Sick liberal humor


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
When you reflect it back, it sounds just as silly as when 'they' say it.

Quoted from "Can This Poodle Wearing a Tinfoil Hat Get More Likes Than Glenn Beck":

Fortunately, my Thanksgiving is an Insular Liberal Event™ where we eat aborted babies (it's the only politically correct and renewable meat source) and various pre-formed soy curd products as we beat drums while shedding a tear for what the white man did to the Native Americans.

For dessert, we give thanks to Saul Alinsky while enjoying THE KOOL-AID, and before we head home, we exchange the phone numbers and enter them into our respective Obamaphones.

Response from a reader:

I just want to know where that poodle is so that I can help answer the larger question.

After all, I've got time. Aborted baby cooks so fast I don't really have any prep to do tonight.

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