Shummer, Obama & Clinton Russian Conspiracy

Russian Red Paint in a Russian Publishing House?

Obama The Red Gets A Book Deal!

Quick someone find the Publishing house that just gave The Obamas 64 Million for their piece of shit story.

Guarantee they have Russian ties or Associated with The Chinese.

How much do you want to bet that the Russians are somehow tied in to The Obama Book Deal.

How much do you want to bet that your penchant for dopey conspiracies is tied to lead paint?
It's not a conspiracy if these are actual events that happened.

It's not like someone just claimed it happened and the only evidence is
Hidden in some super duper secret server no one is allowed to look at.

Quick Run Down.

Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea. This is what was discussed during Obama's hot mic moment when he said he could do some really big favors for Russia after The Election. Among other things he promised Putin in the dark in the heat of passion.

Oh the things Marxist Lovers in a sweaty embrace will promise each other in a feverish Climax!

Obama also gave a wink and a nod to Russia to build airbases in Syria and ship them massive amounts of arms and weapons.

Obama and Clinton arranged for Russia to gain control of 20% of our Strategic Uranium Supplies. No questions asked, and rubber stamped.

And then as if you weren't sure that Putin, Clinton, Obama and Shummer weren't having a grotesque orgy together, Obama gave Iran Billions Of Dollars and The Permission to buy the very American Uranium that he gave to Russia with the Billions of Ransom money he gave to Iran.

And then at the twelfth hour he snuck in a UN resolution condemning Israel to the delight of his best friends Putin and Khamenei!

Shummer enthusiastically supported these actions and defended them, Clinton, and Obama every time they were questioned on the wisdom of these actions.

It doesn't get more incestuous and treasonous than that!

And you thought you should be concerned about a couple of
Lowly Ambassadors when there was Treason and Sedition in The Oval Office?

And, there it is.
The dopey conspiracy.
I knew you had one.
Quick Run Down.

Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea. This is what was discussed during Obama's hot mic moment when he said he could do some really big favors for Russia after The Election. Among other things he promised Putin in the dark in the heat of passion.

Oh the things Marxist Lovers in a sweaty embrace will promise each other in a feverish Climax!

Obama also gave a wink and a nod to Russia to build airbases in Syria and ship them massive amounts of arms and weapons.

Obama and Clinton arranged for Russia to gain control of 20% of our Strategic Uranium Supplies. No questions asked, and rubber stamped.

And then as if you weren't sure that Putin, Clinton, Obama and Shummer weren't having a grotesque orgy together, Obama gave Iran Billions Of Dollars and The Permission to buy the very American Uranium that he gave to Russia with the Billions of Ransom money he gave to Iran.

And then at the twelfth hour he snuck in a UN resolution condemning Israel to the delight of his best friends Putin and Khamenei!

Shummer enthusiastically supported these actions and defended them, Clinton, and Obama every time they were questioned on the wisdom of these actions.

It doesn't get more incestuous and treasonous than that!

And you thought you should be concerned about a couple of
Lowly Ambassadors when there was Treason and Sedition in The Oval Office?

And, there it is.
The dopey conspiracy.
I knew you had one.

Its their latest defense of drumpf et al lies and crimes.

IOW, its okay that they all met with Russians, repeatedly and bragged about making big bucks from it because, well, blame it on that darn ole Obama.


Yes, Obama forced them all to attend these meetings and later deny them.
If Scum Sucking Traitorous Liberas are trying to downplay this, there is a likelihood Obama is going to go to jail for conspiring with Russia and then getting paid off after he left office!

So a 64 Million dollar bribe to give Russia our Uranium and Iran the money to buy it from Russia is not an out of line deal for such Treason.

Add that in to the millions Russia gave the Clinton's and The Conspiracy has real meat on it!

The Russians funneled money to The Clinton Foundation as part of the deal.

How much do you want to bet that the Russians are somehow tied in to The Obama Book Deal.

Wild conspiracies while ignoring todays news and excusing it shows you're full of it.
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It's not a conspiracy if these are actual events that happened.

It's not like someone just claimed it happened and the only evidence is
Hidden in some super duper secret server no one is allowed to look at.

Quick Run Down.

Obama gave a wink and a nod to Putin to take The Crimea. This is what was discussed during Obama's hot mic moment when he said he could do some really big favors for Russia after The Election. Among other things he promised Putin in the dark in the heat of passion.

Oh the things Marxist Lovers in a sweaty embrace will promise each other in a feverish Climax!

Obama also gave a wink and a nod to Russia to build airbases in Syria and ship them massive amounts of arms and weapons.

Obama and Clinton arranged for Russia to gain control of 20% of our Strategic Uranium Supplies. No questions asked, and rubber stamped.

And then as if you weren't sure that Putin, Clinton, Obama and Shummer weren't having a grotesque orgy together, Obama gave Iran Billions Of Dollars and The Permission to buy the very American Uranium that he gave to Russia with the Billions of Ransom money he gave to Iran.

And then at the twelfth hour he snuck in a UN resolution condemning Israel to the delight of his best friends Putin and Khamenei!

Shummer enthusiastically supported these actions and defended them, Clinton, and Obama every time they were questioned on the wisdom of these actions.

It doesn't get more incestuous and treasonous than that!

And you thought you should be concerned about a couple of
Lowly Ambassadors when there was Treason and Sedition in The Oval Office?

And, there it is.
The dopey conspiracy.
I knew you had one.

Hmmm ... So you're saying that since Sessions has changed his story yet again and now admits he did meet with the Russian, TWICE ....

Hard to keep up with RWNJ stories.
Well Lefties it looks like the publishing company that gave The Obamas 64 Million is German and has the majority of their Investments in Communist China and Russia and Brazil.

How interesting is that when combined with massive Russian Donations to The Clinton Foundation and the sale of our Uranium to Russia?
"Obama and Clinton arranged for Russia to gain control of 20% of our Strategic Uranium Supplies."

Treeman is lying thru his teeth.
No, Hillary Clinton did not "give Russia 20 percent of the uranium" in the US

How do you know a Trump whore is lying?
He's breathing.

Sorry BUT the uranium deal IS TRUE, and it is PART of the bengazzi, and the email investigation evidence. BOOHOO HOO cry now your idols got caught again in their treason,,, HAHAHAHAHAHAHH.
I provided proof it isn't true. You just pulled shit out of your ass.
Hmmm ... So you're saying that since Sessions has changed his story yet again and now admits he did meet with the Russian, TWICE ....

Hard to keep up with RWNJ stories.

DUUUUHHHH What did you say at about ten oclock yesterday to someone? What color of socks was that person wearing, was the person standing straight, leaning or sitting? What is your story???? Liberals are the stupidest most vile disgusting shit on earth and not worth the time it would take to crush their pea brains. Your BS is so stupid it shows how ignorant and worthless you all are. HAHAHAHAHAHA man you liberals are soooo damn dumb DO you actually think you have a feasible point with all of this stupid shit.
How much do you want to bet that the Russians are somehow tied in to The Obama Book Deal.
Hilarious. You lied about the uranium deal.. which I provided proof for then you wag the dog at Obama trying to take the heat off slime ball's corrupt administration.
You may fool your idiot sheep here but in the real world the WORLD is focused on Trump's Moscow connection.
I provided proof it isn't true. You just pulled shit out of your ass.

VOX are you kidding? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA hell they live with the damn clintons!!! HAHAHAHA The story is a complete LIE by a rag that makes the huffaturd post look like real news. Ask the US government, it is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD!!!! BOOHOOHOO. HAHAHAHAHAAA. Anotherliberalliar.
Lefty wants to split hairs over percentages while sweeping under the rug treasonous acts for bribes worth millions of dollars by Clinton, Obama and Shummer. I wonder how much Money Kerry Got?
I provided proof it isn't true. You just pulled shit out of your ass.

VOX are you kidding? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA hell they live with the damn clintons!!! HAHAHAHA The story is a complete LIE by a rag that makes the huffaturd post look like real news. Ask the US government, it is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD!!!! BOOHOOHOO. HAHAHAHAHAAA. Anotherliberalliar.
Your fake news farts aren't working anymore.
You believed treeman with no attribution.
He just lies his ass off.
I provided proof. Don't want to believe it, fine. I could care less. But I will tell the truth to your lies ALL THE TIME.
Get thee behind me Satan.

I provided proof it isn't true. You just pulled shit out of your ass.

VOX are you kidding? HAHAHAAHAHAHAHHA hell they live with the damn clintons!!! HAHAHAHA The story is a complete LIE by a rag that makes the huffaturd post look like real news. Ask the US government, it is a matter of PUBLIC RECORD!!!! BOOHOOHOO. HAHAHAHAHAAA. Anotherliberalliar.
Your fake news farts aren't working anymore.
You believed treeman with no attribution.
He just lies his ass off.
I provided proof. Don't want to believe it, fine. I could care less. But I will tell the truth to your lies ALL THE TIME.

Russia gives Kerry T-shirt, tomatoes

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