Shutdown could last years

That's pretty much what Hillary said about Trump until he make her into political joke. Every day this shutdown continues, Trump gains support from voters on the right, who have been critical of him lately for not having achieved the border fence, and the longer this goes on the more support he will have in 2020. If Trump ends the shutdown without getting funding for the border fence, he will not be able to run in 2020, so the Democrats have to decide if they are helping themselves or hurting themselves by keeping the shutdown going on and on and on and ....

This is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Dems picked the wrong time and the wrong issue to play chicken with the Prez!


Um.... wasn't "Mexico" going to pay for the wall?

Didn't some guy promise that, saying "mark my words"? Who was that again?

He must be a liar then huh.

So? If you don't like it, then impeach him. :laughing0301:

"So?" huh?

So Rump's promises mean nothing, izzat what you're admitting here?

I don't give a single f*uck who pays for it. Just get the damned thing built.

Soooooooooooooooo if you crow for three years that "Mexico will pay for it"....

.... and you continuously repeat that over and over and over............

..... then how are "the Dems" holding something up by not paying for it?

Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video

Trump has put the leadership of his party in an impossible position.

On December 19, The GOP-controlled Congress severely undermined Trump’s drive for a border wall, embracing a short-term spending bill that would keep the government open but deny any new money for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The agreement announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) would fund the federal government through Feb. 8, averting a partial shutdown.

The Senate passed the legislation by voice vote. Congressional leaders said they expected Trump to sign it before the shutdown deadline.

Trump changed his mind. Hence the government shutdown.

On Jan. 3, Democrats took control of the House. The newly Democratic-controlled House passed a package of bills late Thursday that would reopen the federal government without paying for Trump’s border wall. McConnell reiterated that the Senate will take up only spending legislation that Trump supports.

McConnell’s stance prompted angry attacks from new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and other Democrats, who insisted they were trying to give Republicans a way out of the standoff by passing two pieces of legislation: one a package of six spending bills that were passed on a bipartisan basis in the Republican-held Senate and would reopen nearly all the federal agencies that have been shuttered since Dec. 22. The other dealing with the wall and the DHS.

Not only is McConnell refusing to bring to a vote a bill that the Republican Senate already has approved, he is taking himself and the entire Republican Party out of the equation in terms of settling disputes over the shutdown. McConnell does not want to be snookered again by Trump. Trump has forced his party to take a backseat in the negotiations.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

McConnell's current mantra.

Welcome to the Trump Presidency.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video

Trump has put the leadership of his party in an impossible position.

On December 19, The GOP-controlled Congress severely undermined Trump’s drive for a border wall, embracing a short-term spending bill that would keep the government open but deny any new money for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The agreement announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) would fund the federal government through Feb. 8, averting a partial shutdown.

The Senate passed the legislation by voice vote. Congressional leaders said they expected Trump to sign it before the shutdown deadline.

Trump changed his mind. Hence the government shutdown.

On Jan. 3, Democrats took control of the House. The newly Democratic-controlled House passed a package of bills late Thursday that would reopen the federal government without paying for Trump’s border wall. McConnell reiterated that the Senate will take up only spending legislation that Trump supports.

McConnell’s stance prompted angry attacks from new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and other Democrats, who insisted they were trying to give Republicans a way out of the standoff by passing two pieces of legislation: one a package of six spending bills that were passed on a bipartisan basis in the Republican-held Senate and would reopen nearly all the federal agencies that have been shuttered since Dec. 22. The other dealing with the wall and the DHS.

Not only is McConnell refusing to bring to a vote a bill that the Republican Senate already has approved, he is taking himself and the entire Republican Party out of the equation in terms of settling disputes over the shutdown. McConnell does not want to be snookered again by Trump. Trump has forced his party to take a backseat in the negotiations.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

McConnell's current mantra.

Welcome to the Trump Presidency.
Love him.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video

Trump has put the leadership of his party in an impossible position.

On December 19, The GOP-controlled Congress severely undermined Trump’s drive for a border wall, embracing a short-term spending bill that would keep the government open but deny any new money for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The agreement announced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) would fund the federal government through Feb. 8, averting a partial shutdown.

The Senate passed the legislation by voice vote. Congressional leaders said they expected Trump to sign it before the shutdown deadline.

Trump changed his mind. Hence the government shutdown.

On Jan. 3, Democrats took control of the House. The newly Democratic-controlled House passed a package of bills late Thursday that would reopen the federal government without paying for Trump’s border wall. McConnell reiterated that the Senate will take up only spending legislation that Trump supports.

McConnell’s stance prompted angry attacks from new House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and other Democrats, who insisted they were trying to give Republicans a way out of the standoff by passing two pieces of legislation: one a package of six spending bills that were passed on a bipartisan basis in the Republican-held Senate and would reopen nearly all the federal agencies that have been shuttered since Dec. 22. The other dealing with the wall and the DHS.

Not only is McConnell refusing to bring to a vote a bill that the Republican Senate already has approved, he is taking himself and the entire Republican Party out of the equation in terms of settling disputes over the shutdown. McConnell does not want to be snookered again by Trump. Trump has forced his party to take a backseat in the negotiations.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

McConnell's current mantra.

Welcome to the Trump Presidency.

Trumps timing was perfect in changing his mind.
All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?
Oh god, what ever will we do ?

What's the first thing that will happen with no government oversight ?!!!

A. The JFK coverup will unravel

B. The sky will fall

C. Jimmy Hoffa will have to be released from the basement of the Labor Dept building

D. The moon landing hoax employees will spill the beans when their paychecks stop coming in.

E. Area 51 employees will no longer be guarding the Martians

Veterans will cease to get some treatments, especially mental health.

Guards and staff at federal prison will walk off the job.

Homeland Security will run on a skeleton crew. Ports will not be secure.

Oversight for infrastructure will cease.

A few thousand FBI agents, DEA agents, and US Marshalls are gone.

A few thousand US Forest Service firefighters are gone.

A few thousand federal weather forecasters (the source for most weather services) will be gone.

NASA is all but closed.

National Park Service and the Forest Service lose 80% of their workers.

But who cares, right?
What homeland security? We don’t have any! Anyone who wants to can waltz across the border and be served up money from the dumbasses democrats! Ask the police officer Singh if he feels safe from fucking illegals....... oh can’t.......he’s buried deep in a hole in da ground and we the taxpayers have to pay the asshole illegals legal fees! You guys are a bunch a of dumbasses!
All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?

I see that you are caught up in CNN's concrete vs. steel and is it a wall/fence/barrier debate.
Good luck with 'dat.
This is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Dems picked the wrong time and the wrong issue to play chicken with the Prez!


Um.... wasn't "Mexico" going to pay for the wall?

Didn't some guy promise that, saying "mark my words"? Who was that again?

He must be a liar then huh.

So? If you don't like it, then impeach him. :laughing0301:

"So?" huh?

So Rump's promises mean nothing, izzat what you're admitting here?

I don't give a single f*uck who pays for it. Just get the damned thing built.

Soooooooooooooooo if you crow for three years that "Mexico will pay for it"....

.... and you continuously repeat that over and over and over............

..... then how are "the Dems" holding something up by not paying for it?


I don't care. period.

Just get the damned thing built, no matter what.
President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
President Trump is abusing his power on this.... the constitution gives Congress the power to legislate, and appropriate... and to handle immigration, legal and illegal.... none of these things are delegated to the President.

impeach the SOB! :D:D:D :lol:

Wrong. The president is absolutely in charge of immigration.

Congress is in charge of producing legislation and financing.
yes, they are the ones who gets to decide who can become citizens and who can not, who is a legal, and who is not.... and they are the ones who legislates and appropriates to cover the costs of the laws they created.

congress delegated to the executive branch, to execute the laws THEY CREATED and they, funded.

Immigration is not a national defense issue, if the president actually thought it was something he was commander n chief over, wouldn't he just take the money to build the wall from the Pentagon's, defense budget or military budget? Or slide some over to border security's budget from there, and be able to justify the move, due to a National Defense issue???

The problem with all of this is the way Trump is using his own budget deficit and National Debt that he has created, to cause this tizzy fit of his, insisting on money that he hasn't even presented a plan of what the money is to be used for.... where the congressional and Senate committees can do their research and studies to find out if the measures are cost effective, or even doable....

No agency gets handed money for something new, without having to go before the Armed Forces committee or a Budget Committee or a Housing and urban development committee or a what ever committee.... with expected costs, repair costs...foreseeable and unforeseeable guesstimates... and impacts on communities or the environment, or the estimate of what eminent domain judicial costs would be to fight all the lawsuits.....

where is the PLAN?

they don't hand out money, without receiving a PLAN.

And this is what Trump is asking for.... money, without having a PLAN.... and THAT, IS BULL CRAP.
You guys just happy to sit back and watch Americans get murdered. Some damn Christian you are!
there will be more and more of this...

TSA agents working without pay during shutdown are calling in sick

Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration officers have called in sick this week from at least four major U.S. airports as they work without pay during a partial government shutdown that's now in its 14th day

You mean I will no longer get groped while passing through the airport?


nope, you will still get groped, just plan on being there 4 hours early so you do not miss your flight.
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
When the rest of the United States sees that these NON-essential personnel are not essential, then there wont be a big fuss over cutting the government PORK. In 24 days welfare gets cut off also, lets see what happens in inner cities.....

If you live in or near a large city, if I were you, I would be buying up some fire insurance and quick, if you dont already have some.


Well, one of the agencies deemed "non essential" is the NTSB. They are unable to investigate the accident today with the church van and 18 wheelers that killed 5 kids and 2 adults because they are on furlough.

Will investigating the accident mean that no more accidents will ever happen?

does building a wall mean nobody will ever sneak across the border again?
there will be more and more of this...

TSA agents working without pay during shutdown are calling in sick

Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration officers have called in sick this week from at least four major U.S. airports as they work without pay during a partial government shutdown that's now in its 14th day

You mean I will no longer get groped while passing through the airport?


nope, you will still get groped, just plan on being there 4 hours early so you do not miss your flight.

Well seeing as how I haven't flown since the late 1970's, whether the TSA works or not isn't an issue.
All Trump needs to do is tell the truth.... and it would all be over, including the shouting!

the money he wants will not be used for a concrete wall... across the whole united states southern border,

the money will be used for border security to include drones, more border Security guards, more judges in the immigration courts, more detention center facilities, motion detectors, radio fences, steel slat fences in key areas that may still need some, repairs to the existing border fences, more scanners for drugs at legal border crossings, more scanners in our ports, more coast guard illegal drug fighting money etc....

both sides KNOW this is what the money will be used for....

why not just say it like it is?

I see that you are caught up in CNN's concrete vs. steel and is it a wall/fence/barrier debate.
Good luck with 'dat.
People are sure to take her seriously when she recites that drivel.
there will be more and more of this...

TSA agents working without pay during shutdown are calling in sick

Hundreds of Transportation Security Administration officers have called in sick this week from at least four major U.S. airports as they work without pay during a partial government shutdown that's now in its 14th day

You mean I will no longer get groped while passing through the airport?


nope, you will still get groped, just plan on being there 4 hours early so you do not miss your flight.

Well seeing as how I haven't flown since the late 1970's, whether the TSA works or not isn't an issue.

Then you lied about getting groped at the airport! Thanks for letting me know.

I also like how you are upfront that you only care about you, and nobody else. It is good to open about these things.

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