Shutdown could last years

President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
You mean like you do with, the Parkland high school, sandy hook, las vegas concert, movie theater, church prayer meeting, shopping, Synagogue, etc etc etc murders?
No bitch! I am talking specifically about ewe turds letting illegals in to murder Americans. Dew ewe need examples? Or dew ewe know what I am talking about?
I know what the right wing talking point on this is that you've been given to say by your handlers is Willow! You didn't even have to be a good little pawn for them by passing it around and on to me! I've seen it posted by a few of you just this past week... all walking lock step with those who feed you this kind of thinking....

It really is a thoughtless comment on your part, and makes no sense at all... unless you are fine with me accusing you of being a murdering loving character because you believe in zero gun control measures...?
It was Trump, not Obama, who felt need to talk about his penis size. That really just tells us it’s small and he doesn’t want anyone to know it.
You are an expert I'm sure....
You’re the one who brought up the subject of male genitalia not me lol

Right now, in regards to our President, it is a matter of public interest.

Liberal activist Stormy Daniels has testified that Mr. Trump has a small dick.

On the other hand, in an official debate, Donald Trump indicated the exact opposite.

Mueller needs to get involved in this, get to the bottom of this dispute
Hell, with how loose Stormy is, even my DICK would be pretty small. I probably have to strap a 2 by 4 to my ass just to keep from falling in? Yes, I have been mistaken for this guy.

I am a little bigger though...
So in other words, you have a micropenis. Got it. Just come out and say it next time, okay? You’ll feel better.
All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?
Only idiots like you think it is a concrete wall. We the people who have intelligence understood that to stop the immigration problem we need something big, really big, sorta like my DICK, but alas it has to stay here and keep the woman happy. The picture down below shows that it would be hard to get over and not easy to cut through. You are such a stupid twit..


Hey, Its not me who said it would not be a fence, or that it would not be see through, or that it would be a big beautiful solid concrete slab wall, tall, real tall.... that was president and candidate Trump.... oh, and Mexico was going to pay for it!!! ;) Trump shouts, "Who's going to pay for the wall?" crowd answers, "Mexico!" ;)

A Fence always made more sense, that could be seen through, so border patrol could see who is coming and for other environmental reasons, and I believe that is what has been erected the past ten years or so around high trafficked areas on the border....???

someone in the executive branch, needs to present to congress, exactly what they want, what they need, and the estimated cost for it, and there should be hearings and cost/effectiveness analysis.... etc done, before congress hands over our money.... like everyone else in the government has to do when they want money from Congress....
You do realize that when President gets done with "We the People"s wall, that all that welfare billions that went to illegal Mexicans, will end up paying for that wall. Shame you arent smart enough to see it though, because of your liberal thinking.

View attachment 238498
the wall doesn't stop a single dime of the so called money you claim we spend on illegals right now...

We need a comprehensive immigration reform plan, that addresses everything, from undocumented immigrants living here already to border security to the immigration courts to fences....

not some half ass wall, and nothing else done.... GIVE US A PLAN and estimate the cost to execute that plan....

it is becoming clearer and clearer why Trump had to declare bankruptcy 6 or more times.... he's lousy at what he does.... which is a shoot from the hip style.... with someone else's money.
Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
You mean like you do with, the Parkland high school, sandy hook, las vegas concert, movie theater, church prayer meeting, shopping, Synagogue, etc etc etc murders?
No bitch! I am talking specifically about ewe turds letting illegals in to murder Americans. Dew ewe need examples? Or dew ewe know what I am talking about?
I know what the right wing talking point on this is that you've been given to say by your handlers is Willow! You didn't even have to be a good little pawn for them by passing it around and on to me! I've seen it posted by a few of you just this past week... all walking lock step with those who feed you this kind of thinking....

It really is a thoughtless comment on your part, and makes no sense at all... unless you are fine with me accusing you of being a murdering loving character because you believe in zero gun control measures...?
So the dead cop is a talking point! Got it!
All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?
Only idiots like you think it is a concrete wall. We the people who have intelligence understood that to stop the immigration problem we need something big, really big, sorta like my DICK, but alas it has to stay here and keep the woman happy. The picture down below shows that it would be hard to get over and not easy to cut through. You are such a stupid twit..


Hey, Its not me who said it would not be a fence, or that it would not be see through, or that it would be a big beautiful solid concrete slab wall, tall, real tall.... that was president and candidate Trump.... oh, and Mexico was going to pay for it!!! ;) Trump shouts, "Who's going to pay for the wall?" crowd answers, "Mexico!" ;)

A Fence always made more sense, that could be seen through, so border patrol could see who is coming and for other environmental reasons, and I believe that is what has been erected the past ten years or so around high trafficked areas on the border....???

someone in the executive branch, needs to present to congress, exactly what they want, what they need, and the estimated cost for it, and there should be hearings and cost/effectiveness analysis.... etc done, before congress hands over our money.... like everyone else in the government has to do when they want money from Congress....
You do realize that when President gets done with "We the People"s wall, that all that welfare billions that went to illegal Mexicans, will end up paying for that wall. Shame you arent smart enough to see it though, because of your liberal thinking.

View attachment 238498
the wall doesn't stop a single dime of the so called money you claim we spend on illegals right now...

We need a comprehensive immigration reform plan, that addresses everything, from undocumented immigrants living here already to border security to the immigration courts to fences....

not some half ass wall, and nothing else done.... GIVE US A PLAN and estimate the cost to execute that plan....

it is becoming clearer and clearer why Trump had to declare bankruptcy 6 or more times.... he's lousy at what he does.... which is a shoot from the hip style.... with someone else's money.
Give us the wall first. Then we will talk about comprehensive immigration reform. Wall now. Wall first.
Build the wall. Deport them all
That's your comprehensive immigration plan
Neither one of those things will happen for a variety of reasons. Of course, even if they could happen, it wouldn’t somehow magically make the US some Utopian homeland.
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
Meanwhile Pelosi gave 54 Billion in foreign aid but not one red cent for the security of Americans!


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My "adopted" California refugee works for TSA. It turn's out that TSA folks don't get paid daily so he hasn't missed any paychecks. Who knew?
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
Your treasonous orange sociopath is committed to nothing but himself and helping Russia.

Neither you nor the orange imbecile understand that all a shutdown is —is not paying its employees. How do you keep homeland security and border patrol without paying them?

All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?
Only idiots like you think it is a concrete wall. We the people who have intelligence understood that to stop the immigration problem we need something big, really big, sorta like my DICK, but alas it has to stay here and keep the woman happy. The picture down below shows that it would be hard to get over and not easy to cut through. You are such a stupid twit..


Hey, Its not me who said it would not be a fence, or that it would not be see through, or that it would be a big beautiful solid concrete slab wall, tall, real tall.... that was president and candidate Trump.... oh, and Mexico was going to pay for it!!! ;) Trump shouts, "Who's going to pay for the wall?" crowd answers, "Mexico!" ;)

A Fence always made more sense, that could be seen through, so border patrol could see who is coming and for other environmental reasons, and I believe that is what has been erected the past ten years or so around high trafficked areas on the border....???

someone in the executive branch, needs to present to congress, exactly what they want, what they need, and the estimated cost for it, and there should be hearings and cost/effectiveness analysis.... etc done, before congress hands over our money.... like everyone else in the government has to do when they want money from Congress....

Mark Twain said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
Meanwhile Pelosi gave 54 Billion in foreign aid but not one red cent for the security of Americans!
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
Meanwhile Pelosi gave 54 Billion in foreign aid but not one red cent for the security of Americans!

US pledges 6B to Central America Another 5B to Mexico and 0 for wall.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
IRS can't issue refunds during the shut down. A million people are going to lose their cars, their apartments, their homes because they are not getting their paycheck.
Hopefully this group working over the weekend while Trump .... golfs?.... can do arm twisting better than Trump does.
All the democrats need to do is give Trump the 5 billion. And nobody loses anything. I mean just a few years back Schumer was saying we needed a wall, now Trump wants it he won't do it. Democrats playing politics with peoples live is discusting.
What would that 5 billion be for exactly?

It's not enough to build a wall and we haven't even spent the 1.3 billion appropriated for border security last year.

It's just a symbol.

And if it was so important...why did the GOP wait two fucking years to pull this stunt?
That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?

I do not know how you used to be, but you have never been what i am. you are more liberal than I am, you want the government involved in more of our lives than I do. you have no issue with your god in the White House adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in a single year.

so get past this bullshit, you and just about everyone on this forum is left of me.

Just stop already. You're not fooling anyone with the BS.

The truth hurts little man.

LOL, dude. The truth is exactly what I said and like I said, you're not really fooling anyone. What you're trying to do is playing the political chameleon by claiming no party affiliation or loyalty to any candidate.

The reality is, you're wobbling all over the place on the issues, and jumping to whichever side of the fence most conveniently fits the narrative. But your values are leftist to the core. Anyone can see that.

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