Shut off your AC's in Texas and Florida


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
Let me get this straight. ... :cool:

Your saying that only people who "believe" in global warming should be allowed to use their air conditioner?

Wouldn't that be contributing to more global warming? ... :dunno:
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.

It's never been hot in Texas before!!

The 2ppm pf CO2 added these last 12 months made the temperature spike!
Let me get this straight. ... :cool:

Your saying that only people who "believe" in global warming should be allowed to use their air conditioner?

Wouldn't that be contributing to more global warming? ... :dunno:

I think that nit-wit is somehow surprised it's hot in Texas ... :dunno:

Air conditioners contribute to global warming you nitwit
I hope to gawd you did that shit on purpose :lol:
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.

It's never been hot in Texas before!!

The 2ppm pf CO2 added these last 12 months made the temperature spike!

Let me get this straight. ... :cool:

Your saying that only people who "believe" in global warming should be allowed to use their air conditioner?

Wouldn't that be contributing to more global warming? ... :dunno:

But we are not deniers, deniers contribute to this by deregulating everything.
Maybe you will get another flood.

I live in Louisiana nit-wit ... It's hot here too.

Of course the worst flooding we had recently was the result of the US Government.
The Department of Transportation rebuilt a section of Interstate 12.
They didn't put in the required drainage culverts ...
And basically built an extremely long 5' high dam on the edge of a swamp.

That's what happens when you trust the government to do something correctly ... :thup:

if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.

Say what?

If you believe in the AGW cult why the fuck are you using A/C ??????

You are a hypocrite and should lower your power consumption not expand it.

if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.

It's never been hot in Texas before!!

The 2ppm pf CO2 added these last 12 months made the temperature spike!

Let me get this straight. ... :cool:

Your saying that only people who "believe" in global warming should be allowed to use their air conditioner?

Wouldn't that be contributing to more global warming? ... :dunno:

But we are not deniers, deniers contribute to this by deregulating everything.

What the fucking fuck are you even talking about?
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
I've lived in Texas before, and my sister and oldest son still live there.

Believe me, it's freakin hot, hot, hot, in the summer. .... :cool:
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
Why would anyone who believes in Gorebal Warming even be on the grid and contribute to your mythical problem?

if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
I know ( hope ) you're being sarcastic. The problem is, I'm sure there are those loons out there that think this way.
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
Why would anyone who believes in Gorebal Warming even be on the grid and contribute to your mythical problem?


Once again liberals prove how stupid and hypocrtical they are, just like complaining about high gas prices, they need high gas prices to get people off fosil fuels.

if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
We have had a heat wave here for a few weeks, and this is not the first time it has happened. While not normal, we do get our share of 110 degree days and then some. However, yesterday the temp was 17 degrees cooler here and it looks like according to the forecast anyway, things are back to normal.

Now, to borrow a page form the liberal play book, Aren't you mistaking climate for weather?
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if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.
No, you're a hypocrite because in one breath you say you are environmentally friendly and the next you're saying it's okay not to be.....simply because you claim to be enlightened. Buy some carbon credits from Al Gore and erase any guilt you might have. Carbon credits on sale. This month it's two for the price of one.
Maybe you will get another flood.

I live in Louisiana nit-wit ... It's hot here too.

Of course the worst flooding we had recently was the result of the US Government.
The Department of Transportation rebuilt a section of Interstate 12.
They didn't put in the required drainage culverts ...
And basically built an extremely long 5' high dam on the edge of a swamp.

That's what happens when you trust the government to do something correctly ... :thup:


Louisiana? You have my sympathy. I remember the war between Texas and Louisiana when Coonasses were lighting dynamite and throwing it across the Sabine, and Texans were lighting it and throwing it back.
if you are hot sweat it out and drink water. You deniers of global warming so want to keep cool. Turn them off. Trump should not be allowed his as well.

I can use mine because I don't deny global warming and air, land and water pollution. Congress should not be allowed to use them either, and no GOP offices.

You obviously don't live near a beach on the ocean. The water level is the same now as it was 50 years ago. You've been duped, again, sucker.
Louisiana? You have my sympathy. I remember the war between Texas and Louisiana when Coonasses were lighting dynamite and throwing it across the Sabine, and Texans were lighting it and throwing it back.

We settled it over chips, salsa and crawfish etouffee ... :thup:
They shared a little Tex-Mex, we offered a little Cajun and called it even.

Didn't work out so well for Union Army ...
They thought they would have better luck burning Georgia than getting their asses kicked here.



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