Shrub's invasion of Iraq justifies Putin's invasion of Crimea

Regarding any notion about "welcoming us" after we invaded Iraq...that only lives in Cheny's self serving fantasy....Would we welcome a nation that killed over 100,000 of our citizens and reduced our infrastructure to get at our natural resources...? Please!
The Iraq invasion not only cost us much wasted money and lives...but any good will we may have had in that region...

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Oh get a handle on reality.

The fraudulent figure of over 100,000 is baseless. That's for starters.

Then, of course, a goodly number of the deaths that did occur were not caused by the US or her allies.

The infrastructure of Iraq was never reduced to rubble, although Saddam did do a number on Iraqi oil fields.

We WERE indeed welcomed, although not as roundly and soundly as Vice President Cheney apparently expected.

Our "invasion [sic]" wasn't so much an "invasion" as it was a liberation. Minor technical difference. The D-Day Invasion was an "invasion" too, I guess we can say, but not really the kind of invasion your use of the word seeks to suggest.

And there's not even a hint of support for the bogus claim that the "invasion" was to take natural resources. Since, you know, we didn't take any resources. Those "fact" things really perturb your universe, evidently.

And if we lost some measure of good will, perhaps that's because to do what we were doing there, we also had the liberal scumbag Democratics in THIS country busy undermining the job. Accordingly, our house divided did stuff in messy half-measures effectively screwing up the good we would otherwise have succeeded more fully in accomplishing.

By the way, when was the last time Saddam was able to use a "rape room" against his own people?
Regarding any notion about "welcoming us" after we invaded Iraq...that only lives in Cheny's self serving fantasy....Would we welcome a nation that killed over 100,000 of our citizens and reduced our infrastructure to get at our natural resources...? Please!
The Iraq invasion not only cost us much wasted money and lives...but any good will we may have had in that region...

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Oh get a handle on reality.

The fraudulent figure of over 100,000 is baseless. That's for starters.

The figure is much higher than 100,000.

Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

There were many links, but you like to shoot the messenger, so I picked National Geographic.

You are welcome to put up reputable links that show it was less than 100,000.

But you won't.
The figure is much higher than 100,000.

Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

There were many links, but you like to shoot the messenger, so I picked National Geographic.

You are welcome to put up reputable links that show it was less than 100,000.

But you won't.
From your link:
"War and occupation directly and indirectly claimed the lives of about a half-million Iraqis from 2003 to 2011, according to a groundbreaking survey of 1,960 Iraqi households."

How does that work?
The figure is much higher than 100,000.

Half-Million Iraqis Died in the War, New Study Says

There were many links, but you like to shoot the messenger, so I picked National Geographic.

You are welcome to put up reputable links that show it was less than 100,000.

But you won't.
From your link:
"War and occupation directly and indirectly claimed the lives of about a half-million Iraqis from 2003 to 2011, according to a groundbreaking survey of 1,960 Iraqi households."

How does that work?

[ame=""]CBS 60 Minutes 1/2 Million Children died....but it was worthy[/ame]

How does that work?

[ame=""]CBS 60 Minutes 1/2 Million Children died....but it was worthy[/ame].
Is she the one that phoned the 1,960 households? And they lost a half million children? They sure did have big families. Do y'all ever think about this stuff?

I believe that CBS 60 Minutes and the US Ambassador to the UN just made it up.

But you are on record as professing not to let the facts get in the way of your prejudices.

U offer absolutely no evidence to refute the reality that we "liberated" over 100,000 innocent Iraqis from their lives...based on false premises that have been repeatedly debunked. Iraq DID NOT have nukes or WMD; Saddam was a tin horn dictator that never had the intent or ability to attack us...there was never any connection to 9-11....The Bush/Cheny administration simply used that tragedy to foment an attack on an oil rich nation to try to gain control of it's oil...and screwed that up as well as draining our own treasure and soldiers' lives. Ur just having trouble facing the truth...and those who don't learn from history r doomed to repeat it.

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I believe that CBS 60 Minutes and the US Ambassador to the UN just made it up.

But you are on record as professing not to let the facts get in the way of your prejudices.
You just reaffirmed my skepticism. You're on record as being a dim bulb.

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