SHUT IT DOWN this September

There's something seriously wrong with you RWNJs. Something was left out of you. You're just not normal human beings at all.

That's the first step towards getting their attention.

SHUT OFF the honeypot.

Insist on shutting down the government until a spending cut budget appears from Congress.

Shut it down. Keep it shut. Never blink.

Don't re-open it until spending is cut.
The Congressional Republicans ARE the SWAMP.

Drain 'em. Replace them with authentic, fiscally conservative patriotic Americans.
The more these people work to destroy American leadership in the world the more I feel that the republican party has become so anarchist that they're now enemies of the republic.

Anyone that would undermine our ability to compete and lead is an enemy. The taliban, North Korea and the isis couldn't destroy us and weaken our nation like cutting 50% of all science funding in this nation could and that is exactly what the republican party wants.

No nation on earth remains successful with such backwards policies.
Let it stay shut down for all I care. :dunno:

Jokers aren't doing their jobs anyways.

Let them see just how irrelevant they really are.

Draft up an Article V convention bill and have the states vote on it in the meantime.

With things like "Lobbying is illegal" and "caught taking bribes=jail".

Then the swamp will be draining.
Why won't the Republicans lead? Why the brinksmanship? They can gain no political advantage as they control both houses of congress and the White House.

Throwing a fit of pique won't solve any problems, but create more problems. Cutting spending might be a noble idea, but when the first initiative is to cut taxes, one has to wonder what form of government do the Republicans actually want? One of, for and by the people, or just a skeleton of a federal government.

Pending any responsibility for governing I suggest we consider carefully who we elect to congress next year. Re-electing the current crop of irresponsible congressmen will only serve to further cripple our nation.
Patriotic Americans AKA Democrats


If you were in a room with four corners, with a pot of gold in the middle, a patriotic Dem in one corner, the Easter bunny in another, and Santa Claus in another, who gets the pot of gold?
Why wait for September? Can't Trump just veto the budget?

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