Shyster Lawyer flees to Israel


Feb 6, 2010
A Winnipeg lawyer in trouble with the law society for over-billing residential school clients hundreds of thousands of dollars has lost his right to practice.

And the compensation tab for his professional misconduct is going to be borne by the legal community, who are now paying his debts and representing his clients after the Law Society of Manitoba moved against him to protect 26 survivors of residential schools he had represented.

They were owed compensation for years of physical and sexual abuse. The Winnipeg lawyer overbilled them by nearly $400,000. Some of the money the lawyer received from survivors went to buy land and apartments in Israel. The lawyer's name is protected by law so he can't be identified. A call to his home Monday was answered by a woman who said he's not available. The lawyer is in Israel on vacation, she said.
Lawyer's confreres will pay for his sins - Winnipeg Free Press

What are the chances he will be sent back?
Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment. An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.
Sounds like a miscarriage of justice to me, based on this brief article.

Why, one wonders, did Canada allow him to leave?

We can only assume that there were no outstanding warrants to prevent his leaving.

Is there a move to extradict him from Israel?
Sounds like a miscarriage of justice to me, based on this brief article.

Why, one wonders, did Canada allow him to leave?

We can only assume that there were no outstanding warrants to prevent his leaving.

Is there a move to extradict him from Israel?

If his absence turns-out to be more than just a "vacation", then yes, one would imagine so. Though I'm still puzzled as to why he was allowed to leave the country. Perhaps his public anonymity with regards to this crime has extended onto all ports call watch lists. Strange, either way.
We are often presented with seemly egregious outrages of justice that don't really make much sense, aren't we?

One wonders if we're being given the entire story, or perhaps the original authors carefully left out pertinent facts that might make this story somewhat more difficult to come down on one side or the other.

Outrage stories like this one make me more suspicous of the authors than of the criminal justice system they seem intent on faulting.

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