Sick and tired of US debate on raising the min. wage.

Isn't it amazing though...that the poorest people seem to reside in cities run for decades by liberal Democrats? Why hasn't liberal policies in THOSE cities created wealth for the poor, Daniel? Care to take a crack at explaining that?
Not really. There is simply more opportunity in big cities. Every person in a City is a potential market participant in any given market. More rural areas tend to be more "hunter gatherer" in their capacity to find meaningful work for their population.
So if there are more opportunities in big cities then why are cities that have been run by liberals for generations like New York, Detroit, Chicago and Los Angeles doing so badly? Why haven't the liberal policies in those cities turned them into worker paradises?
"Hunter Gatherer"? LOL You don't really know how people live in the "fly over" areas of this you, Daniel?
Yes, there are more opportunities in cities, ceteris paribus.

And, I have no idea what you are talking about.

The economy of Los Angeles is driven by international trade, entertainment (television, motion pictures, video games, music recording, and production), aerospace, technology, petroleum, fashion, apparel, and tourism.[citation needed] Other significant industries include finance, telecommunications, law, healthcare, and transportation. In the 2017 Global Financial Centres Index, Los Angeles was ranked as having the 19th most competitive financial center in the world, and sixth most competitive in United States (after New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, and Washington, D.C.).[137]--
I'll give it at least 6 months before the hue and cry will be a $20 MW. I suggested earlier the MW should be $ 1,500,000,000,000 an hour. Everyone will be living in mansions and driving Ferraris.

We have two years to increase minimum wage
Once Republicans control either House in Congress, they will block any increases for another decade
Do you have two years because that's how long it's going to take for a whole bunch of American people to realize that all of the things that Joe Biden promised them...all of the "freebies"...were nothing more than lies to buy their votes?
You've got two years because that's the next time the people get to vote you out and it sounds like you're scared that's exactly what's going to happen! What does that say about the agenda the Democrats are now giving the country?
The republicans seem to have the most problem raising the minimum wage.
Anyone that understands basic Economics has a problem with almost doubling the minimum wage, Daniel! For starters it's a jobs killer at a time when millions of Americans are out of work! It's inflationary. It hurts young people and those without job skills. Why would any compassionate person want to subject those two vulnerable populations to what a large hike of the minimum wage will bring?
I can be difficult to afford the high cost of living with no income. Housing prices will drop eventually. And, once the recovery gets in full swing many people may start moving to California again. Now is the best time to upgrade infrastructure.
Joe Biden, as do most economist wants to raise the min. wage to 15.00 an hour, from the poultry 7.25 as it stands today. Most workers of course do not make 7.25 an hour as we all know, most are making btwn 8-12 an hour, with 12.00 being the standard. However, this debate has got to come to an end and real work, not words have to prevail this time.

For the last 12 years Wall Street as has Main Street retailers via online venues, all have seen profits soar to historic levels and Trump rallied and braged on how rich the rich was getting especially his last 4 years, not only with tax cuts but with market this bullshit about ppl will lose jobs...tired of hearing about it.

And waiting on a recovery from this pandemic will take another decade, if not more with so many business's, closing. However, NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY WILL MAKE A DIME, OUTSIDE OF SPECULATORS AND HEDGE FUNDERS on WALL STREET, WITHOUT CONSUMER SPENDING.

Its time Biden, congress and the senate take the effort, the vote and raise the min. wage to a level that can not only help families regroup again with a new job focus, but also help business's grow also. Amazon raised wages profits only grew. Some companies will have to fold, welcome to life!! But at least the owner can go out and find a job paying 15 bucks an hour vs 7.25.
Most economistys do not want that.

Only the ignorant want it whicbh means progressives who are univerally fools about economics.
Anyone that understands basic Economics has a problem with almost doubling the minimum wage, Daniel! For starters it's a jobs killer at a time when millions of Americans are out of work! It's inflationary. It hurts young people and those without job skills. Why would any compassionate person want to subject those two vulnerable populations to what a large hike of the minimum wage will bring?
A cost of living adjustment. And, the minimum wage is rarely inflationary. Usually, business doesn't even need to raise prices when the minimum wage is increased. Besides, what you and other right wingers claim really just shows how y'all prefer to hate on the Poor instead of passing on that cost like y'all are so willing to pass on other costs to consumers.
I can be difficult to afford the high cost of living with no income. Housing prices will drop eventually. And, once the recovery gets in full swing many people may start moving to California again. Now is the best time to upgrade infrastructure.
Why would they move to California unless the people running that State are changed? What do you think is going to change to lure them back? It's going to get far worse before it gets better. Same thing for New York City!
Anyone that understands basic Economics has a problem with almost doubling the minimum wage, Daniel! For starters it's a jobs killer at a time when millions of Americans are out of work! It's inflationary. It hurts young people and those without job skills. Why would any compassionate person want to subject those two vulnerable populations to what a large hike of the minimum wage will bring?
A cost of living adjustment. And, the minimum wage is rarely inflationary. Usually, business doesn't even need to raise prices when the minimum wage is increased. Besides, what you and other right wingers claim really just shows how y'all prefer to hate on the Poor instead of passing on that cost like y'all are so willing to pass on other costs to consumers.
Name a single time that we've ever increased the minimum wage by the amount that you on the left are demanding! You can't because we've NEVER been that stupid before now!
Name a single time that we've ever increased the minimum wage by the amount that you on the left are demanding! You can't because we've NEVER been that stupid before now!
Only because the minimum wage was not adjusted for around a decade while inflation still happened. Don't blame the left when it is right wingers who only have right wing fantasy about the benefits of Capitalism, which can't even help wages for the Poor meet or beat inflation.
It hurts young people and those without job skills.
In one sense this is true. You can't pass a law that will magically make businesses more profitable for paying higher wages to their employees.

In another sense, no, it's not "job skills" we're talking about. It's police contact history. Felons welcome to apply if they've been convicted, served their time, and willingly given up their civil rights without an argument in court. Those released without a conviction are deemed to have "outstanding" or "unresolved" criminal problems on their record.

Labor unions are using false arrests and false criminal charges to prostitute females and to blackball and shitlist male "outsiders" from here to kingdom come if they aren't local or won't patronize the girls appropriately.
If raising the minimum wage would help people in poverty it would have worked by now. The minimum wage has been raised many times all based on alleviating poverty. It has never worked not even one time.
Only because the minimum wage was not adjusted for around a decade while inflation still happened.

Sounds awful!

How much inflation?
Around nineteen percent for the previous decade. It is awful for minimum wage earners trying to be able to afford our first world economy.

Around nineteen percent for the previous decade.

So raise the minimum wage by 19%.
Around nineteen percent for the previous decade. It is awful for minimum wage earners trying to be able to afford our first world economy.
Don't be so uppity and charge so much for rent, groceries, fuel, car insurance, mental health insurance, and so on and so forth. If there's a minimum wage, don't be such a buttfucker and raise the minimum rent above what that can pay for.

Floor, walls, windows and doors, roof to keep the rain and snow out, kitchen and bath -- keep the cost down a little let people build on their own -- don't force such a High California standard of living that people can't afford it anyways. Prison isn't comfortable, and it isn't cheap either.
Around nineteen percent for the previous decade. It is awful for minimum wage earners trying to be able to afford our first world economy.
Don't be so uppity and charge so much for rent, groceries, fuel, car insurance, mental health insurance, and so on and so forth. If there's a minimum wage, don't be such a buttfucker and raise the minimum rent above what that can pay for.

Floor, walls, windows and doors, roof to keep the rain and snow out, kitchen and bath -- keep the cost down a little let people build on their own -- don't force such a High California standard of living that people can't afford it anyways. Prison isn't comfortable, and it isn't cheap either.
Inflation still happens regardless. Only right wingers prefer to "hate on the Poor" instead of being more market friendly.
Name a single time that we've ever increased the minimum wage by the amount that you on the left are demanding! You can't because we've NEVER been that stupid before now!
Only because the minimum wage was not adjusted for around a decade while inflation still happened. Don't blame the left when it is right wingers who only have right wing fantasy about the benefits of Capitalism, which can't even help wages for the Poor meet or beat inflation.
So you can't name a single time we've ever increased the minimum wage by this amount? Then how is it exactly that you're able to make the claim that it won't be inflationary? What do you base that on, Daniel? Wishful thinking?

I don't have to fantasize about the benefits of Capitalism. I can simply look at the amount of wealth that it has created and the millions of people that it has taken out of poverty. There is a reason why poor people from around the globe have wanted to come to America! It isn't because it the land of high minimum wages! It's because America is the land of opportunity. A place where with a great idea and a lot of hard can become wildly successful.

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