Shutdown could last years

Sounds like Pelosi better get busy...
Sounds like Turtle McConnell and Trump ought to get busy. Pelosi passed bills to end the shutdown already

Wow Leach, is she our dictator who can simply decide?
Sounds like she wants to be a dick tater!

Menopause is so far in Nancy's rear view that she doesn't even remember what that was.

Pelosi and her Bolsheviks can pass what they like; without Senate and Presidential concurrence, it means nothing.
That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?

I do not know how you used to be, but you have never been what i am. you are more liberal than I am, you want the government involved in more of our lives than I do. you have no issue with your god in the White House adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in a single year.

so get past this bullshit, you and just about everyone on this forum is left of me.

Just stop already. You're not fooling anyone with the BS.

The truth hurts little man.

LOL, dude. The truth is exactly what I said and like I said, you're not really fooling anyone. What you're trying to do is playing the political chameleon by claiming no party affiliation or loyalty to any candidate.

The reality is, you're wobbling all over the place on the issues, and jumping to whichever side of the fence most conveniently fits the narrative. But your values are leftist to the core. Anyone can see that.

Do you ever quit lying? Or is that not possible for you
Know who else isn't getting paid?

ICE and the Border Patrol


Only non-vital services are affected. about 3% of the federal work force.

Your rulers are lying to you, as always you dumb fucking Communist.

Actually 25% of the federal work force, and out of that 25% at close half of those are going to work with no paycheck till it ends.

are you ever right about anything?

25% was not prefunded. Of that 25%, only those deemed non-essential are furloughed, about 3% of the total federal workforce.

Do you ever not tell leftist lies?
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
The House just passed two bills which the Republican Senate passed a few months ago. Identical bills.

Now those same Republicans won't pass the two bills in this new term.

So it's obvious who the dicks are.

Uh no Comrade, you are lying as always. Not identical.
Know who else isn't getting paid?

ICE and the Border Patrol


Only non-vital services are affected. about 3% of the federal work force.

Your rulers are lying to you, as always you dumb fucking Communist.

Actually 25% of the federal work force, and out of that 25% at close half of those are going to work with no paycheck till it ends.

are you ever right about anything?

25% was not prefunded. Of that 25%, only those deemed non-essential are furloughed, about 3% of the total federal workforce.

Do you ever not tell leftist lies?

but those not funded and not furloughed are working without pay...that is what "not pre-funded" means you moron.
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
Meanwhile Pelosi gave 54 Billion in foreign aid but not one red cent for the security of Americans!

US pledges 6B to Central America Another 5B to Mexico and 0 for wall.

That's all kindsa fucked up!

Fuck the TSA too, 3 plainclothes Air Marshals on every flight is all that's needed. No groping, no ripping 80-year old Americans' 40 year old Samsonite silk lining out of their luggage.

Bush killed "The Jet Set".
Know who else isn't getting paid?

ICE and the Border Patrol


Only non-vital services are affected. about 3% of the federal work force.

Your rulers are lying to you, as always you dumb fucking Communist.

Actually 25% of the federal work force, and out of that 25% at close half of those are going to work with no paycheck till it ends.

are you ever right about anything?

25% was not prefunded. Of that 25%, only those deemed non-essential are furloughed, about 3% of the total federal workforce.

Do you ever not tell leftist lies?

but those not funded and not furloughed are working without pay...that is what "not pre-funded" means you moron.
Write Pelosi, tell her to fund our wall! She could easily take 5 billion out of the 54 billion she is sending to foreign countries! American Lives Matter!
What about America and Americans, huh?

Motherfuckers that are supposed to be representing us are giving our dollars to foreign countries and not serving in our best interests? Fuck that!

I'm all for real Americans having access to jobs before illegal immigrants.

And How.
Veterans will cease to get some treatments, especially mental health.


As a result, most of the department’s 377,000-plus employees won’t be affected by a partial shutdown. VA officials said only a small number of Veterans Health Administration workers will be temporarily sent home, and none of them deal directly with patient care.

Some transition assistance programs would be shuttered during a shutdown, as will non-essential call centers. But the department’s suicide prevention hotline would remain operational.

VA could weather a government shutdown better than most other departments

Guards and staff at federal prison will walk off the job.

Bull fucking shit

{Within the Department of Justice, most law enforcement officials, FBI agents, Drug Enforcement Administration officials, and U.S. attorneys will continue working. All staff at federal prisons, including Public Health Service Officers and anyone who deals directly with prisoners, will keep reporting to work, too. The chairman and commissioners of the U.S. Parole Commission will continue responding to requests for emergency warrants and processing parole certificates to preserve the writ of habeas corpus. The Bureau of Prisons‘ buildings, facilities, and commisionary accounts have enough carryover funds to be able to pay for expenses during a government shutdown such as this. Any hiring or training of new non-essential Department of Justice employees will be postponed, however.}

How Does the Government Shutdown Affect the Justice System? - Prison Fellowship

Homeland Security will run on a skeleton crew. Ports will not be secure.

Oversight for infrastructure will cease.

A few thousand FBI agents, DEA agents, and US Marshalls are gone.

A few thousand US Forest Service firefighters are gone.

A total fucking lie.

A few thousand federal weather forecasters (the source for most weather services) will be gone.

NASA is all but closed.

National Park Service and the Forest Service lose 80% of their workers.

But who cares, right?

Did you take RDerp pills this morning?

You're lying through your fucking teeth.

Oh god, what ever will we do ?

What's the first thing that will happen with no government oversight ?!!!

A. The JFK coverup will unravel

B. The sky will fall

C. Jimmy Hoffa will have to be released from the basement of the Labor Dept building

D. The moon landing hoax employees will spill the beans when their paychecks stop coming in.

E. Area 51 employees will no longer be guarding the Martians

Veterans will cease to get some treatments, especially mental health.

Guards and staff at federal prison will walk off the job.

Homeland Security will run on a skeleton crew. Ports will not be secure.

Oversight for infrastructure will cease.

A few thousand FBI agents, DEA agents, and US Marshalls are gone.

A few thousand US Forest Service firefighters are gone.

A few thousand federal weather forecasters (the source for most weather services) will be gone.

NASA is all but closed.

National Park Service and the Forest Service lose 80% of their workers.

But who cares, right?
All closed over a measly 5 billion dollars that could be taken from the 1 trillion dollars of welfare which 200 billion ends up in illegals hands. Yep, looking good for US....

Not closed.

No essential services such as law enforcement or prisons are affected.

The left has chosen to blatantly and shamelessly lie.
Know who else isn't getting paid?

ICE and the Border Patrol


Only non-vital services are affected. about 3% of the federal work force.

Your rulers are lying to you, as always you dumb fucking Communist.

Actually 25% of the federal work force, and out of that 25% at close half of those are going to work with no paycheck till it ends.

are you ever right about anything?

25% was not prefunded. Of that 25%, only those deemed non-essential are furloughed, about 3% of the total federal workforce.

Do you ever not tell leftist lies?

but those not funded and not furloughed are working without pay...that is what "not pre-funded" means you moron.

You're still lying, as Marxists always do.

The only ones who are going without pay are the non-essential workers, tour guides, parking attendants, and the like.

I get it, government is your god, the idea that there could be any sort of disruption to the voracious growth of government angers a Marxist like you. So you lie, or at least repeat the lies of the little Goebbels of the party press.

Fact, about 3% of the federal workforce is furloughed, despite the lying attempts by you and other Marxists to make it seem as if this "shutdown" has any meaning to the average person.
You're still lying, as Marxists always do.

The only ones who are going without pay are the non-essential workers, tour guides, parking attendants, and the like.

I get it, government is your god, the idea that there could be any sort of disruption to the voracious growth of government angers a Marxist like you. So you lie, or at least repeat the lies of the little Goebbels of the party press.

Fact, about 3% of the federal workforce is furloughed, despite the lying attempts by you and other Marxists to make it seem as if this "shutdown" has any meaning to the average person.

Why do you keep lying and throwing out hat bullshit 3% figure?

roughly 800,000 are furloughed.

everyone working for an agency without funding is not getting paid till this is over, even if it takes months. That includes DHS which is the Border Patrol and ICE. After their next check it will also include the Coast Guard.

Everyone still working for these agencies will not see a paycheck till this is over. All your lies in the world will not change that fact

Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Department of Justice
Most of the Department of the Interior
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Department of Homeland Security
Judicial Branch
Sounds like Pelosi better get busy...
Sounds like Turtle McConnell and Trump ought to get busy. Pelosi passed bills to end the shutdown already

Wow Leach, is she our dictator who can simply decide?
Sounds like she wants to be a dick tater!

Menopause is so far in Nancy's rear view that she doesn't even remember what that was.

Pelosi and her Bolsheviks can pass what they like; without Senate and Presidential concurrence, it means nothing.
I think to Nancy "blinkie" Pelosi, Men o Paws is a group of men who grope women. Like Bill Clinton and Harvey Weinstein...
Watch "If Walls Don't Work, Why Does Obama Have a Wall Around his House?" on YouTube

You're still lying, as Marxists always do.

The only ones who are going without pay are the non-essential workers, tour guides, parking attendants, and the like.

I get it, government is your god, the idea that there could be any sort of disruption to the voracious growth of government angers a Marxist like you. So you lie, or at least repeat the lies of the little Goebbels of the party press.

Fact, about 3% of the federal workforce is furloughed, despite the lying attempts by you and other Marxists to make it seem as if this "shutdown" has any meaning to the average person.

Why do you keep lying and throwing out hat bullshit 3% figure?

roughly 800,000 are furloughed.

everyone working for an agency without funding is not getting paid till this is over, even if it takes months. That includes DHS which is the Border Patrol and ICE. After their next check it will also include the Coast Guard.

Everyone still working for these agencies will not see a paycheck till this is over. All your lies in the world will not change that fact

Department of State
Department of the Treasury
Department of Justice
Most of the Department of the Interior
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Transportation
Department of Homeland Security
Judicial Branch
GOOD....THE PAIN should get them after the De!onRATS to come to their doing what our BASIC SECURITY DEMANDS!!!

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