Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

I've never seen a compelling argument for increasing minimum wage.

That's completely irrelevant. Minimum wage is populist gold ie it appeals to idiots. And we've got LOTS of idiots.

Sadly, that's very true.

My primary responsibility is to the health of my business. While the state can dictate what I pay someone under my employ, they cannot force me to employ them.

That's what the idiots don't understand...
Profits over the People. Thanks for admitting it right wingers. We know not to take right wingers seriously in abortion threads; there is no profit in it.

Well, I'm hardly a "right winger".

Your comment is ignorant. If my businesses remain healthy, then I'm able to keep people employed. If those businesses aren't healthy, then instead of only the bathroom cleaner not being employed, no one will be employed.

Which is better?
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Or they will reduce overhead, or payroll, or both.

Hmm... ok. Your call.
Okay, once more for clarity. You say:
I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below @rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
So right off the bat you're saying rightwinger, for one, has no "business" expressing his opinion about some MW "standard." Uh, knock, knock, McFly! It's a free country, right? This is a political forum, no? None of our business? Seriously? Are you fucking crazy?

Oh, let's just let people alone with their workers. So slavery happens. Maybe your cousin gets raped by a commercial farm operator or two? So what? Why should we care?

Get a life, asshole.

It's more that RW is a seagull. He flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits everywhere, and leaves without contributing anything worthwhile. The sum total of substance he has contributed in eleven years and more than two hundred THOUSAND posts is, exactly, zero. That is fifty posts a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, every day for more than ELEVEN YEARS!
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Something else to consider. The minimum wage in my area is currently $10.00 per hour. I make $14.00. Raising the MW to 15 would give me an extra dollar per hour, yes, but now I'm only making MW. There's a reason I'm making 40% more. That would be a crushing blow to my morale.
Sorry, people. Apparently dblack has made it so that no volunteer "work" shall be tolerated anymore. Non-profits are right out. No more cash economy. Charity. Our "minimum wage LAW" has put a stop to all that! Wage police are now scouring every nook and cranny for anyone daft enough to work for less than MW and tossing them in jail. And none too lightly either from what I've heard!
If you have those sorts of hallucinations regularly, see a doctor.
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Or they will reduce overhead, or payroll, or both.

Those kiosks are being installed at $7.25 an hour

If workers agree to $1.50 an hour, will they take out the kiosks?
I don’t think so
I've never seen a compelling argument for increasing minimum wage.

That's completely irrelevant. Minimum wage is populist gold ie it appeals to idiots. And we've got LOTS of idiots.

Sadly, that's very true.

My primary responsibility is to the health of my business. While the state can dictate what I pay someone under my employ, they cannot force me to employ them.

That's what the idiots don't understand...
Profits over the People. Thanks for admitting it right wingers. We know not to take right wingers seriously in abortion threads; there is no profit in it.

Well, I'm hardly a "right winger".

Your comment is ignorant. If my businesses remain healthy, then I'm able to keep people employed. If those businesses aren't healthy, then instead of only the bathroom cleaner not being employed, no one will be employed.

Which is better?
Danny is not ignorant. Danny is REALLY, REALLY STUPID.
Hmm... ok. Your call.
Okay, once more for clarity. You say:
I continue to see this from an individual rights perspective. If someone wants to take job, for a wage that is below @rightwinger's standards, why should that be illegal? Maybe they get something out of the job besides a paycheck - who knows. Point is, it's none of our business what someone else makes. And none fo the government's.
So right off the bat you're saying rightwinger, for one, has no "business" expressing his opinion about some MW "standard." Uh, knock, knock, McFly! It's a free country, right? This is a political forum, no? None of our business? Seriously? Are you fucking crazy?

Oh, let's just let people alone with their workers. So slavery happens. Maybe your cousin gets raped by a commercial farm operator or two? So what? Why should we care?

Get a life, asshole.

It's more that RW is a , seagull. He flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits everywhere, and leaves without contributing anything worthwhile. The sum total of substance he has contributed in eleven years and more than two hundred THOUSAND posts is, exactly, zero. That is fifty posts a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, every day for more than ELEVEN YEARS!

I am well compensated for my contributions to USMB my friend
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Or they will reduce overhead, or payroll, or both.

Those kiosks are being installed at $7.25 an hour

If workers agree to $1.50 an hour, will they take out the kiosks?
I don’t think so
I'm sorry...are you attempting to stumble upon a POINT, Jonathan?
Why not pass legislation that actually helps the poor and those with few job skills? Why punish them with legislation that makes it harder for them to find or keep work?
We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday but for right wing, hate on the Poor.
With all due respect, Daniel...the left has been trying to "solve" poverty since LBJ was in office and we're no closer to that happening now than we were then...and that's after throwing mega trillions of dollars at the problem! You really want to help poor people? Get them jobs. Give them the opportunity for improving their job skills. The rest will take care of itself! If you want to keep people mired in poverty forever...give them handouts and make them comfortable with making minimum wage!
Criminalizing poverty is not very charitable.
Yes it is. Criminalizing is simply making something illegal. Not declaring a war. Being the all powerful deciders here, declaring that poverty(*) is something we shall no longer tolerate is extremely charitable. Meaning and enforcing it only moreso. Excessively poor no longer being a thing we'll allow. Too poor to be considered one of us. Which necessitates either removing those found so lacking or providing them any shortfall. Clearly not just passing the buck by demanding they fix the problem for us.

Now what would clearly balance the equation, yet is noticeably never discussed equally, is the bookend societal problem: excess wealth. Too rich to be considered one of us. Criminalize that and suddenly.. Whoa, it's a whole new world out there! Things are beginning to kind of make sense! We could absolutely effect a bunch of positive change! Oh noes! Can't have that!

Orshansky never intended for her simple calculation to be used as the definition of poverty in America for 50 years, but that is exactly what happened. And why not? It is very useful to have an income cutoff that defines poverty and lets us see how many people are below that number. That is why Orshansky’s method has lasted so long. Her calculation of poverty has been increased by the cost of living over the past 50 years, but otherwise her numbers are the foundation for defining poverty to this day.
Propaganda and rhetoric is no substitute for substantive action. Our alleged and endless war on poverty only institutionalized poverty and hardened right wingers attitudes against the Poor. There is a simple solution to poverty but right wingers seem to have the most problem with it, probably because they prefer to "hate on the Poor" to make it easier to exploit them.
Isn't it amazing though...that the poorest people seem to reside in cities run for decades by liberal Democrats? Why hasn't liberal policies in THOSE cities created wealth for the poor, Daniel? Care to take a crack at explaining that?
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Or they will reduce overhead, or payroll, or both.

Those kiosks are being installed at $7.25 an hour

If workers agree to $1.50 an hour, will they take out the kiosks?
I don’t think so
Once those kiosks are installed...those jobs are gone for good! What part of that concept is so hard for you on the left to grasp?
If you have worked twelve years for minimum have failed in life.
Diminishing returns to scale is what working for too low minimum wage a minimum wage is the problem.

It really should be easy enough for some on a minimum wage high enough to be able to easily succeed in capital life as anyone else with enough money.
Well, I'm hardly a "right winger".

Your comment is ignorant. If my businesses remain healthy, then I'm able to keep people employed. If those businesses aren't healthy, then instead of only the bathroom cleaner not being employed, no one will be employed.

Which is better?
An employer who is willing to afford Labor in our first world economy. Don't be soo disingenuous. The minimum wage does not operate in a vacuum but is merely one market based metric. Besides, Capitalists who can Only make it on cheap labor should fail.
Time for those businesses to start kicking over some of that tax cut to their employees

Perhaps it is.

But it's ignorant to believe that those businesses are simply going to accept it and let it adversely affect their bottom line. They won't. If their costs to do business increase, so will their prices...
Or they will reduce overhead, or payroll, or both.
That was going to happen anyway and it is even a good idea now due to the pandemic. We don't need low wage jobs in our first world economy.

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