Show Your Best Here - Whatayagot?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I'll start out with something simple. My tee shirt.
This can go far and wide. Post a picture of the best fish you ever caught, the best job of any kind you ever did, your best car, or your best kids. Share and let's have a good time together.

When I wear this at shopping centers, I see young men leer jealously. I say "You want one of these shirts, don't you!" They usually agree and smile. If they don't, I wink at their girls. heh heh

Mr. Wonderful Shirt.jpg
This was a fun job, although getting up at 3am kinda' sucked. Radio gig in San Diego:


I used to work for a large musical instrument manufacturer doing some artist relations stuff. This is how I went to work.

Yes, really:



Unfortunately, my very best t-shirt that I had I ended up giving to my cousin T.J.

It was a black t-shirt with yellow lettering (so that it stood out and could be read easily from a distance that I got from Sturgis back in 2002).

It said "Go ahead, act stupid, I need another felony conviction". Some people got the joke, and laughed and asked me where I got it. Others (and most I might add), saw what it said, and usually backed away slowly.

My other thing that I like wearing? It's a knock off of a MAGA hat, and there are many people who don't bother to read the whole thing. It's red, with white lettering (like a MAGA hat), and says "make America stoned again". I've had MAGA supporters (who didn't read it, just saw the hat with white lettering) who have nodded to me and given me a thumbs up. I've also had liberals who saw it, frowned, but then read it and started laughing their asses off, while giving me a thumbs up.

You act as if drugs are cool. They are not.
My brother in law got stoned until he mixed booze and cocaine, leaving behind a beautiful young son and wife pregnant with his daughter.
My other brother in law destroyed his mind with LSD, becoming catatonic and helpless.
My niece's son killed himself with an overdose of cocaine, leaving behind a wonderful young son and deeply distraught Mother.

There are millions of such stories that are NOT cool, NOT funny. This shit is called "dope" for a reason. That's who takes it.
You act as if drugs are cool. They are not.
My brother in law got stoned until he mixed booze and cocaine, leaving behind a beautiful young son and wife pregnant with his daughter.
My other brother in law destroyed his mind with LSD, becoming catatonic and helpless.
My niece's son killed himself with an overdose of cocaine, leaving behind a wonderful young son and deeply distraught Mother.

There are millions of such stories that are NOT cool, NOT funny. This shit is called "dope" for a reason. That's who takes it.

Marijuana isn't a drug, it's a plant. Learn the difference. And, the last 8 years of my Navy career, I was a Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA). With all the information that I was given by the military, I could never figure out why marijuana was illegal, yet alcohol wasn't. Alcohol damages the body much worse than marijuana ever could. I've also talked with many fellow veterans who came back from the ME, and were put on a daily regimen of 10-15 pills per day by the VA to treat various things. When CO legalized cannabis? Those I talked to decided to try it to see if it would help them. They all said that they reduced their pharmaceutical intake from 10-15 pills per day, down to only 1 or 2, with many saying that they were off them all together. And, not only were they off taking lots of pills, but many of them said that they got a lot healthier, as they didn't have to suffer the side effects of the pharmacy drugs. Sorry, but cannabis isn't harmful (no matter what the anti drug propagandists say), but it's also been proven over the past few years to have a definite medicinal use.

Try again with your bullshit. Cocaine IS harmful, cannabis isn't. Don't lump all drugs into one big bad group.
In my life, I have had numerous crushes/interests/obsessions, whatever it is that you want to call them, but in my opinion, I can't see there ever being another one now that I have this one going for me for my current one is my best and to me there isn't anything better once you've had the best.


God bless you and actor Bronson Pinchot always, I love him SO much!!!


P.S. I most definitely wouldn't call him or anyone else in my past an infatuation when it has taken me years to go from one to another.
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Try again with your bullshit. Cocaine IS harmful, cannabis isn't. Don't lump all drugs into one big bad group.

The bullshit is all yours. Taking cannabis for medicinal reasons is one thing. Toking up a joint to get stoned and "be cool" is very different. Don't lump all uses of a drug into one innocent group.
You cross one line smoking dope and it makes crossing the next line that much easier. Toward what end? How do so many decent human beings manage to live their entire lives without ONCE getting stoned, hmmmm? Drugs and alcohol are for people who can't deal with reality and what they are. I can and I will continue to do so.
Try again with your bullshit. Cocaine IS harmful, cannabis isn't. Don't lump all drugs into one big bad group.

The bullshit is all yours. Taking cannabis for medicinal reasons is one thing. Toking up a joint to get stoned and "be cool" is very different. Don't lump all uses of a drug into one innocent group.
You cross one line smoking dope and it makes crossing the next line that much easier. Toward what end? How do so many decent human beings manage to live their entire lives without ONCE getting stoned, hmmmm? Drugs and alcohol are for people who can't deal with reality and what they are. I can and I will continue to do so.

It's readily apparent that you have never tried cannabis. If so, you would know that if you won't do something sober, you won't do it while stoned on marijuana either. You want to know what the real "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol (which is legal). I've seen plenty of people who have done dumb shit while drunk (dancing naked, going home with people they otherwise wouldn't, acting stupid, getting in fights, etc.). Worked in a biker bar for over 4 years here in Amarillo where they allowed smoking cannabis in the back lot. Those who only smoked cannabis? They never got stupid. Those who smoked cannabis and drank? They only got stupid when they got too drunk. Those who only drank alcohol? They were the ones I had to keep a close eye on, as they would get to the point of being idiots the quickest. Sorry, but if you smoke marijuana, your inhibitions pretty much stay the same. If you drink alcohol? The inhibitions drop the more they drink.

I can tell you of many times and about many people who got drunk and did things they wouldn't do otherwise. I can't say the same about those who smoke marijuana. If you won't do it sober, you won't do it stoned. If you won't do it sober, you very well might do it when drunk.
You act as if drugs are cool. They are not.
My brother in law got stoned until he mixed booze and cocaine, leaving behind a beautiful young son and wife pregnant with his daughter.
My other brother in law destroyed his mind with LSD, becoming catatonic and helpless.
My niece's son killed himself with an overdose of cocaine, leaving behind a wonderful young son and deeply distraught Mother.

There are millions of such stories that are NOT cool, NOT funny. This shit is called "dope" for a reason. That's who takes it.
and what they did is called...choice
Try again with your bullshit. Cocaine IS harmful, cannabis isn't. Don't lump all drugs into one big bad group.

The bullshit is all yours. Taking cannabis for medicinal reasons is one thing. Toking up a joint to get stoned and "be cool" is very different. Don't lump all uses of a drug into one innocent group.
You cross one line smoking dope and it makes crossing the next line that much easier. Toward what end? How do so many decent human beings manage to live their entire lives without ONCE getting stoned, hmmmm? Drugs and alcohol are for people who can't deal with reality and what they are. I can and I will continue to do so.
because you say so?
Try again with your bullshit. Cocaine IS harmful, cannabis isn't. Don't lump all drugs into one big bad group.

The bullshit is all yours. Taking cannabis for medicinal reasons is one thing. Toking up a joint to get stoned and "be cool" is very different. Don't lump all uses of a drug into one innocent group.
You cross one line smoking dope and it makes crossing the next line that much easier. Toward what end? How do so many decent human beings manage to live their entire lives without ONCE getting stoned, hmmmm? Drugs and alcohol are for people who can't deal with reality and what they are. I can and I will continue to do so.

It's readily apparent that you have never tried cannabis. If so, you would know that if you won't do something sober, you won't do it while stoned on marijuana either. You want to know what the real "gateway drug" is? It's alcohol (which is legal). I've seen plenty of people who have done dumb shit while drunk (dancing naked, going home with people they otherwise wouldn't, acting stupid, getting in fights, etc.). Worked in a biker bar for over 4 years here in Amarillo where they allowed smoking cannabis in the back lot. Those who only smoked cannabis? They never got stupid. Those who smoked cannabis and drank? They only got stupid when they got too drunk. Those who only drank alcohol? They were the ones I had to keep a close eye on, as they would get to the point of being idiots the quickest. Sorry, but if you smoke marijuana, your inhibitions pretty much stay the same. If you drink alcohol? The inhibitions drop the more they drink.

I can tell you of many times and about many people who got drunk and did things they wouldn't do otherwise. I can't say the same about those who smoke marijuana. If you won't do it sober, you won't do it stoned. If you won't do it sober, you very well might do it when drunk.
Either way I'll order a large x -meat ,x-cheese - mushroom from Gutierrez pizza.Not as good as mine but FAST. 18" = $9 , $11 if they bring it
Mine has a US Navy seal on it, and states that I'm a veteran. I like yours a bit better. Where did you get it? I might think about replacing mine.

Online. I searched door mats and picked this one out as the best of all.
Everyone who knows you understands that you are a navy veteran
and everyone who knows me understands that I am an army veteran.
Those days are long gone. Perhaps we will soon have occasion to utilize
our training to shoot and kill, given the criminality and treason of the Left.
Patriots vs. Democrats seems to be coming.
Mine has a US Navy seal on it, and states that I'm a veteran. I like yours a bit better. Where did you get it? I might think about replacing mine.

Online. I searched door mats and picked this one out as the best of all.
Everyone who knows you understands that you are a navy veteran
and everyone who knows me understands that I am an army veteran.
Those days are long gone. Perhaps we will soon have occasion to utilize
our training to shoot and kill, given the criminality and treason of the Left.
Patriots vs. Democrats seems to be coming.

Yes, most people know I'm a retired Navy veteran, but it's still nice to take some pride in my service. BTW.............I was pleased with your post, up until you said that we will have the occasion to utilize our training to shoot those on the left. Sorry, but I'm one of those on the "left" (actually, I'm an independent) and would never advocate the killing of my fellow citizens. Yeah, I have things that I like and don't like, but killing Americans isn't one of them. And, I think that saying only one side is patriotic is just more partisan bullshit. Even though I despise Trump, as well as most of his supporters, I still think that if they are Americans, they have as much of a right to live here as I do, even if I disagree (sometimes a lot) with them. Guess your oath was to partisan bullshit, mine wasn't. I served 20 years for the benefit of ALL Americans, not just those I agree with. A MCPO who was giving a lecture on Navy Rights and Responsibilities (a required class every year), said it best when talking about the 1st Amendment................."I might not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
Marijuana isn't a drug, it's a plant. Learn the difference.

Try again with your bullshit.

drug: noun ; a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

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