Shutdown could last years

Because I know the utter destruction they are doing to this society. I don't believe the same things you do, even though I was a progressive and a Democrat myself, at one time. But I am not the same person I was then.

Drugs? Sure, I've done more than my share. So trust me when I say this: The wall must be built if for nothing else, to staunch the flow of drugs into this country.

I have never been a progressive nor a Democrat, so you never have believed the same things i do. Though you are still far more liberal than I have ever been.

but you need to make up your mind, do you only care about yourself like you said or do you care about all of society?

Personally, I say let evolution do its thing and weed out the weak among us. It is not my place to tell them not to do it.

Whatever. Progressive/Democrat/liberal/socialist/commie/Trump-hater.

I make no differentiation.

that is because you are a sheep that just thinks what they are told to think.

Being anti-Trump does not make me any of those other things...but your mind cannot think outside of the two party box so you do not understand there are other options.

So you are pro which Republicans?
No we are pro with the US citizens who "love" this country, not scumbag establishment politicians or worthless pieces of shit liberals.
Because I know the utter destruction they are doing to this society. I don't believe the same things you do, even though I was a progressive and a Democrat myself, at one time. But I am not the same person I was then.

Drugs? Sure, I've done more than my share. So trust me when I say this: The wall must be built if for nothing else, to staunch the flow of drugs into this country.

I have never been a progressive nor a Democrat, so you never have believed the same things i do. Though you are still far more liberal than I have ever been.

but you need to make up your mind, do you only care about yourself like you said or do you care about all of society?

Personally, I say let evolution do its thing and weed out the weak among us. It is not my place to tell them not to do it.

Whatever. Progressive/Democrat/liberal/socialist/commie/Trump-hater.

I make no differentiation.

that is because you are a sheep that just thinks what they are told to think.

Being anti-Trump does not make me any of those other things...but your mind cannot think outside of the two party box so you do not understand there are other options.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?
Because I know the utter destruction they are doing to this society. I don't believe the same things you do, even though I was a progressive and a Democrat myself, at one time. But I am not the same person I was then.

Drugs? Sure, I've done more than my share. So trust me when I say this: The wall must be built if for nothing else, to staunch the flow of drugs into this country.

I have never been a progressive nor a Democrat, so you never have believed the same things i do. Though you are still far more liberal than I have ever been.

but you need to make up your mind, do you only care about yourself like you said or do you care about all of society?

Personally, I say let evolution do its thing and weed out the weak among us. It is not my place to tell them not to do it.

Whatever. Progressive/Democrat/liberal/socialist/commie/Trump-hater.

I make no differentiation.

that is because you are a sheep that just thinks what they are told to think.

Being anti-Trump does not make me any of those other things...but your mind cannot think outside of the two party box so you do not understand there are other options.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?
Yeah...…….Some of my black friends had an epiphany after we talked about them voting for Obama the first time and me calling them "racists" because they voted for his skin color. 2nd time around they voted for Romney....boy that was a mistake, but they love President Trump....
That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?

I do not know how you used to be, but you have never been what i am. you are more liberal than I am, you want the government involved in more of our lives than I do. you have no issue with your god in the White House adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in a single year.

so get past this bullshit, you and just about everyone on this forum is left of me.
Because I know the utter destruction they are doing to this society. I don't believe the same things you do, even though I was a progressive and a Democrat myself, at one time. But I am not the same person I was then.

Drugs? Sure, I've done more than my share. So trust me when I say this: The wall must be built if for nothing else, to staunch the flow of drugs into this country.

I have never been a progressive nor a Democrat, so you never have believed the same things i do. Though you are still far more liberal than I have ever been.

but you need to make up your mind, do you only care about yourself like you said or do you care about all of society?

Personally, I say let evolution do its thing and weed out the weak among us. It is not my place to tell them not to do it.

Whatever. Progressive/Democrat/liberal/socialist/commie/Trump-hater.

I make no differentiation.

that is because you are a sheep that just thinks what they are told to think.

Being anti-Trump does not make me any of those other things...but your mind cannot think outside of the two party box so you do not understand there are other options.

^Claims to be rational "middle-of-the-road", yet advocates every single fucking progtard position. You don't fool anybody, asshole. :1peleas:
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President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
You mean like you do with, the Parkland high school, sandy hook, las vegas concert, movie theater, church prayer meeting, shopping, Synagogue, etc etc etc murders?
President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
You mean like you do with, the Parkland high school, sandy hook, las vegas concert, movie theater, church prayer meeting, shopping, Synagogue, etc etc etc murders?
No bitch! I am talking specifically about ewe turds letting illegals in to murder Americans. Dew ewe need examples? Or dew ewe know what I am talking about?
Because I know the utter destruction they are doing to this society. I don't believe the same things you do, even though I was a progressive and a Democrat myself, at one time. But I am not the same person I was then.

Drugs? Sure, I've done more than my share. So trust me when I say this: The wall must be built if for nothing else, to staunch the flow of drugs into this country.

I have never been a progressive nor a Democrat, so you never have believed the same things i do. Though you are still far more liberal than I have ever been.

but you need to make up your mind, do you only care about yourself like you said or do you care about all of society?

Personally, I say let evolution do its thing and weed out the weak among us. It is not my place to tell them not to do it.

Whatever. Progressive/Democrat/liberal/socialist/commie/Trump-hater.

I make no differentiation.

that is because you are a sheep that just thinks what they are told to think.

Being anti-Trump does not make me any of those other things...but your mind cannot think outside of the two party box so you do not understand there are other options.

That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?
Yeah...…….Some of my black friends had an epiphany after we talked about them voting for Obama the first time and me calling them "racists" because they voted for his skin color. 2nd time around they voted for Romney....boy that was a mistake, but they love President Trump....

My wife made the switch as well. I was a Republican and she was a Democrat when we married. It didn't take until 2012 before she realized what a big mistake she made in voting for Obama in 2008.

She's a pretty damned hard-core right-winger these days.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
That should be your so-called president because I would be a fool and a traitor to consider a two bit Russian hacked in and electoral college rigged in criminal and felon in violation of U.S. Constitutional law trump as my f'ing president.
That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?

I do not know how you used to be, but you have never been what i am. you are more liberal than I am, you want the government involved in more of our lives than I do. you have no issue with your god in the White House adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in a single year.

so get past this bullshit, you and just about everyone on this forum is left of me.

Just stop already. You're not fooling anyone with the BS.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
That should be your so-called president because I would be a fool and a traitor to consider a two bit Russian hacked in and electoral college rigged in criminal and felon in violation of U.S. Constitutional law trump as my f'ing president.

Dude. You need a psychological evaluation. Trump is a "Russian" who "hacked" the electoral college, a "criminal", a "felon", and is "in violation" of the U.S. Constitution?

Do you not know how unhinged and demented you sound? :laugh:
President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
You mean like you do with, the Parkland high school, sandy hook, las vegas concert, movie theater, church prayer meeting, shopping, Synagogue, etc etc etc murders?
You do realize that everyone of those shootings had the FBI informed of trouble, yet they didnt do anything to stop it? And you want US to give up our guns and allow the government to protect US, like the libtards are doing with the Southern Border? You are such a stupid Kunt.
That's pure unadulterated bullshit. I told you, I used to be one of you. Do you think I turned on the television one day and had a miraculous epiphany or something?

I do not know how you used to be, but you have never been what i am. you are more liberal than I am, you want the government involved in more of our lives than I do. you have no issue with your god in the White House adding 1.48 trillion dollars to the debt in a single year.

so get past this bullshit, you and just about everyone on this forum is left of me.

Just stop already. You're not fooling anyone with the BS.

The truth hurts little man.
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Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
That should be your so-called president because I would be a fool and a traitor to consider a two bit Russian hacked in and electoral college rigged in criminal and felon in violation of U.S. Constitutional law trump as my f'ing president.

Lol.....tough shit s0n!! You being miserable as shit wont change dick!:113::113:

Again, nobody is caring about the government shutdown.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
That should be your so-called president because I would be a fool and a traitor to consider a two bit Russian hacked in and electoral college rigged in criminal and felon in violation of U.S. Constitutional law trump as my f'ing president.
I am still trying to understand what he/she/it said? Did you go to public school or something?

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