violent crimes. That's why they are in jail! are you really that stupid? I think so. You are also a liar
You really are a dolt. Kamala Harris advocated for violence. Protesters in jail committed violent crimes. That's why they are in jail! are you really that stupid? I think so. You are also a liar

Nope, even you [finally] posted her quote...

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

She endorsed it for protesters. And as you've been shown, not all protesters are arrested for rioting or committing violence.

So sad. :sad:
Nope, even you [finally] posted her quote...

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

She endorsed it for protesters. And as you've been shown, not all protesters are arrested for rioting or committing violence.

So sad. :sad:
You are one lazy ignorant son of a bitch
You are one lazy ignorant son of a bitch

Irrelevant, ChoadBreath. Harris endorsed it for protesters, not rioters. YOU posted this yourself...

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

So sad. :sad:
Irrelevant, ChoadBreath. Harris endorsed it for protesters, not rioters. YOU posted this yourself...

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

So sad. :sad:
A Democrat is a Democrat you ignorant lazy son of a bitch. You support violence. You are also a liar and dishonest.
A Democrat is a Democrat you ignorant lazy son of a bitch. You support violence. You are also a liar and dishonest.View attachment 824482

ChoadBreath, you claimed Harris advocated for people to donate to a fund to bail rioters out.

Then YOU posted she didn't do that. YOU posted she advocated to bail out protesters, not rioters.

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

You literally proved YOU'RE the stupid liar. All I had to do was sit back and watch you do it.

ChoadBreath, you claimed Harris advocated for people to donate to a fund to bail rioters out.

Then YOU posted she didn't do that. YOU posted she advocated to bail out protesters, not rioters.

If you’re able to, chip in now to the @MNFreedomFund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.

You literally proved YOU'RE the stupid liar. All I had to do was sit back and watch you do it.

Imbecile, you posted that she said nothing, you lied. Then you asked me to do your research for you to prove that she did. I refused because I deemed you lazy and stupid. Finally you admitted that it was true. She had advocated to bail out protesters. I then said why would a protester need to be bailed out if they weren't violent? The answer to that is they wouldn't. So Kamala Harris advocated violent protesters (rioters) be bailed out of jail. Appears you are one corrupt piece of shit who lies and changes a story to fit their false narrative. You even posted where Kamala asked for money to bail out these rioters. You are a cheap lying piece of shit. I literally proved that you are an ignorant lazy liar. Now you are stuck with that label. Congratulations
Screenshot_20230711-122142_Samsung Internet.jpg
Imbecile, you posted that she said nothing, you lied. Then you asked me to do your research for you to prove that she did. I refused because I deemed you lazy and stupid. Finally you admitted that it was true. She had advocated to bail out protesters. I then said why would a protester need to be bailed out if they weren't violent? The answer to that is they wouldn't. So Kamala Harris advocated violent protesters (rioters) be bailed out of jail. Appears you are one corrupt piece of shit who lies and changes a story to fit their false narrative. You even posted where Kamala asked for money to bail out these rioters. You are a cheap lying piece of shit. I literally proved that you are an ignorant lazy liar. Now you are stuck with that label. CongratulationsView attachment 824525

Imbecile, you posted that she said nothing, you lied.


How sad. After proving yourself wrong, now you lie about what I said. I didn't say she said nothing. I said she endorsed that fund for protesters, not rioters...

Nope, she didn't say what you falsely claimed she said. She endorsed bail for protesters, not rioters.

So sad. :sad:
Imbecile, you posted that she said nothing, you lied.


How sad. After proving yourself wrong, now you lie about what I said. I didn't say she said nothing. I said she endorsed that fund for protesters, not rioters...

So sad. :sad:
At first you denied that she even did anything. You begged me to prove that she had supported the rioters . You are a liar. I bet you get taken advantage of a lot by spammers you are so stupid. Empty headed imbecile, your family is probably ashamed of you. Here are some of your peaceful protesters LOL liar
Screenshot_20230904-061755_Samsung Internet.jpg
At first you denied that she even did anything. You begged me to prove that she had supported the rioters . You are a liar. I bet you get taken advantage of a lot by spammers you are so stupid. Empty headed imbecile, your family is probably ashamed of you. Here are some of your peaceful protesters LOL liarView attachment 824550


You retard, here I am saying she endorsed protesters, not rioters..

Why lie? She gave that fund a shout out for "protestors," not rioters.

See that, ChoadBreath? I never denied she endorsed protesters.

You're deranged. So sad. :sad:

You retard, here I am saying she endorsed protesters, not rioters..

See that, ChoadBreath? I never denied she endorsed protesters.

You're deranged. So sad. :sad:
Tried to keep up dipshit. We've already established that the protesters that needed to be bailed out are indeed rioters. You keep clinging to the "peaceful protest" lie. That's because you are indeed a liar. You can stop with the gas lighting now douche mouth. It doesn't work
Screenshot_20230904-061755_Samsung Internet.jpg
Tried to keep up dipshit. We've already established that the protesters that needed to be bailed out are indeed rioters. You keep clinging to the "peaceful protest" lie. That's because you are indeed a liar. You can stop with the gas lighting now douche mouth. It doesn't workView attachment 824555

You dumbfuck, protesters who are violent are no longer protesters, they're rioters. Harris endorsed bail for protesters, not rioters. You said so yourself.

And that photo you posted isn't even from the 2020 riots, ya flaming idiot. :cuckoo:

So sad. :sad:
You dumbfuck, protesters who are violent are no longer protesters, they're rioters. Harris endorsed bail for protesters, not rioters. You said so yourself.

So sad. :sad:
You moron it's all in the choice of language. We've established that these protesters that Kamala Harris is bailing out are rioters. One got out on her money and went and murdered somebody else. You are so stupid. Obviously these rioters didn't affect you so you don't care. Douche face
Screenshot_20230904-061755_Samsung Internet.jpg
You moron it's all in the choice of language. We've established that these protesters that Kamala Harris is bailing out are rioters. One got out on her money and went and murdered somebody else. You are so stupid. Obviously these rioters didn't affect you so you don't care. Douche faceView attachment 824560


Dumbfuck, that photo isn't from the 2020 riots. What does Harris, endorsing bail for protesters in 2020, have to do with riots in 2016? You're fucked in the head, ChoadBreath. :cuckoo:

So sad. :sad:
Look, you can deny it all you want. Considering the context of the last several years, where the left has been painting a target on the backs of every Republican, white, Christian, and the fact that the left now equates anyone who is a Republican with “maga”, and white supremacy, bidens words were dangerous because he just told 80 million democrats that anyone who supported trump was a threat to the country.

Again, there’s context for you.
Yup, irrelevant context. It has no relation to ANYTHING that has been discussed about Trump because the two scenarios are simply not similar in any manner whatsoever.
And I’m not trying to deflect from anything. I don’t agree that trumps words to raffensperger automatically indicate a threat, but you do.
You have to lie to support your own claim.

I have DIRECTLY refuted that statement many times. Go get a basic lesson in english then come back.
We don’t see eye to eye. Just like we don’t see eye to eye on Biden threatening 70+ million Americans….however, my point is, if you are going to say that the atmosphere surrounding trump at the time says his words were a threat, then I’m going to say that the atmosphere surrounding Biden says his words were also a threat.
It was not the atmosophere. Again, another direct lie.

It was specific actions outlined in the indictment that make it a threat. As stated over and over and over again.

The fact is, to continue to construe the statements of Biden as equivalent you have to directly lie about the case that I have made and the charges presented. That shows your position is simply untenable. You MUST appeal to falsehoods in order to support it.

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